
héng duàn céng
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横断层[héng duàn céng]
  1. 目的:为了给脑功能影像学研究和脑小病灶的早期定位诊断与治疗提供脑回定位的形态学基础和新方法,探讨横断层CT扫描图像上脑回表盘法定位的可行性。

    Objective : To provide reliable morphological data and location method for early diagnosis and treatment of small focal diseases in brain by imaging technique .

  2. 选男女各30例增强扫描后的盆段CT横断层片,测量输尿管与髂血管和腰、骶椎的位置和距离。

    To choose 30 cases of male and female enhanced scanning pelvis CT and measure the location and the distance between ureter and iliac blood vessel and lumbosacral vertebra .

  3. 采用横断层头部CT扫描,发现脑外性脑积水后,建议3~5个月后复查并与前一次头部CT扫描对照分析病情的发展情况,以便给患儿确切的治疗意见。

    Through transverse brain scan , when EH was detected , patients were suggested to recheck after 3 ~ 5 months so as to contrasted and analyzed the illness state and directed treatment correctly .

  4. ~(99m)Tc-HMPAO脑血流横断层影像解剖定位分析

    Anatomic location analysis of ~ ( 99m ) tc-hmpao rCBF SPECT transverse images

  5. 方法依据美国胸科协会(ATS)淋巴结分区图,在5具尸体上观察胸内淋巴结分布,采用4套胸部横断层标本与50例胸部CT图像对照进行横断面上的淋巴结分区。

    Methods According to American Thoracic Society ( ATS ) nodal classification , the intrathoracic lymph nodes were observed on five cadavers and classified on CT scan correlated with cross sectional specimens of thorax .

  6. 结论咽旁脂肪组织、颈内动脉、颈内静脉、茎突、翼内肌是CT诊断的重要解剖学标志,咽旁间隙的横断层解剖对疾病的影像诊断具有重要的临床意义。

    Conclusion Fatty tissue , internal carotid artery , internal jugular vein , styloid process and medial pterygoid muscle were important anatomical marks for CT diagnosis . Transverse sectional anatomy of the parapharyngeal space has an important significance for imaging diagnosis of diseases .

  7. 采用CT-图像分析法,在尸体研究的基础上,对50例中国男性样本(18&23岁)进行了全身CT横断层扫描、影像分析和测算,获得了样本各环节的长度和体积等惯性数据。

    On the basis of the study of the cadavers with the CT DIP method , 50 young male living subjects were undergone investigations through scanning , image analysis and calculation . The data of the segmental length , volume of these living subjects were obtained .

  8. 咽旁间隙的横断层影像解剖及临床意义

    Transverse sectional imaging anatomy and clinical significance of the parapharyngeal space

  9. 原位牙的连续横断层解剖与可视化研究

    Continuous thin cross - sectional anatomy and visualization of the teeth

  10. 小腿横断层影像解剖学观察

    Transverse sectional and imaging anatomy of the human minor legs

  11. 膝关节的横断层影像解剖学

    Transverse sectional and imaging anatomy of the human knees

  12. 脑桥小脑角区的薄层横断层解剖及其临床意义

    The thin transverse sectional anatomy of the pontocerebellar trigone region and its clinical significance

  13. 足的横断层解剖学研究

    Transverse sectional anatomy of the human feet

  14. 目的为给足部疾患的横断层影像学诊断提供解剖学依据。

    Objective In order to provide transverse sectional anatomical data for imaging diagnosis of human feet .

  15. 目的:阐明腹部主要静脉的横断层解剖学特征,为医学影像诊断提供解剖学的基础。

    Bjective : To describe the features of main abdominal veins on the cross-sectional anatomy and provide anatomic data for the radiology diagnosis .

  16. 方法采用火棉胶切片技术对5例(10侧)眶上裂区标本连续薄层横断层切片进行解剖学观察。

    Methods The serial sheet transverse sections of the superior orbital fissure region obtained using collodion microtomy in 5 adult cadaver heads were observed .

  17. 方法:对30具成人尸体上腹部连续横断层标本进行观察。5具成人尸体于网膜囊内行乳胶灌注后,观察乳胶在网膜囊内的蔓延情况而作网膜囊整体探查。

    Methods : The cross-section anatomy of upper abdomen in30 Chinese cadavers and the extension of omental bursa by irrigating emulsion in5 Chinese cadavers were studied to investigate the omental bursa .

  18. 结果横断层标本上,颈椎棘突至皮肤间自上而下可见项韧带由窄到宽,再由宽到窄的形态学改变;

    Results At transverse sections , the distance of the cervical vertebra spinous process to skin shows that the morphological of nuchae ligament is from narrow to wide , then wide to narrow .

  19. 欠发达地区基层国税人员断层的成因与对策脑桥小脑角区的薄层横断层解剖及其临床意义

    The Causes and Countermeasures of " Faultage " of State Tax Personnel at Grassroots Level in Undeveloped Regions of China ; The thin transverse sectional anatomy of the pontocerebellar trigone region and its clinical significance

  20. 方法:采用成年男性盆部标本10例,冰冻后再切割成髋关节断层标本,其中横断层5例,冠状断层5例,髋关节横断层与冠状断层磁共振扫描1例。

    Method : 10 male adult pelvic specimen were used for the study . Hip joint sectional specimen were made by cutting the frozen specimen , among which 5 were transverse sections and 5 coronary sections .

  21. 粗大的肝右后下静脉分别见于10例(45.5%)横断层、4例(28.6%)矢状断层和1例冠状断层标本上。

    Thicker inferior right hepatic veins appeared in 10 cases ( 45.5 % ) on the horizontal sections , in 4 cases ( 28.6 % ) on sagittal sections , and in 1 case on frontal section .

  22. 横断层、侧断坡与斜断坡常是构造分段的边界,它们起着运动方向、变形速率、构造样式与成因机制转换的作用。

    The cross fault , the lateral ramp , and the oblique ramp are the familiar boundaries between the structural segments , which function as zones of transition of movement directions , of deformation rates , of structural styles , and of formation mechanism .

  23. 目的:探索成人颞骨亚毫米薄层断面数据获取方法,并研究成人颞骨内部结构的薄层横断层解剖,以期为颞骨疾病的影像诊断和外科治疗提供薄层断层解剖学依据。

    Purpose : To explore the method of obtaining the thin sectional data of the adult temporal bone and study the thin transversal sectional anatomy of the structures within the temporal bone for providing anatomical bases for the image diagnosis and surgical treatment of the diseases of the temporal bone .

  24. 方法:选用牙列完整的成年男性志愿者1例,以眶耳平面为基准平面进行螺旋CT扫描,从髁突到颏部连续横断扫描73层。

    Methods One of adult male complete dentition was chosen , and then using Frankfort horizonal plane as benchmark , CT scanning was done from condylar process to mental region , 73 lamella in all .