
  • 网络sometimes you die;Time To Die;Pora umierac
  1. 1951年,勋伯格预感死期将至,于是请了一位名叫戴恩·罗德耶(DaneRudhyar)的天文学家来给自己看星象。

    He prepared himself for death in 1951 , and had an astronomer by the name of Dane Rudhyar make him a horoscope .

  2. 诊断并不意味着死期将至。

    Diagnosis doesn 't mean you 're dying tomorrow .

  3. 法国侵略者像一头疯狂的野兽,在它跳跃奔跑中受了致命伤,感到自己的死期将至;

    The French invading army , like a ravening beast that has received its death-wound in its onslaught , felt its end near .

  4. 英格兰的新教教徒们想杀我就是因为这些书信。“你是个不道德的女人!”他们说:“你杀死了自己的丈夫,达恩利,而现在你又想杀我们的女王伊丽莎白。你死期将至了。”

    The English Protestants want to kill me because of these letters . " You are a wicked woman ! " they say : " You killed your husband , Darnley , and now you want to kill our Queen Elizabeth . You 're going to die ! "