
yē zǐ
  • coconut ;coco;coconut palm;coconut tree
椰子 [yē zi]
  • [coconut palm;coco] 椰子树的果实,是由外层为纤维的壳组成的,提供椰子皮纤维和内含可食厚肉质的大坚果,果新鲜时,有清澈的液体,叫做椰汁

  1. 海南椰子产业发展的条件和对策

    Conditions and countermeasures for development of coco industry in Hainan

  2. 世界首创,中国一绝。天然椰子汁。

    Natural Coco Juice : a world special with enjoyment beyond all your words .

  3. 沿海岸边长着椰子树。

    The beach was fringed by coconut palms .

  4. 椰子汁是从擦碎的椰肉里榨出来的。

    Coconut milk is expressed from grated coconuts .

  5. 椰子汁没什么营养价值。

    Coconut milk has little nutritive value .

  6. 回到弗拉特布什大道上,庞正忙着往货架上补充黄瓜和椰子。

    Back on Flatbush Avenue , Pong is busy restocking his shelves with cucumbers and coconuts .

  7. 椰子是热带地区的特产。

    The coconut is particular to the tropics .

  8. 我们享受了精美的鸡肉和椰子。

    We feasted on chicken and coconuts .

  9. 战后栽植的这些椰子树使这个城市显得更加美丽。

    The coconut palm trees planted after the war added to the beauty of the city .

  10. 我们发现岛上有充足的椰子供应

    We found a bountiful supply of coconuts on the island .

  11. 椰子提供“肉类”,饮料、油脂、肥皂和做钓(鱼)丝的纤维

    Coconuts provide " meat " , drink , oil , soap and fiber for fishing line .

  12. 一种椰子香精的GC/MS成分分析

    Flavor of Coconut Milk by GC / MS Analysis

  13. Lisa说椰子可以让人充分感染夏威夷的欢乐气息,就是alohaspirit。

    Lisa : Coconuts will help you get into that aloha spirit .

  14. 超声波技术与PTC在椰子油水解反应中的应用研究

    Applications of Ultrasound and PTC in Hydrolysis of Coconut Oil

  15. 以D-甘露糖为标准,DNS作显色剂,用分光光度法间接测定椰子壳中甘露聚糖的含量。

    Using D-xylose as standard and DNS as color developing reagent , the content of xylose in coconut shell was indirectly determined by spectrophotometry .

  16. 红花油组的TC,LDL-C虽也较低,但与椰子油组无明显差异。

    Serum TC , LDL-C were lowered too in safflower group , but it was not significantly different from that of coconut oil group .

  17. 在此基础上进行RSA分析,确定植脂稀奶油的最佳配方:棕榈仁油:椰子油(3:1)25.1%;

    Then through RSA ( response surface analysis ) method , the optimized formula consisted of : hydrogenated palm kernel oil and coconut oil ( 3:1 ) 25.1 % ;

  18. 身体利用椰子中的脂肪,所谓的MCT,或中链甘油三酯,作为能源。

    The body uses the fat in coconut , called MCT , or Medium-Chain Triglycerides , as energy , like a carbohydrate .

  19. 基于月桂酸canola皂的发泡量高于椰子油皂的发泡量,而且表现出好于或等同于椰子油皂的温和性。

    Test soaps made from laurate canola foamed more than similarly made coconut oil-based soaps and exhibited better or equal mildness .

  20. γ-癸内酯(GDL)是一种内酯类香味物质,主要用于配制奶油、桃子、柑橘和椰子型等香精。

    γ - decalactone ( GDL ) is a lactone , used to formulate cream , peach , orange and coconut flavors .

  21. 到目前为止,YujiaHu已经制作了阿迪、万斯、耐克等经典鞋类品牌的“寿司鞋”,甚至还有侃爷的椰子鞋。

    Thus far , Hu has tackled iconic footwear brands like Adidas , Vans , Nike , and even Kanye West 's Yeezy label .

  22. 椰子的根系呈喇叭型分布,在表层土壤的分布范围小,深层土壤分布范围广,而菠萝根系主要分布在0~30cm的表土中。

    The roots of coconuts concentrated in deeper soils , but the roots of pineapples mainly concentrated in 0-30 cm surface soils .

  23. 指出在制取癸酸、月桂酸、C(16)~C(18)皂用酸等时,山苍子核仁油可以替代椰子油,既利用了野生资源,又减少了环境污染。

    It is pointed out that clotbur seed oil can be substituted for the copra oil in the production of decylic acid , lauric acid and C_ ( 16 )~ C_ ( 18 ) soap acids , both to use wild resources and to reduce pollution of the environment .

  24. Wistar雄性大鼠120只,分4组,分别饲予15%茶油,红花油和椰子油及1%胆固醇配制的半合成饲料9周。

    Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups of 30 animals each and were fed for 9 weeks with semisynthetic diets containing 15 % coconut , teaseed or safflower oil and 1 % cholesterol respectively .

  25. 欧莱雅品牌主管菲利普克劳夫(philipclough)表示,该公司正在寻找新的原料来源,比如来自萨摩亚的有机椰子油,并发起反对贩卖儿童的活动。

    Philip clough , its brand director , says it is sourcing new ingredients , such as organic coconut oil from Samoa , and is campaigning against the trafficking of children .

  26. 锈色棕榈象Rhynchophorusferrugineus(Oliver)隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera象虫科Curculionidae,近年在海南省严重危害椰子。

    In recent years , Rhynchophorus ferrugineus ( Oliver ), which belongs to Curculionidae , Coleoptera , is getting to be a very serious pest on coconut in Hainan Province .

  27. 在访问学校的过程中,凯特王妃还加入了学生的歌舞“Head,FeetandToes”。威廉王子也兴致勃勃地参与了一种当地的快速略带进攻性的排球运动,此外威廉还用一把大砍刀切开了一个大椰子。

    During a tour of a school , Duchess Kate also joined in with a song-and-dance routine of " Head , Feet and Toes . " William also tried out a local sport , a fast , aggressive version of volleyball - and he also chopped open a coconut with a machete !

  28. 为了让“寿司椰子鞋”的记忆留存下来,YujiaHu将“寿司鞋”的照片拿来出售。这样运动鞋和生鱼片的爱好者就可以将这个不可能的结合永远珍藏。

    In order to keep the memory of his sushi Yeezys alive , Hu sells prints of his shoe-shi creations so that all lovers of sneakers and sashimi can treasure this unlikely meeting of worlds forever .

  29. 例如,尽管喀拉拉的JosephAppachan和克什米尔的MushtaqAhmadDar开发了几种爬树脚扣,但印度食用的几乎所有椰子都是手工采摘的。

    For example , despite innovators such as Joseph Appachan in Kerala or Mushtaq Ahmad Dar in Kashmir developing several tree climbers , almost every coconut eaten in India has been manually harvested .

  30. 结果表明:在复合系统中,5年生椰子的叶片主要分布在离地面2~9m的范围内,而菠萝叶片主要分布在离地面0~80cm范围内;

    The results obtained show that the leaves of coconuts distributed mainly in the 2 - 9m from aboveground , but pineapple 's leaves distributed mainly in from 0 to 80 cm ;