
  • 网络Stocks;concept stock;India & China
  1. 随着中国概念股IPO数量的不断增加,资本市场对中国概念的追捧也逐渐趋于理智。

    As more and more Chinese concept stocks pursue an initial public offering , they have met with a more reasonable , measured reception by capital markets .

  2. 周一以蓝星新材、江苏阳光为代表的有机硅、多晶硅概念股异军突起。

    Monday to Bluestar new material , as represented by Jiangsu Sunshine Organic silicon , polysilicon concept stocks rise .

  3. 他们“暴富”的来源在上世纪90年代后期通常指网络概念股狂潮阶段以及纳斯达克股市狂飙时期。

    The " wealth " part of sudden wealth syndrome has normally been associated with the riches accumulated from dot-com IPOs and the rapid rise of the Nasdaq stock market in the late 90s .

  4. 他负责管理SSgA新兴市场共同基金,该基金中目前持股量最大的是中国移动(ChinaMobile),中国概念股合计占该基金15%的权重。

    He manages the SSgA Emerging Markets mutual fund ( SSEMX ), which counts China Mobile ( CHL ) among its biggest holdings , and overall has about a15 % weighting in China .

  5. 香港中国概念股上市的积极意义

    The significance of Chinese Concept Stock into the Market in Hong kong

  6. 2011年,中国概念股在美遭遇信任危机,企业不断面临各种挑战。

    With Chinese concept shares experiencing a serious credibility crisis in2011 , what should U.

  7. 中国内地A股与香港地区中国概念股之间的波动溢出效应研究

    A Study on the Volatility Spillovers Effect between China A shares and Hong Kong China-related Stocks

  8. 什么是三无概念股?

    What is3 without the concept ?

  9. 这不仅对于概念股左右用,这也会加强你感情中重要部分的能力。

    This not only works better , it strengthens those most important of relationships , too .

  10. 由其而生的电子商务概念股再当代社会中构成了商务中一个重要的板块。

    Health and its e-commerce stocks again in contemporary society constitute an important business in the plate .

  11. 就连中国的股票市场也出现了“低碳概念股”,被众多的投资者所追捧。

    Even China 's stock markets have appeared a " carbon stocks " that is sought by many investors .

  12. 中国概念股频繁调整的风险带来了很高的可变性,一些公司的收入非常可观。

    While regulatory risks often have caused high volatility among Chinese stocks , the earnings of some companies are solid .

  13. 鉴于对中国工商银行和其它中国概念股的认购如此踊跃,投资者常常只能得到自己认购股份的一小部分。

    With such competition for ICBC and other China-related offerings , investors frequently receive only a fraction of the shares they subscribe for .

  14. 没错,科技概念股一年来的糟糕表现使许多专家在其最确信的预测上大跌眼镜。

    Yes , a bad year for the tech sector has made a lot of experts wrestle over whose prediction was most accurate .

  15. 就板块表现而言,商业和工业板块表现最佳,得益于中国概念股和周期性股票的强劲上涨。

    In terms of sector performance , commerce and industry sector performed best , helped by strong performance of China-related shares and cyclical stocks .

  16. 保尔森应该知道,优异的业绩加上平庸的估值一直是众多已大幅跌价的中国概念股的特征。

    Mr Paulson should have known that a spectacular income statement combined with an unspectacular valuation has been a feature of many fallen China stocks .

  17. 据悉,深圳方面也正在创造条件,争取香港的中国概念股在深交所挂牌。

    It is reported that Shenzhen is trying to create conditions for Chinese-concept stock in Hong Kong to be listed in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange .

  18. 美国经济动荡在全球引发了大范围的股市抛售浪潮,新加坡的中国概念股受创严重,而扬子江船厂也未能幸免。

    Yangzijiang certainly hasn 't been immune to a broad market selloff , sparked by U.S.economic jitters , that has hit Singapore 's China stocks hard .

  19. 银行业人士认为,下一波上市的中国概念股,将主要是重点放在消费领域、由企业家拥有的私营企业。

    Bankers believe the next wave of company listings relating to China will feature a number of companies focused on the consumer sector and owned by entrepreneurs .

  20. 去年10月处于顶峰时,该公司市值达到5.49亿美元,然而,在以唱好中国概念股著称的机构中,只有3名分析师追踪该股票。

    At its peak in October , it was worth $ 549m but was covered by just three analysts at institutions well known for boosting China stocks .

  21. 据股票市场观察家讲,许多投机者正疯狂抢购北京概念股,希望籍此从预期的投资热潮中受益。

    Stock market watchers say many speculators are snapping up any stock with " Beijing " in its name in hopes of profiting from a the expected spending boom .

  22. 研究结论主要有以下几个方面:首先本文研究了投资者对于概念股的关注对股市大盘流动性以及收益率的影响。

    The main conclusion is as follows : Firstly , correlation between investors ' attention about concept stocks and the liquidity and yield of stock market indices is analyzed .

  23. 这表明投资者对概念股的关注驱动的交易行为更多地是一种短线操作而不是长期持有,也证明了投资者对概念股的关注确实代表了一种投机心理。

    This shows that transactions driven by investors ' attentions is a short-term operation rather than long-term holding , which proves that investors ' attention about concept stocks indeed represents investors ' speculation .

  24. 接下来的研究发现投资者对概念股的关注对沪深综指以及A,B股指数收益率之间无明显相关性。

    Subsequent studies have found that investors ' attention about concept stocks is not significantly correlated with the yield of Shanghai and Shenzhen Composite Index as well as A , B shares index .

  25. 2002年,纳斯达克缩水17%,而以网易为代表的中国概念股身价暴涨27倍,成为纳市的新星。

    In 2002 , though Nasdaq index fell 17 % , shares of China 's companies in this stock market leading by NetEase surged dramatically , and Net Ease became a star of Nasdaq .

  26. 对于普通投资者而言,在没有得到内幕信息的前提下,投资重组概念股会带来亏损,依靠两次公告的公开信息做出投资,将出现显著的负收益。

    For ordinary investors , under the premise without insider information , investment the " M & A " concept stocks will bring the loss . Relying on two bulletin public information , there will be significant negative returns .