
  • 网络Climate Change Agreement
  1. 这次会议旨在提出气候变化协议。

    This meeting is being aimed at a climate change agreement .

  2. 对于布什拒绝在东京气候变化协议上签字,人们的愤怒还久久不能消退。

    There is lingering anger over his rejection of the climate change agreement signed in1997 in Kyoto , Japan .

  3. 他指的是美国总统奥巴马(barackobama)在金融监管上采取的单方面行动,以及20国集团在寻求达成气候变化协议时所遇到的问题。

    He was referring to the unilateral action of Barack Obama , US president , on financial regulation and the troubles of the G20 countries in securing a climate-change agreement .

  4. 联合国(UnitedNations)已承认,在哥本哈根达成的气候变化协议,可能不包括为发展中国家提供资助的承诺。这将激怒较贫穷国家,还可能令一项基础广泛的协议泡汤。

    The United Nations has conceded that a deal in Copenhagen on climate change might not include promised financial aid for developing countries , an admission that will infuriate poorer nations and potentially scupper a broad-based agreement .

  5. 英国首相托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)和法国总统雅克•希拉克(JacquesChirac)是达成气候变化协议的关键人物,但两人都将在数月后离任。

    Britain 's Tony Blair and France 's Jacques Chirac were crucial to getting a climate change deal but both would be leaving office in months .

  6. 虽然美国不可能加入《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)1997年达成的国际气候变化协议,但美国同意把其中部分内容写入新协议。

    There was no chance of the US joining the Kyoto protocol the international climate change deal struck in 1997 but there were parts of the Kyoto process that the US would agree to as part of a deal .

  7. 在过去一年中,世贸组织(wto)多哈回合谈判未获成功。如果世贸组织的谈判都不能取得成果,那么有多大可能在明年完成更为艰巨的、商讨全球气候变化协议的任务呢?

    In the past year the Doha round at the World Trade Organisation has failed . And if the negotiations at the WTO cannot be brought to fruition , what chance will there be of achieving the much more difficult task of negotiating a global climate-change agreement next year ?

  8. 然而,在原本旨在筹备明年年底的巴黎全球气候变化协议的利马(Lima)磋商中,这1000亿美元的数额却成为争论的焦点。

    The $ 100bn figure has become a source of contention at the Lima talks , which are supposed to smooth the way to a global climate deal in Paris at the end of next year .

  9. 后京都气候变化协议缔约国义务配置研究

    Study on the Obligations Configuration of Parties in A Global Post-Kyoto Climate Change Protocol

  10. 不过其他部长认为,这项气候变化协议最后不会有什么变动。

    But other ministers said they believed the final climate-change agreement would be largely unchanged .

  11. 一些参与人士称这次会议为达成应对气候变化协议的最后良机。

    Some call it " the last best chance " foran agreement to fight climate change .

  12. 他仍然知道医疗改革和气候变化协议并没有像他希望的那样实现。

    Still , he acknowledged that neither was exactly what he had set out to achieve .

  13. 会议期间丹麦首都街头数千名示威者要求与会者达成气候变化协议。

    Thousands of demonstrators in the streets of Danish capital during the conference demand that s create a climate change agreement .

  14. 第三,在巴黎达成的任何气候变化协议,都必须确保各国兑现其减排承诺。

    Third , any climate change agreement in Paris must ensure that countries actually implement the emissions cuts they commit to .

  15. 在许多更大的问题上,信任也非常重要,例如达成气候变化协议或医疗体系改革。

    Trust also plays into much bigger issues , like reaching a climate change agreement or reforming a health care system .

  16. 意大利和波兰警告说,如果他们对欧盟气候变化协议感到不满意,他们有可能否决最后达成的协议。

    Italy and Poland have warned they may veto the final EU climate change agreement if it is not to their liking .

  17. 她的目标就是:在政治和经济领域支持相关主要国家建立新的和更雄心勃勃的后2012年气候变化协议。

    Its objective is to help build high-level political and business support in key countries for a new and ambitious post-2012 climate change agreement .

  18. 今年,全世界的目标是最后敲定2015年后可持续发展议程,并达成一个新的、有意义的普遍性气候变化协议。

    This year , the world aims to finalize the post-2015 sustainable development agenda and reach a new and meaningful universal climate change agreement .

  19. 如果八国集团在达成有关气候变化协议的问题上是严肃的,印度和中国应作为平等的合作方出现在会场上。

    If the G8 is serious about reaching an agreement on climate change , the Indians and Chinese should be there as equal partners .

  20. 印度表示,作为全球气候变化协议的一部分,它可以通过国内立法的方式,同意“隐含”的碳排放目标。

    India says it could agree to " implicit " carbon emissions targets as part of a global climate change deal by passing domestic legislation .

  21. 发展中国家也担心气候变化协议的经济影响,它们说过早转向低碳经济可能妨碍它们的发展。

    Developing countries are also concerned with the economics of a climate deal , arguing that a premature shift to low-carbon energy may hinder their development .

  22. 一项新的研究表示,目前还没有达成的全球气候变化协议,可能来不及拯救世界上绝大多数的珊瑚礁。

    A new study says that a global agreement on climate change will come too late to save the majority of the world 's coral reefs .

  23. 哥本哈根会议因为没能制定一个令人高度期待的气候变化协议从而接替将于2012年失效的京都议定书,而被广泛认为是一次失败。

    The Copenhagen meeting was widely perceived as a failure for not delivering a highly anticipated climate change agreement that would succeed the Kyoto Protocol that expires in2012 .

  24. 印度立场的转变表明,在各国寻求在几个月后的哥本哈根会议上达成全球气候变化协议之际,印度政府准备展示出灵活性。

    India 's shift shows that the government is prepared to show flexibility in the quest for a global climate change deal in Copenhagen in a few months .

  25. 而如果追求的是财富重新分配,那么建议美国承担气候变化协议的大部分成本,似乎就有点怪异。

    If redistribution is what is sought , it seems odd to suggest that the US should bear the bulk of the cost of a climate change agreement .

  26. 美国和三大新兴市场国家公布了限制温室气体排放的最新计划,从而增强了在今年达成一项全球气候变化协议的希望。

    The US and three big emerging market countries have bolstered hopes for a global climate change deal this year by unveiling fresh plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions .

  27. 虽然许多希望制定全球气候变化协议的与会代表认为这是一个迫在眉睫的议题,但是在如何分担义务的问题上却没有什么共识。

    While many of the negotiators for a global climate change accord consider it a pressing issue , there is less agreement on how to share the burden of tackling the problem .

  28. 如果世贸组织的谈判都不能取得成果,那么有多大可能在明年完成更为艰巨的、商讨全球气候变化协议的任务呢?

    And if the negotiations at the WTO cannot be brought to fruition , what chance will there be of achieving the much more difficult task of negotiating a global climate-change agreement next year ?

  29. 他拿着气候变化协议,乘坐空军一号刚离开了丹麦,抵达了内华达州,内华达州的主要领导兼参议员哈里·里德迎接了他,并仔细聆听了医疗保健的细节。

    He had just left Denmark on Air Force One with the climate change agreement in hand when he reached Senator Harry Reid of Nevada , the majority leader , and heard of the health care deal .

  30. 世界领导人正与时间赛跑,试图在哥本哈根达成一项气候变化协议,该协议能否达成,关键是弥合富国和较贫穷国家之间在减排和减排监测问题上的严重分歧。

    World leaders are racing against the clock in an attempt to forge a deal on climate change in Copenhagen that hinges on the resolving sharp differences between rich and poorer nations over emissions cuts and their monitoring .