
  • 网络graduation examination;Abitur;Matura;leaving certificate
  1. 不过为了备考临近的毕业考试,她不打算参加了。

    She plans to skip it though , in favour of revising for the looming Abitur .

  2. 通过毕业考试前,他三次被选上,代表德国参加国际科学竞赛。

    Even before his Abitur , he was selected three times to represent Germany in international science competitions .

  3. 她正准备参加毕业考试。

    She 's preparing to write matric .

  4. 他以四个优等成绩通过毕业考试。

    He passed matric with four distinctions .

  5. 毕业考试不好应付。

    The final exam is a tough nut .

  6. 意大利高中索菲·斯科尔(SophieScholl)将汉语列入毕业考试清单,今年将有29名学生参加该考试。

    Chinese has been added to the graduation exam list by Sophie Scholl , an Italian high school and 29 students will take the test this year .

  7. 它已经成为国内第一所将汉语列为毕业考试科目的学校。

    It has become the first school in the country to list Chinese as a graduation exam subject .

  8. OSCE在临床医学生毕业考试中的应用体会

    The application comprehension of OSCE in the graduation examination for clinical medical students

  9. 包括教育部长迈克尔戈夫在内的一些人认为许多英国中学毕业考试(gcses)小模块测试的划分(可以参加几次的小型考试)及课程介绍(可以由老师和家长完成)损害了教学。

    Some , including Michael Gove , the education secretary , think that the division of many GCSEs into modules ( mini-exams that can be taken several times ) and the introduction of coursework ( which can be done by teachers and parents ) has damaged learning .

  10. 毕业考试改革应遵循的基本原则

    Basic Principles That Should be Followed in Reforming Graduation Examinations

  11. 她毕业考试创作成绩优秀。

    She produced an excellent piece of work in the final examination .

  12. 临床操作技能毕业考试评价的调查与分析

    The investigation and analysis of clinical skills examination'evaluation

  13. 下星期我参加毕业考试,然后就离开大学。

    I take my final examination next week , and then I leave university .

  14. 我校改革临床医学专业毕业考试模式与方法,在临床实习过程中组织多站点综合性考试,采用闭卷笔试方法考核临床理论知识,占70%;

    We have reformed our patterns and methods of graduation examination of the medical majors .

  15. 毕业考试合格者发高中毕业证书,并向中国重点大学推荐。

    Upon graduation , these students will receive high school diplomas and recommendations from Bodi .

  16. 一份工作在手,他们就可以集中精力参加毕业考试。

    With a job to go to , they can then concentrate on their final exams .

  17. 周平在毕业考试中的各科成绩均是优秀。

    Zhou Ping got excellent marks for all the subjects he had taken in the graduation examination .

  18. 战河校区的学生在省级考试和毕业考试中成绩始终保持在平均线之上。

    The students in our school division consistently earn above average marks on provincial achievement and diploma examinations .

  19. 毕业考试不好对付.全市高中毕业生数学会考

    The final exam was a tough nut . City-wide math examination for graduation students of senior high schools

  20. 德国高中阶段的学程制教学方法和积点制的毕业考试方法,有着自己的特点。

    Both the curriculum-based system and grade point system in senior high schools in Germany have their own characteristics .

  21. 2003年夏广东省普通高中毕业考试物理试卷分析、评价与建议

    Suggestions Based on the Analysis and the Evaluation of the Physics Paper of the Summer MET 2003 in Guangdong Province

  22. 在巴尔的摩和马里兰州,高分通过国家毕业考试就可以获得超过100美元(的奖励)。

    In Baltimore , Maryland , high scores on state graduation tests can be worth more than one hundred dollars .

  23. 校长吴清辉教授致辞说,感恩崇拜是他每年都非常珍惜的时刻,因为可与同学见面,为他们的毕业考试打打气。

    Professor Ng said at graduation time , some students had clear ambitions for their life while others were uncertain .

  24. 因为我在毕业考试中各科成绩优异,妈妈给我买了一辆单车作为礼物。

    Mum bought me a bike as a gift as I had come through the graduation exams with flying colours .

  25. 部分结业学生,长期离校,未完成学校课程,参加了毕业考试,成绩不合格;

    Part students who complete the course leave school long before their finishing scholastic curricula with a failing graduation examination ?

  26. 学生的父母采取了法律手段暂缓了处分,这样孩子们还能参加毕业考试。

    The students ' parents sought legal action to stay the suspensions so the teens could take exams required for graduation .

  27. 许多国家已经把对学生能力的测验列为中学毕业考试或高考的内容。

    The content of graduation exam or the university entrance exam learns in making multilateral home had labelled the exam to student ability .

  28. 普通外科学为临床医学专业学生的考试课程之一,在毕业考试中占重要比例。

    General surgery is one of the examinations the clinical medicine students have to take and it is of great importance at graduation .

  29. 但是,要获得毕业考试资格,不但需要完成一定的必修课程的学习,同时需要满足一定选修课程的要求。

    But in order to get access to graduation examination , they have to complete not only some required courses but also optional courses .

  30. 这所学校有一门称作生命线的课程,毕业考试就是,帮助亡魂找到通往天堂的路。

    Helping the dead to find their way to heaven is a graduate program called Lifeline that is on the curriculum of that school .