
  • 网络specific modulus
  1. 比模量、比强度与E-玻璃纤维属同一数量级。

    The specific modulus and specific strength were as high as E-glass fiber composite .

  2. 碳/碳(C/C)复合材料具有高的比模量、高的比强度、耐磨损、耐高温等优良特性,广泛应用于航空航天领域。

    Carbon reinforced carbon ( C / C ) composite have much good properties , such as high specific modulus , high specific strength , abrasion resistance and so on , which is widely used in aeronautics & astronautics .

  3. 复合材料的弯曲强度和比模量较高;

    The flexural strength and specific modulus were moderately high .

  4. 纵向弹性比模量的株间变异显著。

    The longitudinal tensile specific modulus has significant variation between the five trees .

  5. 随着处理温度的升高和时间的增加,化学成分和比模量的变化趋势是基本一致的。

    As the processing temperature and time increased , the chemical components and changes trend in specific modulus are consistent basically .

  6. 金属基复合材料可以综合金属基体和增强相的特点,具备了高比强度、比模量,耐磨性强等优点,在航空航天、汽车制造、先进武器系统等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Metal matrix composites ( MMCs ) could utilize the properties of the metal matrix and the reinforced phase , have the properties of specific strength , specific modulus and resistance to wear and have a wild application in the aviation , auto manufacture and advanced weapon systems , etc.

  7. TiAl基合金因其低密度、高熔点、高比强度和比弹性模量、好的阻燃能力和抗氧化性等优点,作为下一代新型轻质高温结构材料引起了国内外学者的广泛研究。

    TiAl-based alloys have been researched by many domestic and foreign research scholars for next generation of high-temperature light structural materials because of its low density , high melting point , high specific strength and modulus , flame-retardant capabilities and good oxidation resistance .

  8. 此外它们的比弹性模量也比现有高强度铝合金高17%。

    In addition , they have a17 % higher specific modulus than current high strength aluminum alloys .

  9. 研究表明,高模量碳纤维的表面化学基团含量要比低模量碳纤维的低。

    It has shown that on untreated fiber surfaces , the high modulus fiber has much less functional groups than the low modulus fiber .

  10. 对于乐器用代替材料的设计,通过振动测试系统测定了一些木质乐器材料的比动态模量和对数衰减系数等振动特性。

    For the designing of foe musical instrument material substitutes , the vibration properties , specific dynamic modulus and logarithmic decrement of some wooden musical instrument materials are measured by the vibration testing system .

  11. 采用考虑时间效应的改进扎列茨基解,编制相应的计算程序,分析了渗透系数、泊松比、模量比等参数对土体固结沉降的影响。

    Compile the calculation program with the ЗарецкийЮК solution , through which the effect of the parameters on soil can be analyzed , such as seepage coefficient , Poisson 's ratio , modulus ratio and unsaturated degree .

  12. 此外,还讨论了C的富集分配对马氏体Poisson比和Young's模量的可能影响。

    In addition , the possible effects of carbon partitioning on Poisson ratio and Young 's modulus of martensite were discused briefly .

  13. 碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)具有比强度比模量高、耐腐蚀、可设计性好且成型容易等优异特性;

    Carbon fiber reinforced polymers ( CFRP ) has high strength ratio and modules ratio , corrosion resistance property and excellent designable and easily molding property .

  14. 将其加入到热塑性聚合物(TP)中,可明显改善体系的加工特性,并能原位生成高长径比、高模量和高强度的微纤,形成自增强的原位复合材料。

    In situ composites containing fibrils with high aspect ratios , high strength and high modulus as self reinforcing components were prepared via incorporation of TLCP into thermoplastic polymers ( TP ), which led to significantly improve the processability due to the reduction in viscosity .

  15. 运用正交试验法研究了几个主要力学和几何参数如泊松比,弹性模量和被粘物厚对单搭接接头VONMISES等效应力的影响。

    The research is carried out with the method of orthogonal test to study the effects of some main parameters such as Poisson ratio , elastic modulus and adherend of thick on the peck value of the Von Mises equivalent stress distributed in adhesively bonded aluminium single lap joint .

  16. 堆石料等应力比路径四模量增量非线性模型

    Four moduli incremental nonlinear model of rockfill under the path of constant stress ratio

  17. 考虑膜厚影响薄膜磁致伸缩系数、泊松比和杨氏模量的同时测量

    Simultaneous measurements of the magnetostrictive coefficient , young 's modulus and Poisson ratio of the thin film considering the thickness of film

  18. 该计算公式比常用的模量混合律公式有所改进。

    On the basis of the mechanics of materials , the result is proposed and it improves the common modulus mixing formula .

  19. 已有弹性模量检测手段大多是静态法,而实践中动态弹性模量比静态弹性模量更能反映材料的振动特性。

    However , dynamic elastic modulus is more useful than static elastic modulus in practice because it can reflect the vibration characteristic better .

  20. 研究宏观等效泊松比和弹性模量。

    A method is studied for computing the equivalent Poisson ratio and the elasticity modulus of cast-in-situ hollow slabs at the macroscopic level .

  21. 研究了可再分散性乳胶粉砂浆的力学性能,室内测试了砂浆的抗压强度、抗折强度、粘结强度、折压比、弹性模量和变形模量。

    Then research the influence of the ratio of sand and lime , defoamer and redispersible powder to the basic mechanics performance of repair mortar .

  22. 有45°纤维缠绕的纤维复合材料圆管的扭转剪切模量比弯曲剪切模量大。

    At the same time we get the result that the torsional shear modulus is greater than the flexural shear modulus with the pipe produced by 45 ° winding .

  23. 在此基础上,分析了均布突加荷载作用下土体泊松比、剪切模量及衬砌剪切模量、衬砌厚度对衬砌动力响应的影响。

    On this basis , the influences of the Poisson 's ratio of soil , shear modulus of soil , shear modulus of lining and thickness of lining on dynamic response of the lining are analyzed .

  24. 对三维药柱进行了泊松比、材料模量及结构相关模型等随机参数影响的对比分析,所得结果为进一步药柱结构随机分析奠定了基础。

    Finally the effects of some random variables such as Poisson ratio , modulus and structure model on 3D grain were analyzed , and the analysis results can provide reference to random analysis of grain structure .

  25. 在其他工艺条件保持不变的情况下,推导出了研抛盘的径厚比、弹性模量与工件表面的法向非球面度、法向矢高之间的解析关系;

    When other technology conditions keep constant , the mathematical relation between the ratio of radius to thickness , Young 's modulus of the disk and normal asphericity , normal arc height of workpiece surface is given .

  26. 考虑泊松比和松弛模量的随机性,结合药柱的破坏判据,研究了工作内压作用下固体火箭发动机药柱结构的可靠度及其变化趋势。

    Based on the randomness of Poisson ratio and relaxation modulus , structure reliability and its variation tendency for solid rocket motor ( SRM ) grain under the internal pressure were investigated in combination with failure criterion .

  27. 试验结果表明:脉冲锤击法能有效地测得实木地板的固有频率与动态弹性模量,所得动态弹性模量值比静态弹性模量值稍大;

    The results show that pulse hammer excitation can be used to effectively measure the natural frequency values and dynamic elastic modulus of solid wood flooring , and the latter is bigger than the static elastic modulus .

  28. 考虑泊松比和弹性模量变化的钢管混凝土有限元分析弹性模量设定对胎圈钢丝破断伸长率和屈强比测试结果的影响

    Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Filled Steel Columns Considering the Variation of Poisson s Ratio and Elastic Modulus ; Influence of the range of elastic modulus on the determined elongation at rupture and yield strength ratio of bead wire

  29. 由叠前弹性波反演得到的纵横波速度和密度可用来计算泊松比、弹性模量等岩石物性参数,为识别储层孔隙中的流体性质提供了新手段。

    The P - and S-wave velocities and densities computed from prestack elastic wave inversion can be used to compute lithologic physical parameters such as Poisson ratio , elastic modulus etc. , providing new tool for identifying fluid content in reservoir pores .

  30. 聚丙烯腈(PAN)基碳纤维已经商业化几十年了,在所有商用的先进纤维增强体中,它拥有最高的比强度和比模量。

    Polyacrylonitrile based carbon fibers have been commercialized for several decades . They possess the highest specific strength and specific modulus among all commercially available advanced reinforcing fibers .