
qì chuǎn
  • asthma;pant;be short of breath;gasp;assmus
气喘 [qì chuǎn]
  • [asthma] 哮喘的俗称

气喘[qì chuǎn]
  1. 他的气喘病又犯了。

    He 's got another attack of asthma .

  2. 他有气喘病,呼吸很费力。

    Asthma causes him great difficulty in breathing .

  3. 他的胸部问题很严重,总是气喘,还不停地咳嗽。

    He had quite serious problems with his chest and wheezed and coughed all the time

  4. 我从小就患有气喘病,参加不了任何体育活动。

    I have been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play any sports .

  5. 跑了几步,他便有点儿气喘。

    After running a few steps , he was gasping for breath .

  6. 污染会使气喘加重。

    Pollution can aggravate asthma .

  7. 它在过敏性气喘中的存在是大家很熟悉的。

    Its presence in allergic asthma is well known .

  8. 病痛:美国过敏、哮喘与免疫学院(AmericanCollegeofAllergy,AsthmaandImmunology)发布的数据显示,大约有2600万美国人患有哮喘。这是肺部呼吸道的一种慢性炎症,能引发咳嗽、胸部压迫感、气喘、以及呼吸急促等病症。

    The Ache : Some 26 million Americans suffer from asthma -- a chronic inflammation of airways in the lungs that causes coughing , chest tightness , wheezing and shortness of breath , according to the American College of Allergy , Asthma and Immunology .

  9. 上下楼梯容易气喘。

    Easily get breathless from going up and down the stairs .

  10. 那个胖子上山气喘喘。

    The fat man was winded by walking up the hill .

  11. 仿佛大地在急促地气喘。

    As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing .

  12. 特布他林加赛庚啶与氨茶碱治疗婴儿气喘和咳嗽的比较

    Terbutaline plus cyproheptadine vs aminophylline in treating asthma and cough in infants

  13. 你剧烈运动时气喘吗?

    Have you ever been short of breath on exertion ?

  14. 症状:灌药后,气喘、咳嗽症状不同程度减轻,口鼻分泌物减少。

    Symptoms : Various degree of chronic cough , catarrh , asthma etc.

  15. 甘肃省河西地区马类动物气喘病形态变化及其病理发生

    Morphological Changes and Pathogenesis of the Heaves in Horses in Gansu Province

  16. 那个小女孩的气喘一再发作。

    The little girl has been suffering from an attack of asthma .

  17. 文献上之病例大都为年轻女性,而且常被误诊为气喘病。

    The previously reported cases with VCD have been predominantly young women .

  18. 通肺化痰,治疗咳嗽与气喘。

    The lung and resolving phlegm , relieving cough and heavy pant .

  19. 我有慢性气喘病,病情已超限度了。

    I hae chronic asthma which is more than moderate in severity .

  20. 腹直肌血肿是气喘病的一种罕见的并发症。

    Hematoma of the rectus sheath is a rare complication of asthma .

  21. 他登上顶端时气喘得很厉害。

    He is quite puffed by the time he reaches the top .

  22. 臭氧被人体吸入后会刺激肺部,引发气喘和咳嗽。

    Inhaling ozone can irritate the lungs and cause wheezing and coughing .

  23. 坏处:气喘、打鼾、睡眠中呼吸暂停、心脏健康问题

    BAD FOR : Asthma , snoring , sleep apnoea , heart health

  24. 在烟雾天我的气喘往往会加剧。

    My asthma tends to flare up on smoggy days .

  25. 家庭年收入愈高则儿童气喘症状的盛行率愈高。

    The prevalence of ever wheeze increased as annual household income increased .

  26. 我张口而气喘.因我切慕你的命令。

    I open my mouth and pant , longing for your commands .

  27. 我有气喘病,我受不到一点烟味。

    I have asthma . I can 't take any kind of smoke .

  28. 为获得最佳效果,在特定时间服用过敏、气喘药物。

    For Best Effect , Take Allergy , Asthma Medication at Specific Times .

  29. 甘肃省马类动物气喘病病理研究

    Pathological study on heaves in horses in Gansu Province

  30. 移居亚利桑纳州治好了她的气喘病。

    Moving to Arizona cured her of her asthma .