
  • 网络undersintering;under firing
  1. 利用本文介绍的方法,不但可以检测烧结矿FeO的含量,而且还可以检测混合料水分的大小、布料的均匀度、过烧及欠烧。

    The method not only can be used for monitoring FeO content . but also for monitoring mixture moisture , feed uniformity , overfiring and insufficient firing .

  2. 指出欠烧或过烧菱苦土的采用是造成氯氧镁水泥硬化体胀裂的根本原因。

    The result shows that the cause of fracturing is under-burning or over-burning of magnesia .

  3. 通过贴近度计算还可以从原本烧成温度相同的电瓷试样中挑出哪些因为窑内温差等原因出现欠烧或过烧情况的电瓷试样,从而保证绝缘子的出场质量。

    Besides , the over firing and incomplete firing electric porcelains can be sorted from electric porcelains which sintering temperature are supposed same temperature by adopting calculation of closeness degree , so as to guarantee quality of insulator .

  4. 由于加热炉工况的多样化,某些反映加热炉主要的热工参数不能直接或连续地检测(如:钢坯在加热炉内温度过程变化),导致生产常出现过烧和欠烧现象。

    Due to the diversity of the working conditions , some main thermal parameters for the furnace cannot be directly or continuously tested ( for example , the temperature changing process as the billet in the furnace ), resulting in frequent overburning or undersintering during the production .