
  • 网络Beeton;Beaton;Cecil Beaton
  1. 关于塞西尔比顿的书可能在艺术或摄影类目录下,不在戏剧类的目录下。

    Books on Cecil Beaton will probably be under art or photography , not under drama .

  2. 她不用刻意化妆,便可以美得惊世绝伦。她的美曾受到克拉克•盖博,塞西尔•比顿以及《时尚》杂志的称赞。

    Her beauty was astonishing , praised by Clark Gable , Cecil Beaton and Vogue , but liner or lipstick had nothing to do with it .

  3. 枪响了,比顿再次受伤。

    The gun was fired and Beaton was wounded a second time

  4. 哈利点了点头。多比顿时热泪盈眶。

    Harry nodded and Dobby 's eyes suddenly shone with tears .

  5. 比顿耗费些许资源并修复一个建筑物或机械单位。

    Beton spends some resource to repair abuliding or a mechanical unit .

  6. 比顿不得不面对一个棘手的问题。

    Beaton had to face a tricky problem .

  7. 然而,这样一个年轻的奖项能否真有比顿声称的那种声望和影响力?

    But can such a young prize really have the prestige and effect that Bilton claims ?

  8. 以萨迦人亚希雅的儿子巴沙背叛拿答,在非利士的基比顿杀了他。

    Baasha the son of Ahijah , of the house of Issachar , conspired against him .

  9. 伦敦近郊索比顿住宅区。

    The London suburb of surbiton .

  10. 夜间伦敦的大雾弥漫到了这里,整个瑟比顿都笼罩在浓雾之中。

    The fog had come down from London in the night , and all Surbiton was wrapped in its embraces .

  11. 比顿称,他的奖项与众不同,因为它重点针对欧洲人,且目标带有慈善意义。

    His prize is distinctive , he says , because its focus is European and because its aims are philanthropic .

  12. 吩咐希勒家与沙番的儿子亚希甘,米迦的儿子亚比顿,书记沙番,和王的臣仆亚撒雅说

    He gave these orders to Hilkiah , Ahikam son of Shaphan , Abdon son of Micah , Shaphan the secretary and Asaiah the king 's attendant

  13. 比顿理解商人向慈善团体捐赠的愿望,也清楚地认识到人们对拍卖作为一种娱乐形式的狂热。

    As well as understanding businessmen 's desire to give to charity , Bilton has clearly spotted the craze for auctions as a form of entertainment .

  14. 之前的王位继承人,包括威廉王子在内,都是由塞西尔比顿爵士和斯诺登勋爵拍摄他们的第一张官方照。

    Previous royal heirs , Prince William included , have had their first official portraits taken by society legends such as Sir Cecil Beaton and Lord Snowdon .

  15. 女王十分喜爱这件裙子,再加上她不铺张浪费的观念,1968年在白金汉宫白色会客厅由塞西尔•比顿帮她拍摄官方肖像照时,她再一次穿上了这件衣服。

    Her Majesty loved the dress so much so that ( with her usual eye for economy ) , she wore it again for an official portrait by Cecil Beaton in the White Drawing Room at Buckingham Palace in 1968 .

  16. 当我向比顿问及,对于这种瓜分收益的体系,他是否遭到过众画廊的反对时,他向我保证它们通常都乐于参与,因为50%是捐给了慈善团体。

    When I ask Bilton whether he has received any objections from galleries about a system that does away with their fee , he assures me that they 're usually happy to participate because that 50 per cent goes to charity .

  17. 以萨迦家亚希雅的儿子巴沙谋叛拿答,在非利士人的基比顿杀了他;那时拿答和以色列众人正围困基比顿。

    And Baasha the son of ahijah , of the house of issachar , conspired against him ; and Baasha struck him down in gibbethon , which belonged to the philistines , while Nadab and all Israel were laying siege to gibbethon .