
mǔ rǔ wèi yǎnɡ
  • breast feeding
  1. 【结论】我国晚发型维生素K缺乏性出血发病形势严峻。母乳喂养是发病的高危因素;

    [ Conclusions ] Breast feeding is a risk factor for late vitamin K deficiency bleeding .

  2. 结果表明,母乳喂养组胆红素水平高于人工喂养组,(P<0.01)。

    The results indicated that serum bilirubin levels in breast feeding group , were higher than those in artificial feeding group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 主流科学家宣称母乳喂养的婴儿更聪明。

    Leading scientists claim breast-fed babies are intellectually brighter .

  4. 根据2007年的一项研究,美国在家庭福利政策方面,例如带薪育儿假,带薪病假和支持母乳喂养,远远落后于每一个发达国家,以及许多发展中国家。

    The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave , paid sick days and breast-feeding support , according to a 2007 study .

  5. 孕妇感染HBV对胎儿的影响及母乳喂养的研究

    A study on the influence of HBV infection in pregnant women on fetus and colostrum

  6. 1岁以内的母乳喂养儿阳性率比混合喂养儿和人工喂养儿的阳性率均低(P<0.01);

    The rate of breast-feeding in infants with rotavirus diarrhea is lower than that in the other feeding modes ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  7. 结论本病病因是维生素K缺乏,母乳喂养易发生本病。

    Conclusion Hemorrhagic disorder occurs as a result of vitamin K deficiency ; breast-fed infants are apt to develop this deficiency .

  8. 结论母乳喂养和奶瓶喂养对婴儿期口内MS的早期定殖所起的作用无显著差别。

    Conclusion There is no difference in the effect on early colonization of MS in infants with different feeding mode .

  9. JillHall有两个继女,但是Thomas使她有了第一次母乳喂养的经历。

    Jill Hall has two stepdaughters , but Thomas is her first experience with breastfeeding .

  10. 查德利-尼尔受到了ThePumpStation的广泛帮助,这家位于洛杉矶地区的母乳喂养资源中心为妈妈们提供各种帮助,比如帮她们联系哺乳问题专业人士。

    Ms. Chudleigh-Neal receives extensive support from The Pump Station , a Los Angeles-area nursing resource center that helps with things like connecting moms to lactation professionals .

  11. 拯救儿童组织CEO卡罗琳·迈尔斯称小孩出生后不久开始母乳喂养至关重要。

    Save the Children CEO Carolyn Miles says it 's vital to begin breastfeeding soon after a child is born .

  12. 当时正在与克林顿基金会(ClintonFoundation)合作,通过提供经济援助来鼓励母乳喂养的美多拉克公司表示,公司只得放弃原计划。

    Medolac , which said it was working with the Clinton Foundation and wanted to encourage breast-feeding by making it financially attractive , abandoned its plan .

  13. 结论在新生儿、婴儿接受被动及主动全程联合免疫的条件下,无症状HBV携带者可以母乳喂养。

    Conclusions With appropriate immunoprophylaxis , including hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine , HBV carriers can breast feed their babies .

  14. 5月21日发表在《获得性免疫缺陷综合症》杂志(JournalofAcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndromes)网站上的这项研究为发展中国家更安全的母乳喂养带来了希望。

    A study , published online in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes ( 21 May ), provides hope that breastfeeding in developing nations could become safer .

  15. 两组早吸吮、纯母乳喂养率及PRL比较差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    The rate of early milk suck and the serum PRL were similar between two groups .

  16. 我们将评估母乳喂养与其他形式的喂养方式下传播HIV-1型病毒的危险性和婴儿的生存情况。

    We assessed the HIV-1 transmission risks and survival associated with exclusive breastfeeding and other types of infant feeding .

  17. HBV感染孕妇所生的新生儿出生后立即沐浴,停止母乳喂养与母亲隔离4周。

    Infants with HBV-infected mothers should take a bath immediately after birth , then stop breast feeding and keep them apart from their mothers for 4 weeks ;

  18. 结果:实验组在产后24h内纯母乳喂养率达95%,对照组仅为8%,两组差异有高度显著性(P<001)。

    Result : In experiment group pure breast feeding ratio can reach 95 % , while 8 % in control ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 由于配方奶中的EGF不足甚至缺乏,故应提倡用母乳喂养自己的婴儿。

    Feeding infants with breast milk from their own mother should be advocated since there is lack of EGF in cow 's milk-based infant formulas .

  20. 纯母乳喂养组MDI、PDI显著高于混合喂养组与人工喂养组。

    MDI and PDI of full breast-feeding group were significantly higher than that of mixed feeding and bottle feeding groups .

  21. 两组在4个月纯母乳喂养率及婴儿抚触技术应用率上,实验组明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(均p0.05)。

    The two groups at 4 months of exclusive breastfeeding rates and rates of infant massage , the experimental group was significantly higher , the difference was statistically significant ( p0.05 ) . 5 .

  22. 婴儿的母亲是HIV病毒携带者,但她并未进行母乳喂养,而且,也可以排除婴儿由于输血、外伤或遭受性侵犯感染病毒的可能性。

    The baby 's mother is HIV virus carriers , but she is not breastfeeding , and infants can be excluded because of blood transfusion , trauma or sexual abuse of the possibility of infection .

  23. 目的探讨HBV携带孕妇血清、乳汁HBV-DNA载量不同的状况下采用母乳喂养安全性及对母婴传播阻断效果的影响。

    To investigate the relationship between the load of HBV-DNA in serum and breast milk of pregnant women with HBV carrier and explore the blocking effect on HBV the mother-infant transmission .

  24. 目的探讨HBV携带产妇血清、乳汁HBV-DNA载量的不同状况与实施母乳喂养安全性的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) DNA load in serum and breast milk of HBV carrier mother and the safety of breast feeding .

  25. 在博茨瓦纳比较母乳喂养加婴儿预防性应用叠氮胸苷6个月与配方奶加婴儿叠氮胸苷1个月以减少母婴HIV传播的一项随机试验:Mashi研究

    Breastfeeding plus infant zidovudine prophylaxis for 6 months vs formula feeding plus infant zidovudine for 1 month reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission in Botswana-A randomized trial : The Mashi study

  26. 接种B型流感嗜血杆菌(Hib)和肺炎链球菌疫苗、有效的病例管理、提倡母乳喂养和补锌在降低肺炎死亡率上具有成本效益。

    Vaccines against Hib and S.pneumoniae , efficacious case management , breastfeeding promotion and zinc supplementation are cost-effective in reducing pneumonia mortality .

  27. UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会),一个致力于保护母婴健康的联合国组织,非常支持母乳喂养。

    UNICEF ( United Nations International Children 's Emergency Fund ) , the UN group dedicated to the well-being of children and their mothers , is a strong supporter of breast-feeding .

  28. 新生儿Apgar评分,新生儿出生后12、24、48、72h母乳喂养率、皮肤和口唇颜色、睡眠和体动、喷奶等。

    Neonatal characteristics including breast feeding , Apgar scores , color of skin and lip , sleeping , movement response and regurgitation were recorded at 12,24,48 and 72 hours after delivery .

  29. 观察两组产妇,血压,心率,焦虑量表SAS评分、疼痛量表VAS评分,血清泌乳素PRL,术后初乳时间,母乳喂养次数,乳汁分泌不足例数。

    In our study , the blood press , heart rate , anxiety measuring scale SAS score , visual analogue scale , prolactin level , time of beestings , times of breast-feeding and numbers of patients with insufficient milk secretion were observed .

  30. 许多研究已经表明,使用母乳喂养的婴儿更加健康。MacGowan表示,母乳喂养的益处是多方面的。

    Many studies have shown that infants who are fed breast milk are healthier . MacGowan says the benefits are .