
  • 网络salp;salpa maggiore
  1. 然而,普利茅斯国家海洋水族馆的首席研究员黛博拉·克拉克内尔在接受《每日电讯报》采访时说,她认为这是一种名叫樽海鞘的生物。

    However , Deborah Cracknell , research lead from the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth , told MailOnline she believes the creature is a Salpa maggiore ( Salpa maxima ) .

  2. 国家海洋水族馆的动物保护及信息部主管保罗考可斯说:有关樽海鞘的信息很少,然而它们经常出没在温度较低的海洋里,其中以南大洋中的数量最多。

    Paul Cox , director of conservation and communication at the National Marine Aquarium , said : ' Little is known about these salps , however , they are often found in colder seas , with the most abundant concentration found in the Southern Ocean .
