
tán mù
  • sandalwood;sanders
檀木[tán mù]
  1. FWS称,这些从印度发货的黑檀木所贴标签有误,根据印度法律,未加工的黑檀木和玫瑰木禁止出口。

    FWS claims the ebony sent from India was mislabelled , and that Indian law forbids the export of unfinished ebony and rosewood .

  2. 镶嵌珍珠母雕龙檀木椅

    Rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pearl

  3. 有一位皇后坐在窗边在黑檀木的框上刺绣。

    A queen sat at her window and embroidered on an ebony frame .

  4. 你一个人就能同时表现黑檀木和象牙!

    You can do a duet of ebony and ivory all by yourself !

  5. 带桃花喜雀图案的檀木柜

    Rosewood cabinet with peach flower and magpie design

  6. 镶嵌珍珠母的檀木床

    Rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearl

  7. 木雕种类主要是其木、黑檀木和黄杨木材雕刻。

    The kinds of wood carving are mainly whitewood , blackwood and boxwood carvings .

  8. 有竹子图案的檀木柜

    Rosewood cabinet with bamboo desig

  9. 当它踩在一堆刨花里时,一块长长的黑檀木的木片扎到了它的脚里。

    As he stepped into a pile of shavings , a long blackwood splinter pierced his foot .

  10. 四种不同的材料具有不同的品质,款式包括非洲黑木、非洲黄檀、红木和黑檀木。

    Four different materials feature different qualities , styles include African Blackwood , Cocobolo , Camatillo and Ebony .

  11. 我希望生个像雪般白、血般红、黑檀木般黑的孩子。

    I would like to have a child as white as snow , as red as blood and as black as ebony .

  12. 这款圆形咖啡桌桌面由蜂窝状铝板构成,黑白相间的环氧树脂镶嵌着坚固的檀木。

    This coffee table has a round top in honeycombed aluminium and black and white epoxy resin with solid pau ferro inserts .

  13. 木匠们先是注意到大象一瘸一拐地,然后发现它肿了的脚上穿透出来的长长的黑檀木片。

    They noticed that the Elephant was limping , and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot .

  14. 婴儿的肌肤像雪一样白,嘴唇像血一样红,而头发像黑檀木一样黑。

    Her skin was as white as snow , her lips were as red as blood and her hair was as black as ebony .

  15. 抛光的混凝土、玻璃、光亮的黑檀木和不锈钢表面相互辉映,与白色的建筑墙面在触觉和感官上相互对照、衬托。

    Polished concrete , glass , polished ebony and stainless steel surfaces play off each other , bringing texture and lightness to the spaces .

  16. 我运用原料本身的优美代替所有的装饰品,例如使用最好的黑檀木和红豆木,纹理完整的光滑皮革和青铜铸件。

    I replace all decoration with the pure beauty of the materials such as the finest ebony and weng è, full grain smooth leather and cast bronze .

  17. 里墙边原有一张檀木榻,榻几上面摆着一套围棋子,一盘瓷制的大蟠桃。

    In the middle of a wide sandalwood couch against the back wall stood a small low table on which were a set of Chinese chess and a platter of large porcelain peaches .

  18. 这个长方形的棋盘是用黑檀木制成的,工艺水平很高。不过在锡斯坦地区(包括伊朗东部和阿富汗西南部)并不生长这种树木,通常是由商人从印度进口来的。

    " The board is rectangular and made of ebony , which did not grow in Sistan and merchants used to import it from India ," he added , saying the set also displayed a high degree of craftsmanship .

  19. 这款香水的香气萃取自独具东方气质的花、檀木、鸢尾花、柑橘花、琥珀脂等香料,他的名字在梵语中意为“爱之居所”。

    They created an intoxicating perfume out of exotic flower scents , sandalwood , spices , Iris , hesperides and opopanax in a base of amber . They decided that this perfume should be called Shalimar , meaning ' the abode of love " in Sanskrit .

  20. 赫尔托特先生曾受劳斯先生邀请制伞,他受汽车内饰的灵感启发,制造了一把有弯曲檀木伞柄与淡灰白羽毛把手的大伞,纤细的伞骨外面包裹白绸,蒙着巨大的黑色丝丝绸伞盖,售价仅8000欧元。

    Invited by Rolls to create an umbrella inspired by the car 's interior , Mr. Heurtault produced one with a curved ebony-wood shaft , a handle of white stingray leather , thin ribs sheathed in white silk , and a large black silk canopy . All for just 8000 euros .