
  • 网络Weapon Master
  1. 奈德点点头,觉得自己还挺喜欢托布·莫特这位武器大师。

    Ned nodded . He decided that he liked Tobho Mott , master armorer .

  2. 莎拉之后要求天使们最优秀的武器大师铸造一系列华美的宝剑,每一个都代表着艾尔拉思的一项美德,这些剑被赐予新王国的领袖们:皇帝和其手下的六位大公。

    Each of the seven swords would represent a virtue of Elrath , and be offered to the leaders of the new nation : the Emperor himself and his six Dukes .

  3. 正如人们所想,锻冶行会总部云集当世技艺最为精湛的武器制造大师。

    As one would expect , the Grandmaster Swordsmiths'Guild is home to the greatest weapon makers in the world .