
  • 网络horizontal integration
  1. 在全省电力系统推广使用,将为实现SG186工程,达到省、地市电力信息的纵向贯通、横向集成提供基础平台,其应用前景很好。

    To promote the use of the system in electric power system of the province will provide a basic platform for carrying out " SG186 project " to achieve Vertical transfixion and horizontal integration of the power information of province and cities , the system has a good application prospect .

  2. 相关分析表明:横向集成是影响新产品开发速度的至关重要因素。

    The result of correlation analysis was as follows : Horizontal integration is the key factor to influence the speed of new product development .

  3. 企业过程重组(BPR)的原则之一是横向集成活动,但是横向集成活动究竟有没有提高企业的绩效,这是个值得研究的问题。

    In this paper , whether Business Process Reengineer ( BPR ) has improved the performance of process has been studied .

  4. 分别从横向集成和纵向集成两个角度出发,研究VR-CAID系统集成的不同方式。

    After studying horizontal coupling and vertical coupling modes of VR-CAID , different integrating methods were researched .

  5. 根据国家电网公司提出的规划,“SG186”工程将实现的目标之一:建成纵向贯通,横向集成的一体化企业级信息集成平台,实现公司上下信息畅通和数据共享。

    According to the scheme of State Grid , one of the goals of project " SG186 " is to establish an overall corporate information integration platform of " flowing vertically and integrating horizontally ", and to realize the information flow and data sharing of corporations .

  6. 单、多平台综合武器系统从纵向到横向集成

    The Integration from the Vertical to Level Direction for Single and Multi-Platform Integration Weapon System

  7. 但是横向集成活动究竟有没有提高企业的绩效,这是个值得研究的问题。

    But whether Landscape orientation integrate activity has improved the performance of enterprise is an issue which needs to be studied .

  8. 数据集成方案基于统一信息模型,采用信息总线技术,主要支持数据信息的横向集成,可有效解决数字化电网信息孤岛问题。

    The data integration platform is constructed with the unified data models and information bus technology , and will be used to integrate transverse data .

  9. 最后,在分析其它横向数据集成的方案的基础上,论文构建了OPCDX服务器的结构模型并研究了横向数据交换的机制。

    An OPC DX Server constructure model is builded in this paper after discussing some existing solutions of horizontal data integration .

  10. 通过分析集成化供应链管理环境下供应商选择过程,给出了选择指标体系及选择步骤。在此基础上,建立了“横向”集成型企业供应商选择的模糊综合评价选择模型。

    Analyzing the process of supplier selection in the environment of integrated supply chain management , this paper proposes a selection procedure and a decision tree for it , then develops a fuzzy synthesis evaluation model for horizontally integrated enterprises to select suppliers .

  11. 依据B/S的N层企业应用模型,设计了基于WEBService的企业集成应用架构,实现了现场信息在工业企业不同层级间纵向及企业间横向的无缝集成。

    According as the N-layers model of B / S , an enterprise integration application framework based on Web Service is provided , so the field information can be shared seamlessly in the enterprise or among the enterprises .

  12. 对器件纵向和横向结构参数及集成InP透镜几何参数进行了模拟设计与优化。

    The device parameters and InP microlenses were designed and optimized .

  13. 开放体系的开放集成,包括横向和纵向开放集成,它们各有其技术线路。图5。参考文献29。

    In this paper , the author also discusses distributed services , open integration of open systems , etc.5 figs.29 refs .