
cán bào
  • brutality;cruelty;atrocious;ruthless;savage;ferocity;slaughter;cruel and ferocious;cruel and heartless
残暴 [cán bào]
  • [atrocious] 残酷凶暴

  • 残暴行为

  • [slaughter] 残杀

  • 残暴禽鱼以自快

残暴[cán bào]
  1. 如果叙利亚分裂,陷入教派战争;如果逊尼派(sunnis)报复阿拉维派教徒(alawites);如果一切的变化只是换了压迫者,而非压迫的本质,那么昔日的残暴工具将保留其吸引力。

    If Syria disintegrates into sectarian war ; if Sunnis take revenge on alawites ; if all that changes is the identity of the oppressor , not the nature of the oppression ; the savage tools of the past will retain their appeal .

  2. 这样残暴的惩罚是与文明社会相抵触的。

    Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society .

  3. 罪行之残暴使公众大为震惊。

    The brutality of the crime has appalled the public .

  4. 这些逃犯残暴而危险。

    The prisoners who escaped are violent and dangerous .

  5. 英国没有公开反对这些残暴行为,使其名誉扫地。

    Britain , to its discredit , did not speak out against these atrocities .

  6. 辩护律师声称囚犯遭到了残暴和侮辱性的对待。

    The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment .

  7. 他和他专横残暴的父母一样为人惧怕和憎恨。

    He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents

  8. 他遭到一帮白人青年的残暴袭击。

    He suffered a vicious attack by a gang of white youths

  9. 这是一个残暴对待自己的人民的人。

    Here 's a man who has brutalized his own people

  10. 男人给她的感受是支配一切,野蛮残暴。

    Her experience of men was of domination and brutality .

  11. 示威遭到了残暴的镇压。

    The demonstration had been dealt with in a violent and heavy-handed way

  12. 卡斯特是个白痴,是个残暴的家伙,他罪有应得。

    Custer was an idiot and a brute and he deserved his fate .

  13. 他们代表了一个残暴的非法政权,这样的政权是不可能长久的。

    They represented a ruthless and illegitimate regime that could not remain forever .

  14. 他的行为越来越难以捉摸,而且愈发残暴。

    His behavior grew more unpredictable by the day , and increasingly tyrannical .

  15. 这个国家的政治体制依然残暴异常,缺少平等,四分五裂。

    This country still had a deeply oppressive , unequal and divisive political system .

  16. 他们野蛮残暴。

    They were savage and bloodthirsty .

  17. 残暴行为会使人堕落、道德败坏。

    Cruelty depraves and corrupts .

  18. 杀戮异常残暴。那些犯下如此暴行的人都应该受到审判和惩罚。

    The killing was cold-blooded , and those who committed this atrocity should be tried and punished .

  19. 海盗们残暴地对待他们的俘虏。

    The pirates treated their captives with barbarity .

  20. 残暴也许是一个比某些真实原因较少尴尬的说法。

    Perhaps cruelty is a less embarrassing claim than some of the true reason .

  21. 两军都犯有残暴的罪行。

    Both armies were guilty of extremities .

  22. 杀人是一种残暴的犯罪行为。

    Murder is a brutal crime .

  23. 说谎和残暴都是道德败坏的行为。

    Lying and cruelty are vice .

  24. 现存的社会福利被指责为是无价值的、残暴的

    The existing social benefits are considered to be stigmatizing and repressive .

  25. 对残暴行为是不能姑息的

    There can be no appeasement with ruthlessness .

  26. 他动用其破坏性的军队残暴地掠夺国内的人民。

    He used his ruthless and destructive armies despoil everybody who lived within reach of his realm .

  27. 差了一点点,Ellen。她的行为残暴到了极点。

    You came very close , Ellen . Her behaviour was a positive outrage .

  28. v.使缓的;使减轻的法官说没有任何事能减轻那人对小孩的残暴行为。

    mitigate The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the man bad treated the child .

  29. 更早时颁发的奖项被授予多部电影,其中残暴的动作寓言片《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》(MadMax:FuryRoad)获得六个技术奖项。

    The earlier awards had gone to a scattershot group of films that was dominated by a run of six craft awards for the brutal action fable " Mad Max : Fury Road . "

  30. 施密特是一位历史学家,在纽伦堡2001年开放的博物馆内工作。他展示了60年代初一部标志性的德国纪录片《石中的残暴》(BrutalityinStone)的一些剧照,。

    Mr. Schmidt , a historian at the museum that opened here in 2001 , showed some stills from an iconic early 1960s German documentary , " Brutality in Stone . "