
  • 网络Wudang Martial Arts
  1. 武当武术文化旅游资源管理体制有待完善;

    Wudang martial arts cultural tourism resources management system to be improved ;

  2. 笔者认为,武当武术的思想渊源既与本土的儒学和道学密切相关,也与外来的佛学不无干系。

    It is pointed out that the thoughts of Wudang martial arts are closely related with Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism , which are integrated together and forms the thought of the Wudang martial arts .

  3. 鄂西北高师女生选修武当武术课的归因分析鄂西北地区普通高校《学生体质健康标准》测试结果的分析

    Why Female Students in Teachers College in Northwest Hubei Select Wushu Test results of university students ' physical constitution in northwest Hubei province

  4. 现在出场的武当武术传人陈亚琼,她连续三年在湖北省武术锦标赛上获得全能冠军。

    Now here comes the performer , a distinguished master of martial art , Ms Chen Yaqiong , who has won the All-around champion title in Hubei Kung fu Tournament for continuous three years .

  5. 武当道教武术在全民健身中的作用

    Function of Taoist Wushu in Wudang on fitness for all

  6. 武当道教武术养生方法略论

    Ways to Preserve Health in Taoist Wushu in Wudang

  7. 武汉地区地源热泵技术应用存在的主要问题及对策分析乌鸦崇拜及武术象形与武当道教武术

    Main existed problems and respective countermeasures of ground-source heat pump technique applications in Wuhan area

  8. 通过文献资料、调查访问等方法,对武当山武术活动情况进行了系统研究。

    By means of documentary materials , investigation and interviews , a systemic study is made of martial arts activities in Wudang Mount .

  9. 从武术活动的群体、功能上来看,武当山武术活动主要有:军事武术、民间武术和道教武术等活动。

    In the perspective of function and collectivism , the Wushu activities can be divided into such groups as military , folk and religious martial arts .

  10. 通过历史文献资料、实地考查、专家咨询等研究方法,对远古至战国时期的武当山武术活动进行了研究。

    The exploration of Wushu activities carried out in Mount Wudang from the remote antiquity to the period of Warring States by means of literature study , practical investigation , consultation with experts , etc.

  11. 玛雅·黛润被誉为美国地下电影之母,她的影片《对暴力的反思》直接取材于中国武当与少林武术。

    Maya Deren is reputed as the mother of American underground films .

  12. 武当山特区居民对武当武术影响的感知和态度

    Wudang Mountains Residents ' Recognition to and Attitudes towards Wudang Wushu

  13. 武当真武棍套路难度适中,适合不同年龄层次的武当武术,养生爱好者习练。

    It is not hard to perform the Wudang Zhenwu Stick Movement , so that it is suitable for fans at all ages .

  14. 武当山以其优美的自然风光,古老的道教文化,宏大的古建筑群,精湛的武当武术名扬海内外。湛江市珍稀天然樟树群落调查与分析

    Wudang Mountain is famous at home and abroad for its spectacular natural scenery , traditional Taoist culture , and ingenious Wudang Kung fu . The Investigation and Analysis of the Rare Native Cinnamomum camphora Community in Zhanjiang , Guangdong

  15. 武当山是我国著名的道教圣地,国家级风景名胜区和世界文化遗产保护单位,其拥有奇特绚丽的自然景观、规模宏大的古建筑群,博大精深的道教文化和享誉中外的武当武术。

    Wudang Mountain is the Holy Land of the Taoism , which is not only the national scenery of China but also the heritage of the world . It famous for its florid natural sceneries , the magnificent ancient architectures , the profound Taoist culture and the supernatural Wudang Wushu .