
  1. 送葬者向死者告别之后,殡仪员就把棺盖钉上了。

    After the mourners have paid their last respects , the undertaker screws gown the lid of the coffin .

  2. 男人含着眼泪对她说:“我们已经把棺盖钉上了。不得不这样!”“连上帝对我都这样狠,”她喊道,“人对我还会好得了多少!”她抽泣痛哭。

    When she awoke , and wanted to see her child , the husband , with tears , said , " We have closed the coffin ; it was necessary to do so . " " When God is so hard to me , how can I expect men to be better ? " she said with groans and tears .

  3. 孕妇不能观看人家丧葬行列或自家棺柩封钉及入土仪式。

    A pregnant woman can not see a funeral procession , the closing of a coffin lid , or a burial procedure .