
  • 网络EU passport;Passports of the European Union;European Union Laissez-Passer
  1. Baptista还需在西班牙多留一年以获得欧盟护照。他承认这个原因使他觉得在西班牙联赛中转会会比加盟阿仙奴要理想。

    Baptista needs to spend another year in Spain in order to be able to apply for an EU passport and admits that that fact weighs strongly in favour of a move within Spain and against joining Arsenal .

  2. 贝克汉姆夫人在采访中批评了当时新的欧盟护照(以及其他一些事情)。

    gave to the Spectator in 1996 in which Ms. Beckham criticized the then-new E.U. passports ( among other things ) .

  3. 然而有报道显示,格拉斯通已经取得了欧盟护照,因为他的外公出生在特雷维索。

    It has been reported , however , that Gladstone already has an Italian passport as his Great Grand-father was born close to Treviso .

  4. 持有欧盟护照的男性的妻子可以畅游欧洲,所以,如果该名女子只是坐在他丈夫旁边,那么不会有任何问题。

    The wives of men with EU passports can travel wherever they like in the EU , so if the woman had simply sat next to her husband there would have been no problem .

  5. 保加利亚试图加入欧盟免护照申根区的想法被荷兰人和芬兰人禁止。他们表示了对贪污的关注。(见查理曼大帝)。

    The country 's attempt to join the European Union 's passport-free Schengen area has been slapped down by the Dutch and the Finns , who cite concerns about corruption ( see Charlemagne ) .

  6. 然而,欧盟(eu)的创立则强化了这种感受:如今任何人只要有欧盟护照都可以在英国工作,甚至是担任英国政府的工作。

    However , it has been reinforced by the creation of the European Union : these days anyone with an EU passport can work in the UK and in British government jobs .