
  • 网络rudimentary horn of uterus;rudimentary uterine horn;rudimentary uterus;rudimentary horn of the uterus;rudimentary horn uterus
  1. 残角子宫并宫腔经血潴留的超声诊断

    Ultrasound diagnosis of rudimentary uterus and retention of menstruation in uterus cavity

  2. 残角子宫妊娠破裂1例

    Rupture of rudimentary uterine horn of pregnancy : case report

  3. 残角子宫妊娠二例超声诊断分析及文献复习

    Diagnosis of rudimentary uterine horn pregnancy : two cases analysis and articles review

  4. 结论三维超声是诊断残角子宫的有效检查方法。

    Conclusion Three-dimensional ultrasound is an effective way to diagnose rudimentary uterine horn .

  5. 残角子宫的声象图诊断&附9例报告

    B-mode ultrasonographic diagnosis of rudimentary horn of uterus : a report of 9 cases

  6. 目的提高残角子宫妊娠的诊断率,避免误诊和漏诊。

    Objective To improve the diagnosis of rudimentary uterine horn pregnancy and decrease the miss-diagnosis rate .

  7. 目的总结残角子宫的临床特征,探讨诊断和处理方法。

    Objective Studying the diagnosis and treatment of rudimentary horn of uterus by analysising the clinical characteristics of 21 cases .

  8. 目的:分析12例残角子宫妊娠的临床特征及处理,总结认识与体会。

    Objective : To analyse the clinical feature and treatment of 12 cases of pregnancy in rudimentary horn and summarize realization and comprehension .

  9. 残角子宫13例及单角子宫4例,均合并同侧肾脏缺如。

    Ipsilateral renal agenesis was also seen in patients with rudimentary horn of uterus ( 14 / 14 cases ) and unicornuate uterus ( 4 / 4 cases ) .

  10. 宫腔镜结合超声检查:6例病例中诊断盲角子宫3例,残角子宫3例,其中5例合并与病侧子宫同侧的卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿。

    Cases rudimentary uterine horn and 3 cases blind uterine horn were diagnosed by hysteroscopy combined with ultrasonography , 5 cases of those complicated by chocolate cyst of ovary .

  11. 结果:少见部位异位妊娠主要包括子宫角妊娠、输卵管间质部妊娠、卵巢妊娠、子宫颈妊娠、腹腔妊娠、残角子宫妊娠和宫内宫外同时妊娠。

    Results : The SEP in the study included cornual pregnancy , interstitial tubal pregnancy , varian pregnancy , cervical pregnancy , abdominal pregnancy and rudimentary horn of uterus pregnancy .

  12. 本文报道5例残角子宫妊娠并结合国内1949~1987年间文献中的83例,对本病成因、临床特点、早期诊断和治疗进行分析和讨论,以引起临床上重视。

    Maternal deaths are due to hemorrhagic shock . The authors report 5 cases and review 83 cases in the literatures from 1949-1987 in China . The etiology , clinical manifestations , early diagnosis and treatment of the disease are analysed and discussed .

  13. 结果确诊双角子宫8例,单宫颈纵隔子宫10例,双宫颈单宫体纵隔子宫2例,青春期残角子宫4例。

    Results Definitive diagnosis indicated 8 cases of uterus bicornis , 10 cases of uterus septus with single uterine neck , 2 cases of uterus septus with double uterine neck and single uterine body , and 4 cases of puberal rudimentary horn of uterus .

  14. 结论:降低残角子宫妊娠误诊率的关键在于详细询问病史,认真查体,并于早孕时行B超检查确定妊娠部位。

    Conclusion : The key to lowering the rate of erroneous diagnosis of pregnancy in rudimentary horn lies in inquiring conditions of a patient in detail , examining carefully and having a B ultrasonography examination during early pregnancy to make sure the part of pregnancy .

  15. 结果超声确诊输卵管间质部妊娠21例,宫颈妊娠4例,子宫峡部妊娠2例及残角子宫妊娠1例,有3例误诊,超声诊断少见部位异位妊娠的准确率为90.3%。

    Results Ultrasonography accurately diagnosed interstital tubal pregnancy in 21 cases , cervical pregnancy in 4 , isthmus pregnancy in 2 , rudimentary horn pregnancy in 1 , and 3 cases were misdiagnosed , thus , the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound for SPE was 90.3 % .