
  • 网络Model Updating;model modification
  1. 基于异质性信念的羊群行为CAPM模型修正

    Herb Behavior CAPM Model Modification Based on Heterogeneous Belief

  2. 基于模型修正的井架评定方法

    Evaluation method based on the model modification for the oil derrick

  3. 基于Bayes估计的有限元模型修正

    Finite element modal updating method based on Bayes estimator

  4. 近期实证研究对CAPM理论的质疑与一个模型修正

    Some Recent Questions by Empirical Studies and a Model Improving to CAPM

  5. 基于GVT结果和MSCNASTRAN优化功能的有限元模型修正

    FEM Updating Based on GVT Results and MSC Nastran Optimization Ability

  6. 损伤检测方法的发展,包括:(a)动力指纹分析和模式识别方法,(b)模型修正和系统识别方法,(c)神经网络方法;

    Analytical developments of damage detection methods , including ( a ) signature analysis and pattern recognition approaches , ( b ) model updating and system identification approaches , ( c ) neural networks approaches ;

  7. 动态有限元模型修正中灵敏度分析的迭代LANCZOS方法

    Iterative Lanczos-Reduced Method for Sensitivity Analysis in Finite Element Model Updating

  8. 介绍粒子群优化(PSO)算法,并在此基础上利用带惯性权重因子的全局版PSO算法对结构模型修正和损伤检测等约束优化问题进行研究。

    The Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) algorithm is briefly introduced and then applied in structural model updating and structural damage detection .

  9. 三峡库区水库水质Streeter-Phelps模型修正及COD变化规律的新探讨

    Approach to the modification of Streeter-Phelps model and the changing law of COD in Three Gorges Reservoir

  10. 基于优化算法和GVT结果的结构质量模型修正

    Structural Mass Model Updating Based on Optimization Algorithm and GVT Results

  11. 对现有神经网络对非线性时滞系统的时滞辨识方法进行了补充说明和分析,同时指出现有的NARMA模型修正方法对时滞系统的不当之处。

    The paper introduces complemental explanation and analysis of existing time_ delay identification scheme of nonlinear systems ; meanwhile , points out the impropriety of NARMA model correction strategy for time-delay systems .

  12. 根据传统的生产库存管理理论,针对化工企业生产资料库存存在问题,分析该企业生产资料库存的特点,制定合适库存策略,并且对简单EOQ模型修正与应用进行阐述。

    According to traditional production stock management theories , aim at the chemical industrial enterprise stock problem , analyzing the characteristics that business enterprise produce data stock , establish the fit stock strategy , and revise to proceed with application to expatiate to the simple EOQ .

  13. 结构计算模型修正的二次约束最小二乘算法

    Least square method with quadratic constraints for structural computational model updating

  14. 基于响应面重构技术的有限元模型修正方法

    Finite Element Model Updating via Restructured Response Surfaces in Structural Dynamics

  15. 一种改进的利用频响函数进行有限元模型修正的方法

    Improved finite element model updating method based on frequency response functions

  16. 结构动力模型修正中的一类对称矩阵反问题

    An Inverse Problem for Symmetric Matrices in Structural Dynamic Model Updating

  17. 卫星热网络模型修正技术进展及其改进方法研究

    Development and Modification of Thermal Network Correction Techniques for Satellites

  18. 多体系统中位移近似与模型修正

    Approximation of displacement and model reforming in multi body systems

  19. 在进行模型修正之前,需要进行修正参数的选择,参数选择是模型修正中一个重要环节。

    The choice of the parameters is necessary step in model updating .

  20. 大时延遥操作系统中的图形技术与模型修正

    Graphical Technology and Model Update in Teleoperation System with Large Time Delay

  21. 基于径向基神经网络的有限元模型修正研究

    Finite Element Model Updating Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network

  22. 栅控电子枪部件的模型修正方法

    Model Correction Methods in Mode Analysis for an Electronic Gun

  23. 基于谱约束下矩阵逼近的模型修正方法

    A Model Updating Method Based on Matrix Approximation Theory with Spectrum Constraint

  24. 内燃机复杂部件结构动力学模型修正技术研究

    Research on the Modification Technique on Structural Dynamic Model of Complex I.C.E.Components

  25. 结构计算模型修正的区间反演方法

    Interval Method for Computational Model Updating of Dynamic Structures

  26. 优化方法在电子学支架模型修正中的应用

    Optimization Method and Its Applications in the Model Updating of Electronics Device Bracket

  27. 提出了一种基于键合图的参数型模型修正方法。

    A new model updating method based on power bond graph is presented .

  28. 有限元模型修正法在结构动态设计中的应用

    The Application of Revisable Method of Finite Element Model to Structure Dynamic Design

  29. 结构动力模型修正的数学理论与方法

    Mathematics Theories and Methods on Structure Dynamics Model Updating

  30. 悬索桥结构基于敏感性分析的动力有限元模型修正

    Sensitivity-based FE model updating of a suspension bridge