
  • 网络EU citizens;european citizenship
  1. 随着英国国家边境署(BorderAgency)卡紧对非欧盟公民的签证,英国研究生商学院将面临种种问题,上述问题只是其中的两例。

    These are just two of the issues facing UK graduate business schools as the UK Border Agency tightens its grip on visas for those from outside the EU .

  2. 英国首相特里萨.梅(TheresaMay)迄今拒绝在启动正式谈判之前保证欧盟公民的权利。

    So far , Theresa May , UK prime minister , has refused to guarantee the rights of citizens from the EU before formal negotiations begin .

  3. 但看来欧盟公民并未心存侥幸。

    But EU citizens are not taking any chances , it seems .

  4. 一名欧盟公民不能只因为被宣判有罪而遭驱逐出境。

    An EU national could not be deported solely on the ground of his conviction .

  5. 申请牙科医学的非欧盟公民人数亦激增24.5%。

    There was also a 24.5 per cent surge in non-EU citizens applying for dentistry .

  6. 这是因为,欧盟公民已经不再受到过去那样的约束。

    The case against it is that European citizens can no longer live under its yoke .

  7. 显然欧盟公民权已能跨越国境,直接或间接影响会员国的政治生态。

    Clearly EU citizenship has already transcended national borders and directly or indirectly influenced the political contingency in member states .

  8. 这已经在诸如养老金和欧盟公民有权享受其他国家的医疗保健上体现出来。

    This has emerged on pensions , for example , and on EU citizens ' entitlement to healthcare in other countries .

  9. 从整体来看,欧盟公民在是否担心自己在社交网站上的隐私数据被滥用存在分歧。

    Viewed as a whole , EU citizens are now split over whether to worry about the misuse of personal data on social networking websites .

  10. 截至2009年,30%的欧盟公民从未使用互联网。然而,互联网接入只是开始。

    As of 2009 , 30 per cent of EU citizens had never used the internet at all . Access , however , is just the beginning .

  11. 首先,伯尔尼同意实施一套复杂的机制,对欧盟公民在瑞士持有的离岸储蓄征税,并将税款转给相关成员国。

    First , Bern agreed to a complex mechanism to tax offshore savings of EU citizens held in Switzerland , and transfer the proceeds to the member states .

  12. 脱欧运动一再向欧盟公民保证,如果英国投票脱欧,他们在英居住和工作的权利不会受到影响。

    The Leave campaign has repeatedly assured EU citizens that their right to live and work in the UK will not be affected if Britain votes to leave .

  13. 比方说,民众普遍认为,欧盟公民,尤其是东欧人,在涌向英国,为的是利用英国的社会福利系统。

    There is , for example , a widespread perception that European citizens are flocking to Britain , especially from Eastern Europe , to take advantage of its social welfare system .

  14. 欧美官员在斯洛文尼亚会晤后发表了一份联合声明,承诺将尽快实现欧盟公民赴美旅游免签。

    A joint statement , issued after European and US officials met in Slovenia , pledged to achieve , as soon as possible , permit-free travel for EU citizens travelling to the US .

  15. 从今天起,新制裁使俄罗斯面临的融资限制从美国的资本市场扩大到欧洲,数家主要的俄罗斯国有银行和发展银行将被禁止向欧盟公民和公司发售期限超过90天的新债券或股票。

    From today , a number of major Russian state banks and development banks are barred from selling new bonds or equity with a maturity longer than 90 days to EU nationals and companies , under sanctions that expand partial restrictions from US capital markets to European ones .

  16. 与欧盟国家公民结婚的申请人无需交纳签证费。

    Applicants who are married to EU citizens are exempt from fees .

  17. 欧盟的公民在欧盟境内可以不受限制地出入各国。

    Citizens of the EU can travel without restriction within the EU .

  18. 意大利和西班牙绝大多数受访者赞成让欧盟国家公民进入本国就业市场。

    Italy and Spain each produced an outright majority in favour of giving EU citizens access to their job markets .

  19. 平时很少接到欧盟国家公民电话的移民律师报告说,申请数量大增……

    Immigration lawyers , who rarely hear from EU nationals in normal times , are reporting a big increase in applications ...

  20. 欧洲共同体/欧洲联盟在共同文化遗产的基础上提出了欧洲同一性的概念,以强化欧盟各国公民对欧洲的忠诚感。

    To strengthen the loyalty of the citizens of the Member States towards ' Europe ' , the EC / EU has put forward the concept of ' European identity ' based on its common cultural heritage .

  21. 鉴于估计有3000多欧洲人正作为圣战分子在伊拉克和叙利亚作战,允许欧盟内公民在26个成员国之间自由流动的申根协定变成了一个巨大的安全漏洞。

    With more than 3,000 Europeans estimated to be fighting as jihadis in Iraq and Syria , Schengen , the treaty that allows for the free movement of citizens across 26 European states , has become a yawning security loophole .

  22. 欧盟国家的公民现在可以在成员国之间自由旅行。

    EU citizens can now travel freely between member states .

  23. 选民包括在苏格兰定居的欧盟成员国公民,因此尽管我是苏格兰人,但我无法投票。

    The electorate consists of EU nationals resident in Scotland – so , although I am a Scot , I cannot vote .

  24. 市民社会组织成为民间意见的重要疏通渠道,并且促进了欧盟层面上公民基本权利的发展。

    Civil society organizations are the important channels of civil suggestions and promoted the development of basic civil rights at the EU level .

  25. 一同被挪威驱逐的还有该校的一位教授,此人是一个欧盟国家的公民,但无法得知更多身份信息。

    Also expelled from Norway was a professor at the university who is a citizen of a European Union country but was not further identified .

  26. 美国要求新欧盟成员国公民持签证入境引发了一场针锋相对的签证战,前往欧洲的美国外交人员和军人可能不得不开始申请签证了。

    American diplomats and military personnel travelling to Europe may have to start applying for visas in a tit-for-tat row over US visa requirements for citizens of new EU nations .

  27. 另一种是大病保险旅行保险也有这个功能;但你可能不用为此烦恼,因为欧盟(eu)公民在成员国内可以享受廉价医疗。

    Another is insurance against catastrophic medical expenses , another role for travel insurance ; but you may not be bothered about this , as EU citizens get cheap health-care in member countries .

  28. 荷兰部长预定见面决定是否举行关于欧盟改革条约的公民投票。

    Netherlands ministers are due to meet to decide whether to hold a referendum on the EU reform treaty .

  29. 另外,占明显多数的英国人反对与赞成比例分别为54%和33%,13%的受访者表示不确定反对让其它欧盟成员国的公民继续在英国工作。

    Moreover , a clear majority of British people 54 to 33 per cent , with 13 per cent unsure opposed the idea of citizens of other EU countries obtaining work in the UK .

  30. 根据新的移民体制,低技能职位预计将由英国或波兰和立陶宛等其他欧盟欧盟国家的公民来填补。自2004年加入欧盟以后,波兰和立陶宛的公民便可以自由进入英国劳动力市场。

    Low-skilled jobs under the new system will be expected to be filled by British or other EU citizens such as Poles and Lithuanians , who were given free access to the UK labour market when their countries joined the EU to 2004 .