
wǔ yí shān
  • Wuyi Mountain
  1. 武夷山中华蜜蜂形态特征与微卫星DNA标记的相关分析

    Relationship between microsatellite DNA markers and morphology feature of Apis cerana cerana populations in Wuyi Mountain

  2. 江西武夷山蝶类昆虫区系概貌

    The outline of butterfly fauna in Wuyi Mountain of Jiangxi Province

  3. 基于DEM和地统计的森林资源空间格局分析&以武夷山山区为例

    Application of Digital Terrain Information and Geostatistics to Forest Spatial Pattern Analysis & A Case on Wuyi Mt. Area

  4. 通过对武夷山旅游发展进行的SWOT分析,本文重点剖析了其遗产资源旅游发展的优势、劣势及其面临的机遇、挑战。

    With the SWOT analysis of Mount Wuyi , we mainly discuss the advantages , weakness , opportunities and threats of heritage resources tourism development . 3 .

  5. 以银染法AFLP分子标记技术用5对引物组合对来自福建武夷山市、安溪县、台湾省和广东潮安县45份乌龙茶品种资源进行遗传多样性分析。

    Genetic diversity in 45 Oolong germplasms collected from three provinces , Fujian , Guangdong and Taiwan was evaluated by AFLP fingerprinting based on silver staining technique using 5 primer combinations .

  6. 研究景观类型空间关系时其取样尺度不宜太大,武夷山风景名胜区以200m×200m取样尺度最佳。

    The sampling scale should not be too large in the research of spatial relationships of landscape types . For the Scenery District of Mt. Wuyi , the sampling scale of 200m × 200m is the best ;

  7. 从厦门武夷山自然保护区土壤样品中分离得到一株可产生蛇孢菌素的丝状真菌,编号为F02Z2172。

    A filamentous fungus F02Z2172 which could produce ophiobolins was isolated from Wuyi Shan Nature Reserve in Fujian province .

  8. 武夷山风景区主要植被类型群落结构特征的研究

    Community Structure of the Main Vegetation Types in Wuyi Scenery Spot

  9. 武夷山封闭式管理引发了利益相关者的利益重构问题。

    The close management in Mount Wuyi has caused stakeholder problems .

  10. 武夷山土壤垂直带的理化性质

    The physics and chemistry nature of the Mt. Wuyi soil vertical

  11. 武夷山土壤理化性状空间分异规律研究

    Study on Spatial Differentiation of Edaphic Physicochemical Properties in Wuyi Mountain

  12. 武夷山风景区马尾松林主要有害生物的监测

    Main Risky Pest Monitoring of Pinus Massoniana Forests in Wuyi Scenery Spot

  13. 武夷山国家级风景名胜区的游憩价值评估

    Evaluating the Tourism Value of the National-level Scenery Area of Wuyi Mountain

  14. 武夷山天然米槠林抽样技术的研究

    Study on Sampling Techniques of Natural Castanopsis carlesii Forest in Wuyi Shang

  15. 武夷山生态旅游开发的初步设想

    Tentative Ideas of Ecological Traveling Exploitation in Wu Yi Mountain

  16. GC/MS分析武夷山大红袍茶的香气成份

    GC / MS analysis of The Fragrance in Dahongpao Tea

  17. 那朱熹在武夷山到底生活了多久呢?

    How long did Zhu Xi live at Wuyi mountain ?

  18. 论武夷山旅游企业拓展市场的发展战略

    Development Strategy in Magnifying Market of Wuyi Mountain Tourist Enterprise

  19. 南平武夷山区森林群落的数量分类

    Quantitative classification of the forest community of Mt. Wuyi area in Nanping

  20. 武夷山黄山松林主要种群的地形格局

    Topographical Pattern of Dominant Populations of Pinus taiwanensis Forest in Wuyi Mountain

  21. 在中国,武夷山被视为红茶的发源之地。

    Within China , Bohea is considered the origin of black tea .

  22. 不过,我们武夷山之行才刚刚开始。

    But our trip to Wuyi Mountain has just begun .

  23. 道教的生态思想对武夷山旅游的启示

    The Tourism of Wuyi Mountain : Enlightenment from Taoism 's Ecological Idea

  24. 武夷山是朱子理学的摇篮。

    Wuyi Mountain was the cradle of Zhu xi 's idealist confucianism .

  25. 大红袍是武夷山出产的一种极品乌龙茶。

    Da Hong Pao , a superior oolong tea , grows there .

  26. 中小旅游城市发展会展旅游的思考&以武夷山为例

    Thought on Developing MIEC in Middle-sized and Small Tourist Cities

  27. 论武夷山旅游线路的创新

    A Study on innovating the Tourist line in Wuyi Mountain

  28. 武夷山的形成与地貌发育特征

    The origin and morphological characteristics of the Wuyi mountain , Fujian Province

  29. 这段2小时、8千米的旅程可以欣赏武夷山壮丽的风景。

    The two-hour , eight-kilometer trips provide grand views of Mount Wuyi .

  30. 武夷山区毛竹生长气候条件探讨

    Inquiry into effect of climat factor on bamboo growth in Wuyi mountainous region