
  • 网络Moulmein;mawlamyine
  1. 通常周年庆祝活动在毛淡棉著名的维寞酒店举行。

    Anniversary celebrations were usually held at the Ngwe Moe Hotel , a popular hotel in Moulmein .

  2. 去年,仅在毛淡棉的办公室庆祝,只提供奉献给和尚。

    Last year , the party celebrated at its office in Moulmein , only offering food to monks .

  3. 新孟邦党拒绝函件据报已经从军政府毛淡棉东南军区司令部送往尼必都执政团政府中心;

    The NMSP 's refusal letter has reportedly been sent from the SEC office in Moulmein to the government center in Naypyidow ;

  4. 缅甸的港口城市毛淡棉位于安达曼群海的东南部,曾经是殖民时期缅甸孟省的省会。

    This is Moulmein , a port town and the colonial-era capital of Burma 's Mon state , on the south-eastern Andaman coast .