
jú hóng
  • tangerine;reddish orange;red tangerine reel;orange
橘红 [jú hóng]
  • (1) [red tangerine reel]∶中药名。为芸香科植物橘的果皮的外层红色部分;柑橘的皮,可入药

  • (2) [orange]∶像红色橘皮的颜色

橘红[jú hóng]
  1. 应用我省传统中成药清肺化痰丸(治疗组)治疗痰热咳嗽90例,并与对照组(橘红丸)30例对照。

    Treated by lung-clearing Phlegm-transforming pill , traditional patent medicine of Yunnan province , for 7 days in 90 cases of phlegm-heat cough , 30 cases were treated by red tangerine pill as control .

  2. HPLC法测定橘红化痰胶囊中吗啡的含量

    Determination of Morphine in Juhong Huatan Capsules by HPLC

  3. 超临界CO2萃取法去除橘红中重金属Cu、As、Pb的研究

    Removal of Cu , As , and Pb from chrysoidine by supercritical CO_ 2 extraction

  4. 化橘红rDNAITS序列特征的初步分析

    Preliminary Study on rDNA ITS Sequencing and Characteristics of Citrus grandis var. tomentosa

  5. 结果表明,化州橘红的Cu,Ca含量显著低于其它产地橘红,而其它元素含量差异不大。

    The result indicated that the contents of elements Cu , Ca of Juhong in Huazhou were lower than in other areas , but the contents of other elements were almost the same .

  6. 方法以二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠(NaDDC.3H2O)作为配合剂,乙醇为夹带剂,设计正交试验,采用ICP-MS测定橘红中Cu、As、Pb的量。

    Methods Taking sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate ( NaDDC · 3H_2O ) as chelating agent and ethanol as entrainer , the orthogonal test was designed and ICP-MS used to mensurate the contents of Cu , As , and Pb in chrysoidine under different conditions .

  7. 【结果】化橘红中柚皮苷与野漆树苷在紫外光254nm下显示分开的暗斑点;

    [ Results ] Spots of naringin and rhoifolin varied when the wavelength of ultraviolet was at 254 nm .

  8. 化州橘红成年态茎段再生体系研究初报

    Preliminary study on adult Exocarpium citri Grandis stem regeneration system

  9. 中药化橘红元素煎出率的初步研究

    Studies on Leaching Ratio of Elements of Exocarpium Citri Grandis

  10. 成年啄羊鹦鹉通常全身橄榄绿,翅膀底下却有一道亮亮的橘红。

    Adults are mostly olive-green with a brilliant orange flash under their wings .

  11. 化橘红水溶性多糖的化学及体外抗氧化活性的研究

    Study on Chemistry and Antioxidative Activity of Water Soluble Polysaccharide of Exocarpium Citri Grandis

  12. 化橘红果实发育特性和生理落果动态分析

    Characteristics of Fruit Development and Regularity of Physiological Fruit Drop of Citrus grandis Tomentosa

  13. 不同炮制方法对化橘红中柚皮苷含量的影响

    Influence of Different Processing Technique on the Content of Naringin in Exocarpium Citri Grandis

  14. 随着贮藏时间的增加,化橘红中多糖的含量呈先上升后下降的趋势。

    With the duration of storage time , the content of ECG polysaccharide decreased after increasing .

  15. 骨样基质到成熟骨的染色规律为橘红→淡蓝→深蓝;

    From osteoid to mature bone the color changed from orange-red , light blue to dark blue .

  16. 这些贝的体色从橘红,橘黄,浅黄到褐色有所差异。

    The color of these shells varies from orange to orangey-yellow , pale yellow to brownish in color .

  17. β-环糊精包合广藿香和橘红挥发油的工艺研究

    Study on the Inclusion of Volatile Oil Extracted from Herba Pogostemonis and Exocarpium citri by β - Cyclodextrin

  18. 实验发现,萜烯类化合物是化橘红的特征香气成分。本实验也表明,十个不同贮藏年份的化橘红香气成分中均以萜烯类为主,包括单萜烯类和倍半萜烯类。

    This study found that the characteristic aroma components of ECG were terpenes , including monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes vinyl .

  19. 超声波提取法与索氏提取法提取化橘红中柚皮苷的比较索氏抽提法萃取活性炭滤嘴中吸附的烟碱

    Comparison of Ultrasonic and Soxhlet Extractions of Naringin in Citrus Grandis Extraction of nicotine in charcoal filters by Soxhlet method

  20. 结论:化州市化橘红主产区土壤环境质量总体良好。

    Conclusion : The environmental quality of growing area soils of Citrus grandis in Huazhou City is totally in good .

  21. 目的:对化州市化橘红主产区土壤和化橘红幼果的重金属元素污染状况进行分析、评价。

    Objective : To determine the status of heavy metals contamination in growing area soils and young fruits of Citrus grandis .

  22. 另外,含氧萜烯类化合物,如萜烯醇、萜烯醛、萜烯酯等也是化橘红的主要香气物质。

    In addition , oxygenated terpenes , such as terpenols , terpene aldehydes and terpene esters , were also the main aroma components .

  23. 目的研究储存期对毛橘红黄酮类物质含量的影响,为毛橘红有效储存期的确立提供依据。

    Objective To study on the flavonoids content in Citri Grandis of different storage to establish the effective storage period for Citri Grandis .

  24. 在这一块地方,我种植了许多不同品种的土豆,从全蓝的品种到越橘红的品种。

    And in this bed , I 've planted a large variety of potatoes , from an all-blue variety to a cranberry red variety .

  25. 结果:化橘红中异欧前胡素的含量较低,约为十万分之几至万分之几,且分布并无一定的规律。

    Results : The content of isoimperatorin in Exocarpium citri grandis was very low , and the law of distribution could not be found .

  26. 前言:目的:通过对不同果龄的化橘红化学成分比较分析,确定化橘红的适宜采收期。

    Objective : To determine the appropriate collecting-time of pummelo peel by comparison and analysis on the chemical compounds in pummelo peel in different fruit-age .

  27. 化橘红多糖是由D-木糖,D-葡萄糖,D-半乳糖、D-阿拉伯糖、D-甘露糖以及某未知成分组成的,D-半乳糖所占的比例最大。

    The ECG polysaccharide was composed of D-xylose , D-glucose , D-semi-lactose , D-arabinose , D-mannose sugar and unknown ingredients , among which D-semi-lactose was the most .

  28. 实验结果表明:随着煅烧温度的升高,铁红颜色逐步加深,由橘红变为紫红,铁红的形貌也发生了变化。

    The experiment results show that with calcining temperature rise the color of ferric red gradually deepened from mauve to chrysoidine , morphology of ferric red also changed .

  29. 结果:相同剂量组比较,毛橘红组化痰和抗炎作用强度均大于光橘红组,具有显著性差异。

    Result : The comparison between the same dosage MJH and GJH showed the result had significant dissimilarity , the role intensity of MJH was bigger than that of GJH .

  30. 不同贮藏年份化橘红中的香豆素类化合物在组成和含量上有差异,以香豆素和异欧前胡素为主。

    The coumarin extracted from ECG with different storage time was mainly composed of Coumarin and Isoimperatorin , and the content as well as composition of the coumarin was different .