
  • 网络Subordinated Debt;Junior debt;sub-debt
  1. 评级机构将次级债务视为半股本(halfequity),这让企业能够在这种债务开始损害自身信用评级之前借入更多资金。

    The rating agencies count subordinated debt as half equity , allowing companies to borrow more before the debt starts hurting their credit ratings .

  2. 答案肯定要包含更加严厉的监管规定:提高资本金率、必须获取长期次级债务和特定的流动性要求。

    The answer must surely include tighter regulation : more capital , perhaps an obligation to obtain long-term subordinated debt and specific liquidity requirements .

  3. 美国国际集团的许多与次级债务抵押债券挂钩的不良保险合同都出售给了欧洲银行,以准许这些银行将所持证券视作AA评级。

    Many of AIG 's toxic insurance contracts linked to subprime CDOs were sold to European banks to allow them to treat the securities they held as double A rated .

  4. 优先级债务与次级债务的激励效应

    Senior debt and incentive effects of junior debt

  5. 次级债务担保凭证的风险特征研究&基于企业债券的视角

    Study on the Risk Features of Sub-Prime Collateralized Debt Obligations & Based On the Comparison with Corporation Bonds

  6. 最佳解决方案是创建不同的两级欧元区主权债务,即优先级债务和次级债务。

    The best solution would be the creation of two separate tiers of eurozone sovereign debt , senior and junior .

  7. 也就是说,财政上不那么审慎的国家还将发行评级较低的次级债务。

    In other words , the less fiscally prudent would also issue a second tier of debt with a lower rating .

  8. 2008年次级债务危机转到了实体经济危机,可以看出次级债危机对整体经济造成了冲击。

    Subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 transferred to entities in the economic crisis . Subprime mortgage crisis can be seen to have impacted the overall economy .

  9. 它们没有足够的股本使自己免于破产,但在债务方面,即使是拥有最次级债务的债主,几乎都能毫发无损。

    There was not enough equity to keep the institutions afloat , but debtholders , even of the most subordinated instruments , ended up taking almost no losses .

  10. 最终,在欧元区很可能从薄弱之处四分五裂的现实威胁下,优先级和次级债务的划分可能是最佳解决方案。

    Ultimately the separation of debt into senior and less senior tranches may be the best option ahead of the very real threat of the eurozone itself splitting at the seams .

  11. 另外由于次级债务的市场约束性的存在,可以通过发行次级债务促使银行提高信息透明度,改善公司治理,使银行保持良好的经营状况。

    And because of the market discipline of subordinated debt , the issuing bank must increase the information transparency , improve the company management , and keep itself in good operation .

  12. 任何债务违约将首先影响次级债务,它将是规模较小的违约,在理论上蔓延风险较低,应对措施也更加可控。

    Any debt default would be on the junior tranches first , and this would be of smaller size , theoretically creating less contagion risk and permitting a more controlled response .

  13. 把通货膨胀率和红利支付率融入优先级债务和次级债务的激励效应模型。

    A model of incentive effects of senior debt and junior debt is developed in the paper , in which both the rate of inflation and the rate of dividend yield are incorporated .

  14. 法国和比利时两国本周称,他们将担保德克夏银行的债务。德克夏是一家贷款银行,三年前得到了紧急援助,但是现在深受很多欧元区次级债务的影响。

    France and Belgium this week said that they would guarantee the debts of Dexia , a lender that was bailed out three years ago but which is weighed down by lots of peripheral euro-zone debt .

  15. 当然,德国的愤怒掩盖了以下事实:德国是最早蔑视《增长和稳定公约》的国家之一,或者德国的银行是次级债务的最积极买家。

    The anger in Berlin , of course , glosses over the fact that Germany was among the first to flout the growth and stability pact , or that German banks were among the most eager buyers of subprime debt .

  16. 汇率制度改革以来国际经济环境瞬息万变,先是发生了美国次级债务危机引起的全球性金融危机,然后是欧洲主权债务危机不断蔓延。

    Since the reform of the exchange rate regime , the international economic environment is rapidly changing . First the global financial crisis caused by the U.S subordinated debt crisis occurred , then the European sovereign debt crisis were spreading .

  17. 从美国的次级债务风波演化到如今的全球金融风暴已经延续了近两年的时间,到目前为止危机的影响还在继续,由此引发的一系列连锁反应仍将继续作用于全球经济金融领域。

    The time from American sub-prime mortgage crisis triggered to a global financial crisis has last about two years . Until now the influence stills go on , a series of chain reaction will still affect the whole financial and economic fields .

  18. 主要涉及财险公司负债类账户的优化管理,包括保费收入、保险业务准备金和次级债务等。依据宏观经济发展情况和保险公司市场定位,构建了我国财险公司保费收入预测模型的基本框架。

    It deals with insurance companies ' debt account such as insurance revenue , insurance reserve and subordinated bonds , etc. In the light of macro-economic development and market positioning , this paper constructs a prediction model of premium revenue for P & C insurance companies in China .

  19. 市场价格未能告诉我们次级抵押债务或希腊主权债务的真实价值直到一切已太晚。

    Market prices told us little about the true value of subprime mortgage debt or Greek sovereign debt until it was too late .

  20. 商业银行也可以私募方式募集次级定期债务,商业银行募集次级定期债务应遵循中国银行业监督管理委员会发布的相关规定。

    A commercial bank may also issue subordinated term debts by way of private placement in accordance with applicable rules and policies issued by the CBRC .

  21. 早在上世纪90年代中期,他就曾警告我要提防证券化风险,正是证券化带来了次级债、债务担保凭证(CDO)和其他很多最终引发金融危机的“创新”。

    Back in the mid-1990s , he warned me about the dangers of securitization , the process that created subprime mortgage bonds and CDOs and many of the other " innovations " that led to the financial crisis .

  22. 工业银行把钱投入美国债务保险金,包括一些基于次级贷款的债务保险金。

    IKB # industrial bank had put money into American debt securities , including some based on subprime loans .

  23. 但即使问题仍然局限于次级抵押贷款债务领域(这是个可能性非常小的假设),全球金融系统仍再需要数月时间来消化损失。

    But even if the problems remain limited to subprime mortgage debt - and that is a big " if " - it will take several more months for losses to work through the system .

  24. 两家银行都非常积极地用次级抵押贷款构造债务抵押债券(cdo),而且是音乐停止时的最后接棒人。

    Both were very active creating collateralised debt obligations out of subprime mortgages and got stuck holding the bag when the music stopped .

  25. aig在为所谓债务抵押债券(cdos)提供此类担保方面表现得尤为活跃,债务抵押债券是指由次级抵押贷款等债务担保的债券。

    AIG was particularly active in providing such guarantees for securities known as collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ) , bonds backed by debts such as subprime mortgages .

  26. 我国商业银行次级债包括次级定期债务和次级债券,其首要功能是补充资本,而国外相关理论证明了次级债还具有监管功能和优化公司治理功能。

    The primary function of them is to supplement capital . But in foreign theories proved the subordinated debt has regulatory function and optimizing corporate governance function .

  27. 始于2007年初的美国次级抵押贷款危机,演变成次级债务危机,进而演变成金融危机,并有愈演愈烈之势,成为继上世纪大萧条以来的最严重的世界经济危机。

    Beginning the early of 2007 , the secondary mortgage loans crisis was over into the debt crisis , and then changed into a financial crisis , and became the worst world economic crisis since " The Great Depression " of the last century .