
  • 网络Dividend per share
  1. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)称,这桩交易将使明年的每股股息提高17%。

    This deal , Morgan Stanley says , will lead to a 17 per cent uplift in dividend per share next year .

  2. 公司重组后,每股股息大幅度增值。

    eg.After the reshuffle of the company , there is a huge rise in dividend per share .

  3. 公司每股股息10美分。

    eg.The company will pay a dividend of ten cents a share .

  4. 普通股每股股息为31便士。

    The total dividend per ordinary share was31 pence .

  5. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)认为,苹果在2015财年将会提高派息至120亿美元,相当于每股2美元股息,即2%的股息收益率。

    Morgan Stanley thinks Apple will increase dividend payouts to $ 12bn in fiscal 2015 , which works out to $ 2 per share , a   2 per cent yield .

  6. 每股50分的股息支付

    dividend payments of 50 cents a share

  7. 该银行表示,计划支付每股0.35美元的股息。

    It said it planned to pay a dividend of 35 cents a share .

  8. 这与2006年的情形大相径庭,2006年是全球金融危机开始产生影响之前最后一个完整的财年。当年花旗实现了近300亿美元的利润,仅最后一个季度就派发了每股54美分的股息。

    It is all a far cry from 2006 , the last full year before the global financial crisis took hold , when Citi racked up nearly $ 30bn of profits and declared a 54 cent dividend for the last quarter of the year alone .