
  1. 故本文从受教育者主体的角度提出大、中学生正义感实践说。

    Consequently , the theory of practice on sense of justice is proposed from the view of the educated subject in this dissertation .

  2. 知识产权正义组织的代表说,该组织是促进平衡的知识产权法律的国际公民自由组织。

    The representative of IP Justice said that IP justice was an international civil liberties organization , promoting balanced intellectual property law .

  3. 知识产权正义组织的代表说,该组织是一个促进知识产权法均衡的国际公民自由组织,强烈建议成员国决定反对召开关于广播条约的外交会议。

    The representative of IP justice , an international civil liberties organization that promote balanced IP law , strongly recommended that member states decide against convening a diplomatic conference on a broadcasting treaty .