
xiàng pí
  • rubber;eraser;India-rubber;kneaded eraser
橡皮 [xiàng pí]
  • (1) [India rubber;eraser]∶硫化橡胶的通称

  • (2) [kneaded eraser]∶用橡胶制成能擦掉石墨或墨水痕迹的文具

橡皮[xiàng pí]
  1. 议会被看作橡皮图章,只会批准他人的决定。

    Parliament is seen as a rubber stamp for decisions made elsewhere .

  2. 橡皮子弹被用来驱散示威人群。

    Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration .

  3. 士兵发射橡皮子弹驱散人群时有7个人受了伤。

    Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds

  4. 把橡皮筋拽紧,两头打上结。

    Pull the elastic tight and knot the ends .

  5. 她解开橡皮筋,将浓密的头发披散在肩头。

    She frees her mass of hair from a rubber band and shakes it off her shoulders

  6. 基本上所有交到邮局柜台的文件都会加盖橡皮图章。

    In Post Offices , virtually every document that 's passed across the counter is stamped with a rubber stamp .

  7. 它是由柔软的橡皮或类似的弹性材料做成的。

    It is made of a yielding rubber or similar springing material .

  8. 这件橡皮雨衣脱胶了。

    The rubber of this raincoat has disintegrated .

  9. 橡皮圈将其环绕的东西箍得紧紧的。

    A rubber band constricts what it encircles .

  10. 橡皮球弹力好。

    A rubber ball bounces well .

  11. “鸟类很容易吃掉塑料或橡皮筋碎片,并有可能死亡,”弗拉克说道。

    " The birds can easily eat pieces of plastic or rubber bands and they can die , " said Flack .

  12. 我选了一个红色的橡皮球——它简单又通用。

    I chose a red rubber ball-simple , universally available .

  13. 小女孩转过身去,对另一个耸耸肩说:"玛丽,把你的橡皮借给我。"

    The young girl turned to the other shruggedand said , " Mary , lend your rubber to me . "

  14. 现在他们带上了用乳酸处理过的橡皮指套。

    Now they wear rubber fingers treated with lactic acid .

  15. 一块橡皮可以拉长

    A piece of rubber can be elongated by streching .

  16. 她的橡皮在桌子上。Thisisnotmyeraser.这不是我的橡皮。

    Her eraser is on her desk .

  17. 若是无法成为一支铅笔,书写别人的快乐,那就尽力变成一块橡皮,抹去他们悲伤。

    If you can ’ t be a pencil to write anyone ’ s happiness , try to be a nice eraser to remove someone ’ s sadness .

  18. 该研究团队表示,这会带来患眼部、耳部以及胃部感染的风险,并建议人们定期清洗橡皮鸭和其它塑料玩具,或者把它们扔掉。

    The team say there is a risk of eye , ear or stomach infections and advise that rubber ducks or any other plastic toys be cleaned regularly or thrown away .

  19. 橡皮及PVC管材,密封件,仪表电表外壳,铝型材,药品食品包装。

    Rubber & PVC pipe , sealing parts , case shell of instrument , aluminum section and food package medicine .

  20. VB6.0中橡皮筋特征绘图的实现方法

    The Method in VB 6.0 of Embodying the Rubber Band Features in Drawing

  21. 气质联用法测定医用橡皮塞中防老剂BHT

    Determination of BHT in medical rubber plug by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry

  22. Clifford在钓鸭子游戏池里找,也没有橡皮鼠,但是我们得到一个漂亮的奖品。

    Clifford looks in the duck pond game . No mouse there , but we get a nice prize .

  23. 橡皮圈结扎治疗Dieulafoy溃疡五例报告

    Rubber ring fastening in treatment of Dieulafoy disease : a report of 5 cases

  24. 3建立三点悬浮式橡皮滚筒的有限元模型,用BlockLanczos方法计算滚筒的固有频率、最大振幅和振型等参数,以确保印刷机的在高速运转时平稳工作。

    Build finite element model of the float blanket cylinder structure and calculated the lower 4 inherent frequency of the structure with Block Lanczos method to ensure the cylinder work smoothly at high speed .

  25. 目的:应用O形橡皮圈行内镜下食管曲张静脉结扎术(EVL)包括机械结扎和使曲张静脉内血栓形成。

    AIM Endoscopic variceal ligation ( EVL ) consists of mechanical ligation and thrombosis of varices using elastic " O " rings .

  26. 另一名男子拉开了那扇门,并用玻璃清洁工JanDemczur的橡皮清洁刷的手柄支撑住让门开着。

    The other men pulled open the doors , propping them open with the handle of a squeegee belonging to the window cleaner , Jan Demczur .

  27. slowmoguys二人组貌似也是这吗想。他们这次决定用上百条橡皮筋捆绑一个西瓜,压力会引起西瓜爆炸,果肉满天飞。

    This certainly seems to the opinion of the ' Slow Mo Guys ' , who decided to wrap hundreds and hundreds of elastic bands around a watermelon , bracing themselves for the moment the combined pressure leads a dramatic explosion and red faces all around .

  28. 马里兰州议员EmmettBurns说,“我手里有个末端带橡皮的铅笔,他们或许已经签署了法律,但我们仍可像橡皮擦掉字迹一样把它推翻。”

    Maryland lawmaker Emmett Burns : " I have in my hands a pencil and it has an eraser on the end . They might as well have signed that bill in lead . "

  29. 在ANSYS环境下建立了三点悬浮式橡皮滚筒的三维实体有限元模型,采用了模块BlockLanczos特征值求解法提取了橡皮滚筒的模态,并验证了胶印机的最大工作转速的可靠性。

    This article has established three dimensions limited element model of three dot float blanket cylinder under the environment of ANSYS , adopted Block Lanczos characteristic value method to solve mode of blanket cylinder , verified the reliability of the offset machine at highest speed .

  30. 附加铅当量为0.35mm的铅橡皮后,中心线仍最大为0.07μGy,阴极端的甲状腺次之为0.06μGy。晶体和性腺为0μGy。

    After adding the lead rubber whose lead equivalent is 0.35mm , the center is 0.07 μ Gy , the thyroid gland is the 0.06 μ Gy , the crystal and sex glands are a 0 μ Gy .