
duàn shù
  • Chinese linden
椴树 [duàn shù]
  • [basswood] 椴属的乔木,木材用途很广,树皮可制造绳索

  1. 经济林木有漆树、桦树、椴树、桦柏等。

    Sumac trees have economic , birch , linden trees , such as EVA parker .

  2. 植物内源激素含量与生根关系的研究:2种椴树嫩枝扦插前不同部位插条IAA、ABA、GA3含量不同,生根阶段不同处理各内源激素含量也不同。

    Studies on the relationship between endogenous hormone and root research indicated that : Before the green shoot cuttings , the content of IAA , ABA , GA3 of two Tilia .

  3. 研究了长白山北坡椴树(Tiliaamurensis)枝条的分解进程。

    This paper analyzed the process of Tilia amurensis branch decomposition in Korean pine broad-leaved mixed forest on North Slope of Changbai Mountain .

  4. 在采伐带上应以人工更新为好,树种以水曲柳、胡桃楸、椴树为主。

    Should be the main regeneration species on the cutting strip .

  5. 春季除椴树红松林外,其他林型对Na+产生吸附作用。

    All forest types absorbed Na-except from Tilia amurensis-koraiensis forest .

  6. 椴树枝头飘下黄色的花粉。

    Yellow dust was dropping from the lime trees .

  7. 对椴树生长过程的探讨

    Research on the Growth Process of Tilia amurensis

  8. 成熟的椴树开出的黄花。

    The yellow flowers of mature lime trees .

  9. 椴树杀卵机制初探

    Mechanism of Killing Egg for Tilia mongolica

  10. 陕西椴树属一新变种

    A new variety of Tilia from Shaanxi

  11. 产于美国阿勒革尼地区的一种美洲椴树属植物。

    American basswood of the Allegheny region .

  12. 覆盆子中有效成分椴树苷的波谱学研究微波近场医学特征回波中瞬时谱提取与分析

    Extraction and Analysis of the Instantaneous Spectrum of Echo in Medical Characteristics under Near-Field Microwave Sounding

  13. 欧洲的一种开展的大的椴树属植物,叶小,暗绿色;常作为观赏植物而种植。

    Large spreading European linden with small dark green leaves ; often cultivated as an ornamental .

  14. 两种椴树嫩枝扦插生根的解剖学研究

    The anatomical study on the rooting of the green shoot cutting propagation of two kinds of Tilia

  15. 这里椴树沿着墙成行地排着,墙为树挡了风雨,所以它们长成了大树,枝子几乎盖住了窗子。我们顺着石头铺的螺旋台阶走了上去,穿过木梁屋顶下的长廊。

    We mount the winding staircase of stone , and march through the long passages under the heavy roof-beams .

  16. 灌木层及主要灌木种在椴树红松林养分循环中的地位与作用

    Status and Role of the Bush Layer and Main Shrub Species in Nutrient Cyclings of Tilia amurensis Pinus koraiensis Forest

  17. 东灵山糠椴林优势种种群结构与分布格局产于美国阿勒革尼地区的一种美洲椴树属植物。

    Population structure and distribution pattern of dominant species in Tilia mandshurica forest in Dongling Mountain of Beijing American basswood of the Allegheny region .

  18. 椴树属的任何一种落叶乔木,心型叶,下垂聚伞花序,花黄色,有时有香味;有些生产贵重木材。

    Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers ; several yield valuable timber .

  19. 时间过得很快。第二天一早,他们租了一艘椴树船,划到风平浪静的湖面上钓鱼。

    The days seemed to pass quickly beginning the next morning as they rented a small bass boat and went out onto the placid lake to do some fishing .

  20. 许多年后,老夫妇去世了,变成了两棵并排生长的树一棵栎树,一棵椴树。

    When after many years death overtook them they were changed into two trees , that grew side by side in the neighbourhood & an oak and a linden .

  21. 以楚门柚、长白山椴树蜜、红茶为主要原料,研制出色、香、味俱佳的新型液态果实茶饮料。

    A new liquid fruit tea beverage with good colour , flavour and taste was developed from Chumen pomelo , Changbaishan linden honey and black tea as the main raw materials .

  22. 研究椴树韧皮分泌物其目的则是提取、利用该物质用于非抗树种提高抗虫性和免疫力。

    The aim of this research is to extract and utilize secretion of phloem of Tilia mongolica that use them to increase the zoophobous ability and phylactic power of non-resistant tree species .

  23. 本文对阔叶红松林红松天然更新固定观察研究结果进行阐述,红松天然更新数量在柞树红松林中最多,椴树红松林中次之,枫桦红松林和云冷杉红松林中最差。

    Natural regeneration of korean pine , is best in Mongolia oak-korean pine forests , is Second rate in Lindens-korean pine forests and worst in Costal birch-korean pine or spruce-fir korean pine forests .

  24. 椴树一种落叶遮荫树木椴树属,长有心形叶,浅黄色聚伞状下垂花序,通常花朵芳香,花梗下端有巨大舌状苞片。

    Any of various deciduous shade trees of the genus Tilia having heart-shaped leaves , drooping cymose clusters of yellowish , often fragrant flowers , and peduncles united into a large lingulate bract .

  25. 显微解剖椴树产卵室和受害韧皮组织,观察其卵室和卵的变化情况,揭示了韧皮射线与髓射线流出物不仅作用雏形卵室,而且直指卵表面及卵孔。

    Through anatomizing oviposition room and damaged phloem tissue in Tilia mongolica and observing the changing situation of oviposition room and eggs , phloem ray and outflow from medullary ray not only play role on miniature oviposition room , but also directly point towards surface of egg and micropyle .

  26. 可是你知道,伊索尔德也并没有忘记自己心上的朋友。在他们两人都死后,各被埋在教堂的一侧的时候,坟上各长出了一棵椴树,漫过了教堂顶,在上面结合开花了。

    But in truth , Isolda had not forgotten him , her faithful friend ; and when both were laid in their graves , one , on each side of the church , the linden-trees that GREw by each grave spread over the roof , and , bending towards each other , mingled their blossoms together .
