
  • 网络comparative advantage;theory of comparative advantage
  1. 但对比较利益理论的依赖,使中国在对外贸易中依然以加工贸易为主,产品多是劳动密集型。

    Dependent on the theory of comparative advantage , China highly relies on labor-condensed products .

  2. 比较利益理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石。

    The idea of comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade .

  3. 绝对利益理论、比较利益理论以及要素禀赋理论是国际贸易的经典理论。

    The Absolute Advantage Theory , the Comparative Advantage Theory , the Element Theory is traditional international trade theory .

  4. 从动态比较利益理论看技术进步在国际贸易中的作用

    The effect of the technical progress on the international trade according to the dynamic theory of the comparative advantages

  5. 与传统的比较利益理论相对应,新疆近年来在国际贸易战略上突出表现为资源密集型和劳动密集型产品出口。

    Relative to the traditional comparative advantage theories , international trade in Xin-jiang are mainly put on the export of resource-intensive and labor-intensive products .

  6. 前景光明,是指我国入世以后,机遇大于挑战,长远利益大于短期收益。建立在比较利益理论基础上的国际贸易现实对发展和提升我国的综合国力大有益处。

    The reality of international trade , based on the comparative_interests theory , is in favor for China to develop and improve its comprehensive national strength .

  7. 本文以为动态比较利益理论和竞争优势理论可作为研究江苏省出口商品结构的调整和优化提供理论依据。

    There are many international trade theories , the writer considers the Theory of Dynamic Comparative Benefit as the theory foundation of export adjustment and optimization of Jiangsu province .

  8. 古典经济学中的比较利益理论、要素禀赋理论及现代贸易理论揭示区域分工中的经济利益。两个学科从不同视角论证了分工与开放的原因与发展规律。

    Whereas , in the classic economics , there are comparative profit theories , factor endowment theory and modern trade theory , which all reveal economic profit in regional division .

  9. 首先,对自由贸易理论与自由贸易政策的研究,包括绝对利益理论与英国的自由放任政策,比较利益理论与英国的自由贸易政策,要素禀赋理论及其应用。

    Firstly , free trade theory and free trade policy . It includes absolute interests theory and English Laissez-faire policy , comparative advantage theory and English free trade policy , and Factor Endowment theory and its using .