
  1. 认定武装掩护走私的性质是进行深层论述的前提。

    The character of shielding smuggling with arms is a prerequisite for deep discussion .

  2. 武装掩护走私若干问题探讨

    Issues on Smuggling Covered by Arms

  3. 武装掩护走私与以暴力、威胁方法抗拒缉私的区别。

    The difference between smuggling covered by arms and resistance to anti-smuggling by violent menace is also discussed .

  4. 这等于说,走私个罪具有两套定罪量刑系统,武装掩护走私是其中之一。

    That is , to the crimes of smuggling , there are two ways to determine the conviction and punishment , one of which is shielding smuggling with arms .

  5. 以武装掩护走私的,以暴力抗拒检查走私货物、物品的,不论数额大小,都是走私罪。

    Any armed smuggling of goods and articles or resistence by violence to customs examination over smuggled goods and articles constitutes a crime of smuggling , regardless of the quantity or value of the goods and articles involved .