
  • 网络normal height;N-hi
  1. GPS测定正常高的方法研究

    The research of finding the solution of normal height with GPS

  2. 用数值拟合法确定GPS正常高的研究

    Study on Finding Normal Height of GPS with Mathmatical Method for Fitting

  3. 正常高值血压与高敏C反应蛋白相关性

    Association of High-sensitivity C-reaction Protein with prehypertension

  4. 拟合法求定GPS点的正常高

    The Fitting Method for Determining the Normal Heights of GPS Stations

  5. 统一正常高系统的桥梁GPS水准的有效解法

    Effective Solution of Bridge GPS Level Network of Unifying Normal Height System

  6. GPS高程转换方法和正常高计算

    Conversion Method of GPS Height and Calculation of Normal Height

  7. GPS网点正常高求解精度探讨

    Discussion on the Solving Precision of the Normal Height for GPS Network Points

  8. GPS网正常高的计算及其精度评价

    The calculation of the normal height of GPS network and its precision assessment

  9. GPS高程分区拟合转换正常高的研究

    Subregional Fitting and Transforming GPS Height into Normal Height

  10. 应用最佳回归方法确定局部区域GPS网的正常高

    Applying the Optimal Regression Method to Determine the Normal Heights of Local GPS Network

  11. 小地区GPS点正常高确定的一个新方法

    A new method of getting normal height of a GPS point in a small area

  12. 利用GPS高求取正常高的几种拟合方法

    Fitting Methods for Normal Height with GPS

  13. GPS测得的是大地高,而实际上需要的是正常高。

    The height from GPS surveying is geodetic height while normal height is needed in reality .

  14. 本文讨论了GPS水准拟合正常高的原理方法。

    This paper discusses the principle and method of the GPS levelling fitting the normal height .

  15. 由此可见综合模型对于局部地区解决GPS高程转化为正常高是有使用价值的。

    The results indicate that the combined model has value in transfering GPS height to normal height .

  16. 在工程实践中需要将GPS高转换为正常高。

    As everyone knows , it is necessary to convert a GPS height into a normal height in engineering .

  17. HOPE及LIFE研究均表明正常高值较正常低值的白蛋白排泄率增加心血管疾病的风险,尽管在这两个研究中入选的对象均为高危人群。

    High-normal compared with low-normal albumin excretion was associated with an increased cardiovascular risk in HOPE and LIFE , although both of these studies enrolled high-risk patients .

  18. 研究利用GPS技术间接获取正常高,对铁路测量具有非常重要的实用意义。

    The study of obtaining normal height by using GPS geodetic height indirectly is of important significance in railway survey .

  19. GPS水准测定正常高的方法及汕头特区实测结果分析

    Method of normal height determination by GPS level-ling and analysis of a case history result in Shantou Special Economic Zone

  20. 在此基础上建立了顾及地形影响的GPS正常高求解的数学模型。

    Based on these formulas , mathematical models are proposed for solving the normal height in GPS network concerning terrain undulation .

  21. 为了满足工程的需要,需将GPS中的大地高H转换为工程中可直接应用的正常高,以充分利用GPS定位信息。

    In order to meet the demand of applications , the ellipsoidal height of GPS has to be converted into the normal one .

  22. 文中推导了GPS网正常高求解的数学模型,并分析了正常高求解结果的精度。

    A mathematic modol resolving normal heights in GPS network is given , and accuracies of normal heights resolved from this model are analysed .

  23. 选择合适的等值线间距(临界值)可以有效地发现粗差,求得各GPS点的正常高。

    Selecting suitable isoline interval ( critical value ) may find gross error effectively , the normal height of GPS ' points is get .

  24. 将GPS获得的大地高转换为各地区所使用的正常高,一直是众所关心的研究课题。

    It is a question for study or discussion to change ellipsoidal height given by GPS into normal height for using in a small area .

  25. 在综合利用GPS与水准测量资料的基础上,针对面积较大或地形变化比较复杂的GPS测区,提出了分区拟合转换成正常高的方法。

    On the basis of the combination of GPS and leveling information , a new method for subregional fitting and transforming GPS height into normal height is proposed .

  26. 为了改善GPS大地高向正常高转换的精度,提出了基于二次曲面的周期拟合解算GPS高程异常的新思路。

    In order to improve the precision from GPS geodetic heights to normal heights , a new method of solving GPS heigh anomaly based on quadric function is advanced .

  27. 本文提出了一种利用线性回归理论解决GPS大地高向正常高转换问题的新方法。

    In this paper , a new method to solve the problem of transforming GPS geodetic height into normal height by using the linear regression theory has been presented .

  28. GPS高程转换中,大地高的精度将直接影响转换后正常高的精度,为此大地高的粗差探测是比较重要的一个环节。

    The accuracy of Orthometric Height will be directly affected by ellipsoidal height precision during GPS height transformation , therefore , the detection of gross error is very important .

  29. 他的血液检查结果非常恐怖,一种酶:肌酸激酶MB,比正常高出10倍。

    His blood test results were terrifying , with levels of an enzyme , creatine kinase MB , 10 times higher than normal .

  30. 利用DEM计算GPS控制点的ζT,再结合移除恢复技术,可以显著提高局部地区的GPS大地高转换为正常高的精度。

    The accuracy of height transformation of the GPS height can be improved greatly in local mountain areas by employing the remove-and-recover technique after ζ _T of each GPS point calculated using DEM .