
  • 网络gas solubility
  1. MDEA-H2O-CO2-H2S体系的气体溶解度的计算

    Calculation of gas solubility in the system MDEA-H_2O-CO_2-H_2S

  2. 四氯化碳催化加氢制氯仿反应中气体溶解度研究

    Study on Gas Solubility in Chloroform Preparation Reaction System over Catalytic Hydrogenation

  3. UNIFAC法研究甲烷气体溶解度

    Study on the solubility of methane by UNIFAC model

  4. 介绍了测定SO2气体溶解度和溶解速率的装置及方法.分析了SO2在灰水、Ca(OH)2溶液和碱性废液中的溶解过程。

    In this paper . the equipment and method for measuring SO2 , solubility in basic solutions are described . SO2 dissolving process and its solubility in basic solutions , such as ash-water , Ca ( OH ) 2 solution and waste solution , are analyzed .

  5. 采用了改进的Novak和Conway气体溶解度实验装置,在低压下测定了298.15K,303.15K和316.15K时二氧化碳在甲苯中的溶解度,回归得到了常压下Henry常数与温度的关联式。

    An improved form of Novak and Conway 's apparatus was used to measure the solubility of CO_2 in C_6H_5CH_3 at atmospheric pressure . The corelation of Henry 's constant with temperature was obtained by regression .

  6. PTMSP的高透气性主要来源于极高的对气体溶解度及高扩散系数,而这是因为在这种玻璃态聚合物中,有大量处于非松弛区域的自由体积。

    The high gas permeability of PMSP results primary from substantial gas solubility and diffusivity , which appears to be due to , in turn , to a large excess free volume in the unrelaxed ( Iangmuir ) domains of this glassy polymer .

  7. 实验表明,在相同温度下,在水中的气体溶解度由大到小依次为乙二胺、吡啶、三乙胺、呋哺。

    From the experimental data , the gas solubility from high to low in the water can be ranged as 1,2-Ethylenediamine , Triethylamine , Tetrahydrofuran , Pyridine .

  8. 文献综述部分综述了水合物的结构、性质和应用、关联气体溶解度的方法以及低温中压下甲烷在水中的溶解度的研究现状。

    In the first part , the literature on the crystal structure , properties , and applications of gas hydrates , correlation of the solubility of hydrocarbons in water , as well as the progress of gas solubility in water at low temperature and intermediate pressure was reviewed .

  9. 通过理论分析,建立了气体溶解度方程,导出了适用于大洋采矿气力提升的气体溶解度公式,它反映了气体溶解度与压力、相对含气率、气泡直径、固体颗粒比重和浓度诸因素的关系。

    By theoretical analysis , the air solubility formulae that are suitable for calculation of air-lift for ocean mining are established . This reflects the relationship between air solubility and pressure , relative rate of air content , diameter of air bubble , specific gravity and density of solid particle .

  10. 经验证,至少在下述分压范围内,上述气体的溶解度计算值与实测值基本吻合:甲烷≤60MPa;

    According to verification , at least , in the following range of partial pressure : CH_4 ,≤ 60MPa ;

  11. 气体的溶解度通常随水的盐度增加而降低,随压力增高而增高。

    The solubilities of the gases generally decrease with increased water salinity and increase with pressure .

  12. 含硫气体元素硫溶解度预测模型研究

    Study on the forecast model for solubility of element sulfur in sour gas

  13. 通过对气体在水中溶解度和溶解速率的分析,应用气体溶解速率的双膜理论和气体扩散的菲克定律,从理论上计算出气密性试验中的氮气在水中的溶解速率。

    By means of analyzing the solubility and solubility rate of gas in water , and making application of double-film theory and Fick 's law , the solubility rate of nitrogen in water is theoretically calculated in gas tightness test .

  14. 对加压气浮净水系统中溶气水饱和溶解度进行了理论分析和量化,认为一般情况下溶气罐中混合气体的饱和溶解度比新鲜空气低10%左右。

    The saturation solubility of means of self-changing dissolved air of the dissolved air flotation waste water treatment system is quantitatively analyzed , theoretically , coming to the conclusion : the saturation solubility of the mixture gases in the saturator is lower than fresh air by about 10 % usually .

  15. 常温高压下气体在液体中溶解度测定装置的研制

    An Apparatus for Determination of Solubility of Gases in Liquids under High-Pressure

  16. 高含硫气体中元素硫溶解度实验测定及计算方法研究

    Experimental Test and Calculation Methods of Elemental Sulfur Solubility in High Sulfur Content Gas

  17. 计算结果也正确地反映了5种气体在[bmim][PF6]中溶解度实验值的相对大小。

    The experimental relative solubility order for the 5 gases in [ bmim ] [ PF6 ] is reproduced by simulation .

  18. 通过脂质的生物膜转运,需有一定的脂溶性(又称亲脂性或疏水性)。计算结果也正确地反映了5种气体在[bmim][PF6]中溶解度实验值的相对大小。

    The relative extent of lipid solubility and water solubility was defined as lipid water partition coefficient . The experimental relative solubility order for the 5 gases in [ bmim ] [ PF6 ] is reproduced by simulation .

  19. 根据气体溶解定律(亨利定律):任何气体在水中的溶解度与该气体在气、水界面上的分压力成正比。

    According to the law ( Henrry Lay ) of gas dissolve : the solubility of any gas in water shall be direct ratio with partial pressure of the gas on interface of gas and water .