
  • 网络coke for gasification
  1. 结果表明:煤种不同,部分气化焦的燃烧特性不同;

    The experimental results showed that the combustion characteristics of partially gasified chars are different for different coal types .

  2. 新鲜生物质热解气化半焦特性的XRD研究

    Pyrolysis Gasification Semicoke Characteristics of Fresh Biomass by XRD

  3. 分析CO2气化PVDC焦的TPD-MS发现,γ态CO脱附是Ed为230kJ/mol的二级反应。

    In the spectra of PVDC chars gasified with CO2 and quenched , the desorption peak of γ - state CO is from a second-order reaction with Ed of 230kJ / mol.

  4. 试验结果表明,空气部分气化半焦燃烧方案得到的煤气热值较低,为4-5MJ/Nm~3,气化炉床层温度对碳转化率影响较大,随着反应温度升高碳转化率提高。

    The results achieved at long time steady operation status of the facility show that , with air as gasification agent , the system can produce 4-5MJ / Nm3 low heating value gas and the carbon conversion efficiency increases with the bed temperature in the gasifier .

  5. 生物质气化洗焦废水的预处理和微生物降解

    An Experimental Study on Pretreatment and Biodegradation of Biomass Gasification Wastewater

  6. 颗粒活性炭固定化微生物降解生物质气化洗焦废水

    The Results of Immobilized Microbes to Treat Biomass Gasification Wastewater

  7. 生物质气化洗焦废水处理技术的研究进展

    The development of disposal technology on tar - containing wastewater from biomass gasification

  8. 微生物降解生物质气化洗焦废水和焦油的研究

    Study on microbial degradation of tar-wash wastewater and tar in biomass gasification by microorganisms

  9. 生物膜反应器降解生物质气化洗焦废水

    Biodegradation of biomass gasification wastewater with biofilm reactor

  10. 粉焦成型制造气化用焦的研究

    Study on Gasification Coke Made of Coke Powders

  11. 气化半焦加压着火特性及燃烧稳定性研究

    A Study of the Ignition Characteristics and Combustion Stability of Gasified Semi-char under an Elevated Pressure

  12. 经混凝吸附处理的生物质气化洗焦废水,微生物降解速度和降解率均显著提高。

    After coagulation and adsorption , the microbial degradation of biomass gasification wastewater COD is reasonably higher that that without pretreatment .

  13. 针对石油焦及其气化余焦的燃烧和流化特性,自建了冷态实验装置。

    According to the combustibility and fluidization of petroleum coke and its gasification residual coke , a cold experimental equipment was established .

  14. 但当部分气化混合焦与二氧化碳反应时,其动力学分析所得的活化能变化与水蒸气再气化动力学研究结果相反。

    However , when the partially gasified chars react with carbon dioxide , the activation energy from kinetic analysis is contrast with that of vapor re-gasification .

  15. 基于煤部分气化/半焦燃烧技术路线基础上的第二代增压流化床联合循环(2GPFBC-CC)发电技术,被认为是具有潜在应用前景的洁净煤利用技术之一。

    The second generation pressurized fluidized bed combustion combined cycle ( 2G PFBC-CC ) based on coal partial gasification ( CPG ) and residual char combustion ( RCC ) is one of the promising coal clean technologies in the future .

  16. 考察了多喷嘴对置式气化炉石油焦的气化性能。

    The gasification performance of petroleum coke is investigated in the OMB gasifier .

  17. 粉焦的成型及工业性气化试验粉焦型球的研制及工业中试

    BRIQUETTING OF FINE COKE AND INDUSTRIAL GASIFICATION TEST Production Research and Pilot-plant Operation of Coke Breeze Briquette

  18. 该两种菌经颗粒活性炭固定,可高效去除生物质气化发电厂洗焦废水中的COD和有毒化合物,达到了较好的去除效果。

    The process is capable to remove COD and some toxic compounds from the gasification wastewater efficiency .

  19. 煤经过部分气化后的半焦中含有CaS。当半焦在循环流化床燃烧室(CFBC)中燃烧时,其中的CaS发生氧化-还原反应而释放出SO2。

    There exists calcium sulphide in char derived from partial coal gasification . Sulphur dioxide would emit due to the oxidation-reduction reactions while the char is combusted in circulating fluidized bed combustor ( CFBC ) .

  20. 焦化气化工艺生产化肥焦和城市煤气的优越性

    Advantages of Coking-Gasification Technology for Producing Fertilizer Coke and Town Gas

  21. 煤炭地下气化过程中半焦孔隙结构的变化规律

    Rule of porous structure of semi-coke in the underground coal gasification

  22. 煤部分气化后生成半焦的特性

    Characteristics of Semi - Cokes & the Solid Residues from Coal Partial Gasification

  23. 生物质气化发电厂洗焦废水生物处理的中试研究

    The performance of a pilot-scale biofilm reactor to treat wastewater from biomass gasification power plant

  24. 加压气化后的半焦孔隙结构更加发达,加压气化比常压气化更能促进半焦孔隙的生成和发展。

    The pore development of coal-char at elevated pressure is more rapidly than that at atmosphere condition .

  25. 除了电力之外,多联产系统的一次产品还主要包括裂解气化生成的半焦和低热值煤气及合成气。

    Besides electricity output , the main products of the system include the pyrolysis semi-char and syngas .

  26. 在固体热载体循环过程中,热解器内生物质快速热解反应、气化器内热解焦油水蒸汽催化转化反应、燃烧器内热解半焦燃烧反应和催化剂烧碳再生反应依次发生。

    Fast pyrolysis of biomass in the pyrolysis reactor and catalytic steam reforming of tar in the gasifier occurs in sequence . In the combustor , reheating of solid heat carrier and regenerated catalyst are made by burning off the residual char and coke on catalyst .

  27. 在热输入为1MW增压流化床燃烧中试试验装置上,对加压煤部分气化得到的气化半焦进行了加压燃烧试验研究。

    On the pilot-scale test run device of a pressurized fluidized bed with a thermal input of 1 MW , an experimental study of pressurized combustion has been conducted of the semi-coke obtained from the partial gasification of coal .

  28. 然而增压流化床气化炉中产生固体飞灰即气化半焦,含碳量往往较高,而且气流携带量大,使得总碳利用率不高。

    But the carbon content of the gasified coal char that produced from the pressurized fluidized bed gasifier is high and taken a lot with airflow , that make the total carbon utilization is not high enough .

  29. 通过在移动床气化炉的造气实验表明,该气化型焦完全符合工业化造气用煤要求,可替代焦炭作为生产半水煤气的原料。

    It has been proved that the formed coke is qualified to be used as industrial gasification coal that produces gas with the formed coke in the moving bed gasify furnace .

  30. XRD分析表明,随着气化时间、气化温度及钙植入量的增加,气化半焦中钙更多以CaO的形式存在。

    XRD results showed that there would be more content of CaO in char with the increasing of gasification time , the gasification temperature or the content of calcium , which made the calcium have more time to react with water vapor .