
  • 网络Comparative Religion
  1. 我是研究宗教史、比较宗教的。

    I do research on religious history and comparative religion .

  2. 【英文原文】Suspect——嫌疑犯那次,我们正在听《比较宗教学》课程的一个关于精神现象的讲座。讲师给我们说了一个案例。

    We were listening to a lecture on psychic phenomena in our Comparative Religions course .

  3. 第四部分比较宗教的世俗化与市场化两种理论。主要在理论前提、分析层次、分析对象及它们的论战焦点等方面展开分析。

    The fourth part is to compare the secularization theory and the Religious Economy theory from pre-assumptions , analyze levels , targets and how they fight each other .

  4. 在比较宗教方面理雅各体现出难以根除的基督教排他主义,而对孔子的评价却经历了从嘲笑到尊重的变化。

    In his comparative study of religions , Legge exhibits his inextirpable exclusivism in his belief in Christianity ; however , in his evaluation of Confucianism , he took a change from derision to respect .

  5. 在观法实践上,李通玄相对来说,比较重视宗教修行实践,主张教观相分,强调止为观之先。

    With regards to Dharma and practice , the former attached more importance to the religious practice , emphasized the difference between doctrines and wisdom while the latter gave more priority to the theory .

  6. 吸收佛教思想,为道教建立了一套比较完备的宗教仪规;

    Absorbing the Buddhism essence and establishing a more complete ritual system ;

  7. 比较语言学、宗教等

    Comparative linguistics , religion , etc

  8. 学理工的人比较容易接受宗教,可能因为他们比较单纯。

    Students of science and technology accept religion more readily perhaps because they have less complex outlook in life .

  9. 近二十年来,学界对宗教的关注和讨论比较多,宗教研究大有兴盛之态,相关的宗教结社、民间信仰等相对边缘的研究方向也获得了很大的拓展和深入。

    In recent decades , scholars studied and discussed a lot about religions , and religious studies began to flourish .

  10. 东方美学和艺术是不同于西方美学和艺术的另一种美学体系和艺术形态。由《天王送子图》和《西斯廷圣母》比较东西方宗教画的艺术特色

    Eastern esthetics and art are quite different from that of western . On Artistic Characteristics of Chinese and Western Religious Paintings from Born of Gautama Buddha and the Sistine Madonna

  11. 我还学习了梵文,并认真考虑过继续我的研究生学习,专攻古代中国、希腊和印度的比较哲学及宗教。

    I also studied Sanskrit , and gave serious thought to continuing my studies at the graduate level with a focus on Comparative Philosophy and religions of ancient China , Greece and India .

  12. 从比较哲学和宗教来看,它们之间的区别有:宗教直接献身于神,哲学的对象是作为存在的存在;

    Comparing philosophy with religion , their distinctions are listed as follows : religion is dedicated directly to God as its object of departure , metaphysics has as its object ″ being qua being ″ ;

  13. 宗教传播主要从佛教、基督教这两个在近现代对民族文化影响比较大的宗教传播历史和现代文化影响方面进行论述。

    During the research of religion spread , the author took Buddhism and Christianity , the two most influential one in modern history , as case studies to investigate the their influences on contemporary culture .

  14. 本地特色馆藏对创新思维的必要&有感东方思维与述而不作的传递由《天王送子图》和《西斯廷圣母》比较东西方宗教画的艺术特色

    AA GOSSIP-BASED ANALYSIS OF LIBRARY COLLECTION WITH LOCAL FEATURES NEEDED FOR THE CREATIVE THINKING & Feeling on the Transfer of Oriental Thinking Mode " Narrating , Not Creating " On Artistic Characteristics of Chinese and Western Religious Paintings from Born of Gautama Buddha and the Sistine Madonna

  15. 罗教是明清时期一支比较重要的民间宗教。

    Ming Luo religion is more important during a civil religion .

  16. 《中国儒教论》意在通过儒教与其他宗教进行比较,来揭示宗教的本质,进而阐明儒教的宗教性质。

    Chinese Confucianism is meant to reveal religious nature , and then expound the religeous quality of Confucianism by comparing Confucianism with other religions .