
huān yán
  • Cheerfulness;happy looks or appearance;smile happily;beaming with happy smiles
欢颜 [huān yán]
  • [smile happily;beaming with happy smiles] 欢笑,开颜

  • 大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。--唐. 杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》

欢颜[huān yán]
  1. 虽然经受着内心的煎熬,但他仍强作欢颜,这实属不易。

    It was quite an achievement to keep smiling when his heart must have been aching .

  2. 他告诉快乐王子每个人又重现了欢颜。

    He told the Happy Prince that everyone looked happy again .

  3. 他强作欢颜说了声再见。

    He had to force a smile as he said goodbye .

  4. 她明白自己强作欢颜瞒不了谁的。

    She knew that her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren 't convincing .

  5. 我很讨厌他那麽虚伪.虚伪的礼貌、强作欢颜

    His hypocrisy makes me sick . an affected politeness , cheerfulness , etc

  6. 他有时强作欢颜,有时泪中含笑。

    He sometimes forces a tearful smile and sometimes smiles through his tears .

  7. 作对某人不利的伪证虚伪的礼貌、强作欢颜

    Bear false witness against sb . an affected politeness , cheerfulness , etc

  8. 不安的心,要宁静,安详表示神的欢颜

    Dear restless heart , be still , for peace is God 's own smile

  9. 你到处可看到欢颜笑脸。

    You can see smiling faces every-where .

  10. 你满面欢颜,光彩逼人。

    How happy and well you look .

  11. 虚伪的礼貌、强作欢颜他因作伪证而受到惩罚。

    An affected politeness , cheerfulness , etc He was punished for giving false evidence .

  12. 只会因正确而欢颜。

    But rejoice in the right .

  13. 受…的控制他的病情得到了有效控制,听到这个消息家人们才露出了欢颜。

    under the control of The state of his illness was under effective control . Hearing the news , his family finally had smile on their face .

  14. 左岸是寂寞,溢满了孤单的哀怨,那绽放的灼灼欢颜,瞬间枯萎成一种最后的感动,清晰了年轮的弧线。

    Left Bank is a lonely , overflowing a lonely sad , that bloom Shining smile , and instantly withered moved into a final , clear the ring of the arc .