
  • 网络PENANG;Penang Island;Pinang;Pulau Pinang
  1. 他在槟榔屿设计的menaraumnotower,是第一座利用自然风实现楼内通风的建筑,而国际大企业对此一直在密切关注。

    His Menara UMNO tower on Penang Island was the first to use wind to ventilate its interiors and the big , corporate practices have been paying careful attention .

  2. 槟榔屿还是热爱美食的游客的天堂。

    Penang is also a paradise for food lovers .

  3. 据报道,梅拉华蒂已经被送往马来西亚西北部的槟榔屿一家医院接受治疗。

    She is now being treated in hospital on Malaysia 's northwestern Penang island .

  4. 槟榔屿有许多酒店和旅游景点可供选择,价格各异。

    There are a variety of choices for hotels and resorts in Penang , and prices away .

  5. 1816年,英国另一传教士在槟榔屿创办了槟城义学。

    The next year in 1816 , another missionary established " Penang Free School " in Penang Island .

  6. 在此期间,我将让我的代理人给槟榔屿港发一个查询单以作进一步调查。

    In the meantime , I 'll ask my Agent to send a tracer to Penang to make further investigation .

  7. 飞机在吉隆坡起飞50分钟后到达槟榔屿。国内航班每天飞行四五次。

    You 'll have to take a50-minute fight from Kuala Lumpur to Penang and the national carrier files several times daily .

  8. 槟榔屿地区的公共语言因社会阶层、社会群体和种族不同而不同,主要有英语、马来语和普通话。

    The common languages of Penang , depending on social classes , social circles and ethnic backgrounds are English , Malay and Mandarin .

  9. 三轮车载着我们从科恩沃利斯城堡出发,经过乔治镇槟榔屿金融中心,有来到了槟榔屿首府。

    The trishaw picked us up from Fort Cornwallis , the financial center of Penang at George Town , the capital of Penang state .

  10. 对来到该城的每一位陌生人来说,槟榔屿给人最深的印象莫过于不同肤色、有着不同宗教背景的人们之间的和谐共处。

    As a stranger in the city , an amazing impression about Penang was the harmonious co-existence of people of different cultural and religious backgrounds .

  11. 在槟榔屿,许多中国后裔都喜欢把他们的孩子送到教授中国话和作文的中国学校学习。

    In Penang , many people of Chinese origin like to send their children to study in those Chinese schools where both spoken and written Chinese are taught .

  12. 要游遍一片外国土地,三天时间远远不够,我发现乘三轮车出行是一个欣赏槟榔屿风景的绝佳方式。

    While three days is not enough time to explore a foreign land , I found that a trishaw ride is one of the best ways to see Penang .

  13. 力宏增进旅游到过槟榔屿、马六甲海峡、巴生谷、沙巴和沙捞越宣传最新专辑《盖世英雄》。

    LEE HOM was on a promotional tour to Penang , Malacca , the Klang Valley , Sabah and Sarawak recently to promote his latest album , Heroes of Earth .

  14. 马来西亚英语教育可以追溯到英国殖民统治时期。1786年,英国东印度公司占领了马来亚北部的槟榔屿,开始了英国在马来亚长达171年之久的殖民统治。

    English education in Malaysia can be traced back to British colonization era , which began in 1786 when British East India Company occupied Penang Island in the northern peninsular Malaya .

  15. 这些妇女的穿着打扮显示出槟榔屿地区深受西方文化和各种族文化的影响,该地区人口中绝大多数为马来人、中国人和印度人。

    What these women wore was indicative of Penang 's mix of strong Western influences and colorful ethnic cultures , as the Malays , Chinese and Indians from the majority of its population .

  16. 他们清楚地知晓火车何时经过他们家,他们把站在铁路沿线向涌入槟榔屿的全部陌生人挥手,让他们振奋当为己任。

    Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway , were to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang .