
  • 网络law of gas diffusion
  1. 笔者研究了快速监测一氧化碳气体的新方法即一氧化碳被动式检气管法。该方法基于气体分子扩散定律和化学吸收反应原理。

    A new gas detecting tube for carbon monoxide based on gaseous diffusion and chemical adsorption was studied .

  2. 通过对气体在水中溶解度和溶解速率的分析,应用气体溶解速率的双膜理论和气体扩散的菲克定律,从理论上计算出气密性试验中的氮气在水中的溶解速率。

    By means of analyzing the solubility and solubility rate of gas in water , and making application of double-film theory and Fick 's law , the solubility rate of nitrogen in water is theoretically calculated in gas tightness test .