
  • 网络King Zhuang of Chu
  1. 又过了半年,楚庄王开始亲自处理政事。

    Another half a year passed before King Zhuang of Chu began to personally administer state affairs .

  2. 楚庄王即位已经三年了,可是他还没有颁布过一项法令,没有处理过一件政事。

    It had been three years since King Zhuang of Chu ascended the throne , but he had neither issued a decree nor dealt with any state affairs .

  3. 史称“郧之战”。公元前594年,楚又败宋,楚庄王成为中原的霸主。

    In 594 B. C. , Chu defeated the state of Song and obtained the hegemonship over the Central Plain .

  4. 另一说是指齐桓公、晋文公、楚庄王、吴王阖闾和越王勾践。最早称霸的是齐桓公(公元前685~公元前643在位)。

    Duke Huan of Qi ( in the throne from 685 B.C. - 643 B.C. ) was the first over-lord .

  5. 楚庄王的霸业也预示了庄王之后的楚国发展必将面临着一个楚民族精神提升或曰转型的艰难课题。

    It also indicated that development of Chu state thereafter would meet hard tasks of heightening up ethnical spirit or transition .

  6. 丑角有着悠久的历史,戏曲演出被称为优孟衣冠,即因优孟乔装打扮智劝楚庄王的故事而得名。

    Harlequin has a long history , opera performances called " Meng dressed ", that is due to excellent Munger costuming persuaded King Zhuang of Chu Chi was named after the story .

  7. 楚庄王时,孙叔敖为宰相,整饬内政,兴修水利,国势更加强盛。

    During the reign of King Zhuang of Chu , Sun Shuao was designated as prime minister . With his help , the internal affairs were regulated , irrigation system was constructed , and the state became powerful and prosperous .

  8. 杜子听说楚庄王打算进攻越国,扩大领土,便去见他,说:“大王您凭什么确信一定能取胜呢?”

    Du Zi , imformed that King Chu Zhuang was going to attack Yue State , so as to enlarge his territory , called upon the King and asked ," Your Majesty , what assures you of the victory , may I know ?"