
  • 网络weapon equipment system;armaments system;weapon system of systems
  1. 基于UML的武器装备体系需求描述

    Demand description of weapon equipment system of systems based on UML

  2. 基于QFD的武器装备体系能力分析过程

    Capability Analysis of a Weapon Equipment System Based on QFD

  3. 基于Petri网的武器装备体系能力需求仿真验证方法

    Simulation Validation Method for Capability Requirement of Weapon System of Systems Based on Petri Net

  4. 武器装备体系对抗仿真中的C2建模研究

    Research on the C2 Modeling in Weapon and Equipment System-of-Systems Warfare Simulation

  5. 根据武器装备体系对抗仿真的特点,基于HLA技术讨论了组网雷达体系对抗仿真系统的设计问题。

    In view of the features of counterwork simulation between weapon systems , the designation of this problem is discussed for netted radar based on HLA .

  6. 最后,论文分析了武器装备体系需求对管理工具的特殊要求,介绍了以DOORS为基础开发的武器装备体系需求管理原型系统。

    At the last , the thesis analyzed the special demands which the weapon system-of-systems requirement set for management tool and presented the prototype system of weapon system-of-system requirements management tool which developed at the base of DOORS .

  7. 在深入研究Kriging代理模型的数学机理、特点和适用性的基础上,提出均匀设计与Kriging代理模型相结合的武器装备体系优化算法。

    Based on a thorough analysis of the mathematical mechanism , characteristics and applicability of the Kriging surrogate model , we propose an optimization algorithm of SoS based on Kriging surrogate model and uniform design .

  8. HLA的出现为武器装备体系论证提供了新的技术支撑,但对于一个部门如何有效的利用HLA来为武器装备体系论证服务,还需要整体上对其仿真环境进行系统的设计。

    The occurrence of HLA ( High-Level Architecture ) has provided the new technical infrastructure for weapon system argumentation . To make full use of HLA to service the weapon system argumentation , a department needs to design the simulation environment on the whole .

  9. 探讨了利用UML对武器装备体系进行需求描述的方法和步骤,以海洋监视与打击体系为例,利用UML中的协作图和活动图从顶层分别描述了体系的物理体系结构和逻辑体系结构。

    The method and steps of describing weapon equipment requirements using UML were discussed . Taking ocean surveillance and hitting target architecture as example , its physical architecture and logical architecture were described by using of activity diagram and collaboration diagram in UML from top level , respectively .

  10. 因此,需要以CAS理论为依据,研究新的武器装备体系对抗仿真建模方法,以适应信息化战争模拟的需要。

    So , it is necessary to study a new method of SoS combat simulation of weapons and equipments based on the complex adaptive system ( CAS ) theories so as to meet the need of war game and simulation by the information age war .

  11. 基于仿真的武器装备体系论证关键问题研究

    Study on Key Questions of Weapon System-of-systems Demonstration Based on Simulation

  12. 基于能力需求的武器装备体系作战能力评价

    Combat Capability Evaluation of Weapon Equipment System Based on Capability Requirement

  13. 基于信息流的武器装备体系效能模型

    An Operational Effectiveness Model for Armament System based on Information Flow

  14. 武器装备体系概念建模与分析验证

    Concept Modeling and Verifying Analysis for Weapon and Armament System of Systems

  15. 海军武器装备体系作战能力评估模型研究

    Study on the Evaluating Model of Campaign Capability of SOS in Navy

  16. 技术成熟度直接影响着武器装备体系的开发建设。

    Technology maturity poses a direct impact on WSoS development and construction .

  17. 空军武器装备体系作战能力聚合模型

    Research on Aggregation Model for Air-force Arming System Combat Capability

  18. 支持武器装备体系论证的探索性分析框架研究

    Exploratory Analysis Framework Research for Weapon System of Systems Evaluation

  19. 基于智能体的武器装备体系评价模型研究

    Research on Evaluating Model of Army Weapon Equipment System Based on Agent

  20. 武器装备体系能力需求论证方法初探

    Preliminary Research on Capability Requirement Demonstration Methodology of Armament System of Systems

  21. 武器装备体系仿真运行环境需求研究

    Study on Requirement of Runtime Environment of Weapon System of Systems Simulation

  22. 基于自然连通度的武器装备体系生存能力评估方法

    A Method for Evaluating Survivability of Weapon System-of-Systems Based on Natural Connectivity

  23. 基于多视点的武器装备体系需求建模

    Modeling of Weapon System of Systems Requirement based on Multi-viewpoint

  24. 依赖于全寿命费用分析的武器装备体系管理优化方法

    An Optimum Management Method for Weapon Equipment System Based on Life Cycle Analysis

  25. 探讨了未来武器装备体系优化理论和方法的发展方向。

    Future research orientations of weapon SoS optimization theories and methods are discussed .

  26. 武器装备体系结构演化仿真研究

    Research on Structure Evolution of Armament System of Systems

  27. 武器装备体系优化方法研究

    Preliminary Research on Optimization of Weapon System of Systems

  28. 武器装备体系的体系结构与体系效能

    Study on the architecture and effectiveness for armament systems

  29. 武器装备体系对抗联合战役推演系统总体方案研究

    Research on Overall Plan of the Armaments System Confrontation Joint Campaign Rehearsal System

  30. 武器装备体系作战需求分析框架研究

    Study of Operational Requirement Analysis Framework about Weapons SoS