
  • 网络plant resistance to insect
  1. 植物抗虫性鉴定的模糊识别方法研究

    A study on fuzzy recognition method for identifying the plant resistance to insect

  2. 植物抗虫性次生物质的研究概况

    A Review on Plant Secondary Substances in Plant Resistance to Insect Pests

  3. 电子取食监测仪在植物抗虫性研究中的应用

    Application of electronic feeding monitoring system in study of plant resistance

  4. 茉莉酸诱导植物抗虫性及其在烟草上的应用

    Induced Plant Resistance to Insects by Jasmonic Acid and Its Application in Tobacco

  5. 早在应用昆虫学发展的初期,就已开始植物抗虫性的研究。

    The study of plant resistance to insects dates back to earliest days of applied entomology .

  6. 给予植物抗虫性的物质包括无机物,初始、中间代谢物和次生物质。

    Substances conveying plant resistance to insects include inorganics , primary and intermediary metabolites and secondary substances .

  7. 自然发生说,无生源说认为生命起源于无生命有机物的学说给予植物抗虫性的物质包括无机物,初始、中间代谢物和次生物质。

    The supposed development of living organisms from nonliving matter . Substances conveying plant resistance to insects include inorganics , primary and intermediary metabolites and secondary substances .

  8. 生化特性是植物抗虫性的一类重要基础,不但直接影响昆虫的食物营养与消化性、昆虫取食定向性、栖居和产卵,还间接影响其他特征。

    The biochemical characteristic is a kind of important foundation to resist insects . Not only affects food nutrition , the digest ability , the food directing property , dwelling and spawning of insects , but also affects other characteristics indirectly .

  9. 植物化学抗虫性的遗传学研究进展

    Advances in Chemical Activators of Resistance to Plant Disease

  10. 而关于茶树这种木本常绿植物的抗虫性研究还未见报道。

    However , the study of resistance to insects about tea has not been reported .

  11. 植物的诱导抗虫性

    Induced plant resistance to phytophagous insects

  12. 植物的诱导抗虫性家蝇引诱剂&诱虫烯的合成研究

    INDUCED PLANT RESISTANCE TO PHYTOPHAGOUS INSECTS Studies of Synthesis of Muscalure-Sex Attractant Pheromone of the House Fly

  13. 甘露糖也是聚唾液酸和植物外源凝集素(lectin)的成分,而这两种甘露糖蛋白又是植物的细胞壁成份之一,他们都与植物的抗虫和抗病性有关。

    Mannose also is the basic component of saliva acid and plant lectin . These two kinds of glycoproteins are parts of plant cell wall components and highly related to disease and insect resistances of plants .