
  • 网络Sphene;titanite
榍石 [xiè shí]
  • [silicate] 矿物,成分为CaTi[SiO 4 ]O,呈褐、绿等色,有光泽

  1. 碱性岩中磷灰石、榍石和锆石的稀土元素地球化学特征

    REE geochemical characteristics of apatite , sphene and zircon from alkaline rocks

  2. 利用模拟放射性焚烧灰合成钙钛锆石和榍石的研究

    The research on synthesis of zirconolite and sphene using simulated radioactive incineration ashes

  3. 榍石的红外光谱及穆斯堡尔谱研究

    A study on IR spectra and Mossbauer spectra of titanite

  4. 副矿物磁铁矿、榍石,含量分别为2.4%与1.1%。

    Their content are 2.4 % and 1.1 % respectively .

  5. 榍石的高压结构研究

    Research of high-pressure structure of titanite

  6. 山西凤凰山榍石的激光拉曼光谱和能谱分析

    Studies on Sphenes Deriving from Fenghuang Mountain in Shanxi by Laser Raman Spectroscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy

  7. 因此,可以利用锆石、磷灰石、榍石的标型特征作为判别和划分花岗岩成因的辅助标志。

    Thus the typomorphic characteristics can be subsidiary signs to distinguish and classify the genesis of granites .

  8. 重矿物不稳定组分含量较高,组合以角闪石-绿帘石-石榴子石-透闪石为主,钾长石和榍石是区域内的特征矿物。

    Highly unstable components of heavy mineral , mineral assemblage amphibole-epidote-garnet stone-tremolite , and K-feldspar and sphene are characteristic minerals in the region .

  9. 铬已固溶入锡榍石晶格中取代了部分锡,从而使色料呈现玛瑙红色,在1200℃合成出高品位、高温稳定的铬锡红色料,这个温度比固相法合成的温度降低了100℃。

    High quality chrome-tin pink pigments stable at high temperature were synthesised at 1200 ℃, 100 ℃ lower than that with the conventional method .

  10. 黑云母、榍石、锆石、锡石、金红石、黑钨矿、白钨矿和钨铁铌矿等是讨论的重点矿物,它们可用于判别花岗岩的成矿能力。

    Biotite , titanite , cassiterite , rutile , wolframite , scheelite and wolframoixiolite are essentially useful minerals in clarifying the ore-forming potential of granites .

  11. 合成钙钛锆石和榍石的最佳温度及最低温度与配方有关,最低合成温度可低于1140℃。

    The most appropriate and lowest temperatures of synthesizing zirconolite and sphene are dependent on the content of the simulated radioactive incineration ashes . The lowest synthesis temperature may be below 1140 ℃ .

  12. 结果表明,基体中的主要晶相组成为钙长石和透辉石,硼锆乳浊釉的晶相以锆英石和透辉石为主,硼钛乳浊釉中的晶相以榍石为主。

    The results indicated that , the main crystal phases in the body were anorthite and diopside , zirconite and diopside in the boron and zirconium fritted glaze , sphene in boron and titanium fritted glaze .

  13. 对西昆仑南带变基性岩矿物组合及矿物成分变化的研究结果表明,挥发分的种类和含量直接影响到变基性岩矿物组合和矿物成分,如角闪石、黑云母、方柱石、磷灰石和榍石;

    According to the observation of mineral compositions and assemblages of the amphibolites along the China-Pakistan highway profile in southern West Kunlun Mountains , it is held that the components of the volatiles directly affect the assemblages and compositions of amphibole , biotite , scapolite and titanite .

  14. 结果表明:在采用适当的矿化剂所合成的色料中,锡榍石含量在1200℃已达到最大值;

    The results showed that the percentage of tin sphene got to the maximum at 1200 ℃ in case the pigment was synthesised with a proper mineralizer , and that chromium entered the lattice of tin sphene and partly replaced tin , thus making the pigment develop beautiful red color .