
bù zú
  • ambulatory;pereiopoda;periopods;ambulatory leg
步足[bù zú]
  1. 胸神经节背面的NSC靠近步足神经分布;腹面的NSC较多,靠近胸动脉孔分布。

    The NSC in the dorsal side of the abdominal ganglion lie near the leg nerve , while in the ventral side there are more NSC which locate near the thoracic artery foramen .

  2. 其分布的主要特征为:5HT免疫阳性细胞在每对步足神经节都呈对称排列;

    The distribution characteristics of the 3 immunoreactive substances are as follows : 5 HT immunoreactive cells in each leg ganglion are symmetrically distributed ;

  3. 解剖及组织学结构日本沼虾输卵管一对,发自卵巢两侧,终止于第3步足基节上。

    Anatomy and histological structure .

  4. 用日立H835-50氨基酸分析仪测定了健康中华绒螯蟹不同部位的氨基酸含量,结果表明其氨基酸含量以步足最高,肝(蟹黄)最低。

    The content of amino acids in different part of Eriocheir sinensis were determined with Hitachi 835 50 Amino Acid Analyzer .

  5. 这4个种类可以从头胸甲额缘4齿的长度(FMSH/DFMS)、形状,螯足腕节内刺的有无、螯足及步足斑纹来区分。

    The four species can be distinguished from the length and shape of the four frontal spines , with or without inner carpus spine and the polygonal patterning of chelipeds and legs .

  6. 通过对螃蟹步足结构的仿生抽象,建立了蟹足机构模型,优化设计出了步行足的结构参数,在此基础上进一步设计出了仿生机器蟹样机的机械本体结构。

    Crab leg mechanism model is made by abstracting walking leg structure of a crab . Based on geometry parameter optimizing of the legs , a mechanical prototype of biologically inspired machine crab is designed .

  7. 事故风险评价的第一步就足分析项目潜在的事故风险的形式和种类,然后才能求出它们发生的概率和环境影响后果两种属性。

    The first step is to analyse the modality and variety of item , the second is to seek the probability and aftereffect of them .

  8. 这孩子几乎一降生就马上会说话,并且每走一步都足生莲花。

    The child was almost instantly endowed with the power of speech , and every time he took a step there appeared on the ground before him a lotus .