
  • 网络suborbital;suborbit
  1. “天问一号”火星探测器完成第二次轨道中途修正。

    Mars probe Tianwen-1 has completed its second orbital correction .

  2. 须实施两次轨道电导率试验。

    A track conductivity test has to be done twice .

  3. 探测器已进行了三次轨道修正和一次深空机动。

    The probe has carried out three orbital corrections and a deep-space maneuver .

  4. 该事故是25年来在欧洲发生的最严重的一次轨道事故之一。

    It was one of the worst rail accidents in Europe in more than 25 years .

  5. 据国家航天局消息,9月20日晚,我国的“天问一号”火星探测器完成第二次轨道中途修正。

    China 's Tianwen 1 Mars probe carried out its second midcourse correction maneuver on Sunday night , according to the China National Space Administration .

  6. 截至第一次轨道修正前,嫦娥五号探测器各系统状态良好,已在轨飞行约17个小时,距离地球约16万公里。

    Prior to the orbital correction , the lunar probe had traveled for roughly 17 hours in space , and was about 160000 km away from Earth . All of the probe 's systems were in good condition , said the CNSA .

  7. 来自国家航天局的消息,11月24日22时06分,嫦娥五号探测器3000牛发动机工作约2秒钟,顺利完成第一次轨道修正,继续飞向月球。

    China 's lunar probe Chang'e 5 successfully carried out its first orbital correction Tuesday night , according to the China National Space Administration ( CNSA ) . The probe conducted the orbital correction at 10:06 pm when its 3000N engine was operational for about two seconds , and then continued its trip to the moon .

  8. 指标理论及星形Hamiltonian系统多个次brake轨道的存在性

    An Index Theory and Existence of Multiple Sub brake Orbits for Star Shaped Hamiltonian Systems

  9. 但27日该飞船第一次与轨道站对接时失败。

    But on the 27th , the first attempt of the spaceship to dock with the orbital station failed .

  10. 这是天舟第二次对轨道舱执行补给任务,第一次太空补给是在今年的5月份。

    This is the second Tianzhou supply run to the orbiting module following the first one back in May .

  11. 接下来,它将在地球—火星转移轨道上运行大约4个月,并完成2至3次中途轨道修正。

    Going forward , it will travel along the Earth-Mars transfer orbit for about four months and complete two or three mid-course orbital corrections .

  12. 我可以说,这月食将最后一次在轨道水瓶座家庭的日食已经发生在过去两年里。

    I can say that that eclipse will be last one in the Leo-Aquarius family of eclipses that have been taking place over the past two years .

  13. 这将是这架载货飞船最后一次与轨道站对接的机会,因为飞船上燃料已很有限。

    This will be the last chance for this cargo spaceship to dock with the orbital station because the fuel on the spaceship is already very limited .

  14. 此次开创性的太空行走将是中国第三次载人轨道飞行的核心时刻,也是中国国家航天计划迈出的重要一步。这项计划既是一项战略要求,也被视为一面爱国主义旗帜。

    The pioneering space walk will be the central moment of China 's third manned flight into orbit and an important step forward in a national space programme seen as both a strategic imperative and a patriotic rallying point .

  15. 首先假定扰动具有正弦形式,采用梅尼科夫方法对其中存在的次谐轨道和混沌吸引子进行了系统的分析,指出了由连续的次谐分叉进入混沌状态的途径。

    At first , with the hypothesis that the periodic perturbation has the sine wave form and by Melnikov method , the systemic analysis of sub-harmonic orbits and chaos attractor in such system is given , and the route to chaos by a series of sub-harmonic bifurcation is pointed out .

  16. 半导体InP中次内层分子轨道能级的计算

    Calculation on Molecular Orbit at Sub-internal Shell in InP

  17. 计算并建立了次谐周期轨道的Melnikov函数,给出了Poincare映射出现周期m点的判据。

    The Melnikov function of subharmonic orbits is calculated and established and the criterion of appearing periodical m point of Poincare mapping is presented .

  18. 通过对动力方程的分析求解,求出了系统的次谐周期轨道及其Melnikov函数,得到了方程存在次谐共振的条件。

    The conditions for subharmonic resonance to exist were obtained , and the subharmonic periodic orbits of the system and their Melnikov functions were derived .

  19. 这是印度的第一次超越地球轨道的太空任务。

    This is India 's first space mission beyond the Earth 's orbit .

  20. 应用次最低空轨道能研究硝基芳烃的生物活性

    The Study on Biological Activities of Nitroaromatic Compound Using Quantum Chemistry Descriptor of Next Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital

  21. 来自国家航天局的消息,12月14日11时13分,嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体上的两台25牛发动机工作约28秒,顺利完成第一次月地转移轨道修正。

    China 's Chang'e 5 probe on Monday completed its first orbital correction en route to Earth , according to the China National Space Administration ( CNSA ) . The orbital correction was conducted at 11:13 am when the two 25N engines on the orbiter-returner combination were operational for about 28 seconds .

  22. 我们再考虑一次氩的s轨道,所以我们说我们在看氩的1s轨道。

    Let 's consider again an s orbital for argon , so let 's say we 're looking at the1 s orbital for argon .

  23. 摘要:轨道电路能够传递列车行车许可、检查轨道占用,轨道电路一次参数影响着轨道电路的传输性能。

    ABSTRACT : Track circuit can transmit train movement authority and check the track occupancy .

  24. 计划于今年晚些时候发射的中国火星探测器将在一次任务中完成轨道、着陆和漫游。

    China 's Mars probe , scheduled to be launched later this year , will complete orbiting , landing and roving in one mission .

  25. 一周一周一赛狗,一般会继续日常工作,但每周一次得到了凯轨道直线驰骋。

    A dog racing week to week , will generally continue the daily routine , but once a week gets a straight gallop up the Kay track .

  26. 对于带自旋的全同粒子系,讨论了二次量子化表象中轨道自旋的性质,给出了将它们等效为粒子自旋的条件。

    After exploring the properties of orbital spins in an identical particle system in the second quantization representation , the conditions are given for regarding the orbital spins as the particle spins .

  27. 对于相同条件下的宽面电极,由于各次电弧运动的轨道不同,在少数几次实验情况下,速度均为同一数量级,没有发现上述效应。

    In similar conditions , however , the arc velocity maintained the same order for a few arc experiments on wide electrodes , and the effect of abrupt increase in velocity after arcing was not yet observed .

  28. 为了解决城市交通问题,越来越多的城市选择了发展轨道交通,结合国内外经验和我国实际情况,我国掀起了两次大规模的城市轨道交通立项和建设的热潮。

    In order to solve these problems , more and more cities perform to rail transit . Based on the experience at home and abroad and the actual situation of our country , two booms of rail transit of proposal and construction appeared .

  29. 首先运用次谐Melnikov方法给出了卫星轨道在周期扰动下存在次谐周期轨道的条件,并进一步运用同宿。

    Firstly by applying the Melnikov method we give the conditions of existence of the subharmonic periodic orbits .

  30. 通过对含二次和三次非线性项动力方程的讨论,得到了系统的次谐轨道和异宿轨道等,给出了系统出现混沌的条件。

    Some non linear dynamic equations with second and third degree variables are discussed , subharmonic orbits , heteroclinic orbits are obtained , and the conditions for chaos to occur are presented .