
  • 网络millimeter wave device
  1. 宽禁带GaN材料由于其优良的电特性和材料特性在大功率微波和毫米波器件应用领域引起了广泛关注。

    The wide-bandgap GaN material system has attracted much attention for high power microwave and millimeter wave device applications due to superior electronic and material properties .

  2. 铁氧体-铁电体复合材料在微波和毫米波器件上的应用/最终报告

    Ferrite-Ferroelectric Composite Materials for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Device Applications ; Final rept . 26 Apr-25 Oct 1999

  3. InP是一种优良的Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体材料,它广泛应用于微波毫米波器件领域。

    InP is an excellent III-V compound semiconductor material and is widely used as the material for the microwave and millimeter-wave devices .

  4. 综述了微电子领域中纳米技术、MEMS、Si和GaAs集成电路、微波/毫米波器件及宽禁带半导体技术目前的发展状况。

    The current status of nanotechnology , MEMS , Si and GaAs IC , microwave / millimeter wave devices as well as wide bandgap semiconductor technology in microelectronics are reviewed in this paper .

  5. 在Ⅲ族氮化物半导体中,InN具有优异的电子输运性质,在高频厘米和毫米波器件应用上具有独特的优势,这些特性引起人们对InN的极大兴趣。

    Particular interests have been arisen in InN semiconductor , owing to its superior electronic transport characteristics to other Ill-nitride semiconductors that suggests there may be distinct advantages offered by using InN in high frequency centimeter and millimeter wave devices .

  6. 高功率毫米波器件是高功率微波技术的一个重要方向,而Cherenkov器件是其中的一个重要分支,是目前国内外研究的热点。

    Relativistic Cherenkov devices are promising candidates as sources of high-power millimeter wave band radiation , which is an important direction of high-power microwave ( HPM ) technology and is focused by all the researchers in the world today .

  7. 基于准光学腔回旋管(Gyrotron)的电子注结构及微波电路和潘尼管(Peniotron)的工作机理,本文提出一种新型的短波长毫米波器件&准光学腔回旋潘尼管。

    On the basis of electron-beam configuration and microwave circuitry of Quasi-Optical Gyrotron together with the operational mechanism of Peniotron , this paper proposes a new kind of device operating at short millimeter wavelengths & Quasi-Optical Gyro-Peniotron at high cyclotron harmonic .

  8. 毫米波器件大电流密度阴极的研制

    Investigations on high emission density cathode for millimeter-wave devices

  9. 一种新型的短波长毫米波器件&准光学腔高次谐波回旋潘尼管的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of a New Kind of Short-Millimeter - Wave Device & Quasi-Optical Gyro-Peniotron

  10. 毫米波器件的技术发展与应用

    Technical Development and Application of Millimeter Wave Devices

  11. 微波/毫米波器件及其电路的发展现状

    Status of MW MMW Devices and Circuits

  12. 毫米波器件与电路技术

    Technology of millimeter-wave devices and circuits

  13. 适应先进军用系统需求的固态微波、毫米波器件的前沿研究

    The Forward Investigation of Solid State Microwave / Millimeter-Wave Devices for Meeting the Requirements of Advanced Military Systems

  14. 随着雷达、卫星通信等技术的迅速发展,迫切需要新型的高功率和高频率的毫米波器件的出现。

    A new urgent need for high-frequency , high-power millimeter device has been emerging for advanced radar and communications .

  15. 和微波相比,毫米波器件体积和重量更小,特别适合弹载武器的设计。

    Compared with the microwave , MMW devices are smaller and lighter , so it is particularly suitable for missile-borne weapons .

  16. 毫米波器件又分为无源器件和有源器件,本文从这两个方面对毫米波收发前端的理论和设计进行了研究。

    The article is mainly on study of the theory and design of millimeter-wave transceiver front-end from the active devices and passive components .

  17. 重点阐述了微波/毫米波器件及其电路的发展现状,并对我国在这方面的发展目标提出初步设想。

    This paper presents the status of microwave and millimeter wave devices and circuits , puts forward the tentative ideas of future development in our country .

  18. 波导滤波器在微波毫米波器件领域有着重要的作用,是现代雷达通信系统中的核心部件。

    Waveguide filter has been a core component of modern radar-communication systems , and plays an important role in the field of microwave and millimeter-wave devices .

  19. 在圆形槽波导微波毫米波器件中,常遇到矩形?圆形槽波导的模式变换问题,而矩形-圆波导模式变换是矩形&圆形槽波导模式变换的重要组成部分。

    Some questions are often met with mode conversion of rectangle waveguide to circular groove waveguide in which mode conversion of rectangle waveguide to circular waveguide is important .

  20. 脊波导具有较低的截止频率、较宽的工作带宽、低特性阻抗等优点,使得脊波导在微波和毫米波器件中被广泛应用。

    Meanwhile , ridged waveguides have been widely used in microwave and millimeter-wave devices because of their unique characteristics such as low cutoff frequency , wide bandwidth and low impedance characteristics .

  21. 真空微电子是八十年代后期才发展起来的一门新兴学科,它兼有电真空器件和微电子器件的优点,在场发射平面显示器、微波、毫米波器件和传感器等领域有着重要的应用前景。

    Vacuum microelectronics is a rising subject . It have both advantages of vacuum device and micro-electronics device , and can be in field emission display , microwave and millimeter-wave device , sensor and so on .

  22. 与传统的波导形式微波毫米波器件的加工成本相比,基片集成波导微波毫米波器件的加工成本十分低廉,不需任何事后调试工作,非常适合微波毫米波电路的集成设计和大批量制作。

    Compared to the fabrication costs of traditional waveguide microwave and millimeter-wave components , the costs of SIW components which do not need tedious post-fabrication tuning are very low , and they are very suitable for the designing and mass-production of microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits .

  23. 发展我国毫米波半导体器件和MIMIC的技术路线探讨

    Probe into Millimeter Wave Semiconductor Device and MIMIC in China

  24. 毫米波Gunn器件谐波振荡器电路分析

    Analysis of millimeter wave Gunn harmonic oscillators by a circuit model

  25. 高功率毫米波Cherenkov器件研究

    Study on the High-Power Cherenkov Device of Millimeter Wave

  26. 异质结双极晶体管(HBT)是一种新型的超高速、微波与毫米波半导体器件,可以有效地解决同质结双极晶体管中高速度与高放大的关系。

    The heterojunction bipolar transistor ( HBT ) is a novel superhigh speed micro - and milli-meter wave semiconductor device . It can achieve both high speed and high amplification , which is always a conflict in homojunction bipolar transistors .

  27. 本文从雷达技术发展的角度阐述了雷达用微波功率器件的发展趋势,并指出今后将主要发展MPM,MMIC,毫米波真空器件和真空微电子器件。

    The development of the microwave power device for radar applications is described in this paper . MPM , MMIC , millimeter vacuum device , and vacuum micro-electronics device are the key devices for next generation of radar systems .

  28. 毫米波固态器件的现状与发展动向

    Millimeter wave solid state devices : Now and Future

  29. 毫米波固体器件是实现毫米波系统固态化和小型化的关键。

    The mm-wave solid state devices are key elements employed in the mm-wave systems for solification and miniaturization .

  30. 毫米波倍频器件可以降低毫米波设备的主振频率并扩展工作频段。

    Millimeter-wave multiplier can decrease main vibration frequency of equipments of millimeter-wave and extend the band of the equipments .