
  • 网络diurnal temperature range;daily range of temperature;daily temperature range
  1. 湖区年平均气温日较差较周边地区偏小。

    The mean annual daily temperature range of lake area is lesser than the surrounding area . 5 .

  2. 近50年中国气温日较差的变化趋势分析

    Variation of Diurnal Temperature Range in China in the Past 50 Years

  3. 关键区(143°E-160°E,27°N-39°N)10-11月海温与次年江淮南区梅雨期气温日较差存在较好的反相关关系。

    There is a apparent negative correlation between the temperature daily range in south area of Changjiang-huaihe valley over Meiyu period and SSTA in the Key region ( 143 ° E 160 ° E , 27 ° N 39 ° N ) from November to December in former year .

  4. 南宁市气温日较差特征及天气系统影响

    Characteristic Analysis of Daily Range of Temperature and Synoptic Systems

  5. 气温日较差都呈显著的下降趋势;

    All the daily range of temperature have decreasing tendency .

  6. 气温日较差有显著变小的趋势;

    Daily range of air temperature is not significant .

  7. 气温日较差对农作物生育、产量和品质等都有很大的影响。

    There is great influence on the crop growth , yield and quality etc.

  8. 气温日较差大,积温有效性高。

    The temperature daily amplitude is big and the accumulated temperature is of high efficiency .

  9. 影响糖份累积的关键气象因子主要是光温积和气温日较差。

    The key factors of sugar accumulation are of main light temperature accumulation and daily range of temperature .

  10. 林窗内气温日较差较小;气温日较差都呈显著的下降趋势;

    Daily range of air temperature is not significant . All the daily range of temperature have decreasing tendency .

  11. 影响西洋参醚浸出物、醇浸出物以及水溶性浸出物含量的主要气候因子均为气温日较差和日照时。

    Daily range of temperature and sunshine duration are main factors influencing the content of ether-soluble , alcohol-soluble and water-soluble components in American ginseng .

  12. 在结构温度作用计算中需气象参数作为其边界条件,主要有日照辐射、气温日较差、风速这三个参数。

    The meteorological parameters , such as solar radiation , temperature difference and wind velocity are boundary conditions in temperature effect analysis of structures .

  13. 完全相关系数法分析表明,气温日较差和平均风速的减小与蒸发皿蒸发量的减少具有最显著的相关性,是蒸发皿蒸发量减少的影响因子。

    And decreases in diurnal temperature range and wind speed were found to be the main influencing factors leading to the decrease of pan evaporation .

  14. 由于日夜增暖的不对称性,导致第二次增暖期比第一次增暖期气温日较差明显变小。

    Because of the asymmetric change of in maximum and minimum temperature , the diurnal temperature ranges become smaller in the second warming period than that of the first .

  15. 引入气温日较差这一便于观测、预报的气象要素表征空气污染物垂直扩散特征,为今后进行污染预报提供了新的思路。

    It introduces a new meteorological factor named air temperature daily range that is easy to observe and forecast for express air pollutants vertical-diffuse character and offers a new way to forecast the atmosphere pollution .

  16. 利用1961~2000年的观测资料,分别对中国不同区域的月、季和年平均气温日较差,以及月较差、季较差和年较差的变化趋势进行了分析。

    Based on China 's daily temperature data during 1961-2000 , we analysed monthly averaged diurnal temperature range , seasonally averaged diurnal temperature range , yearly averaged diurnal temperature range , monthly temperature range , seasonal temperature range and annual temperature range in different areas of China .

  17. 显著表现为气温日较差、年较差大;夏季和白昼太阳辐射强烈,夜间天空长波辐射大;空气干燥,降水稀少;植被稀薄,风疾沙多。

    The Significant performance is there is significant difference between diurnal temperature range and annual temperature range . The solar radiation is strong in summer and day-time and radiation of long wave is large in sky at night . The air is dry and the rainfall is rare .

  18. n2值随各地气温平均日较差增大而增大。

    That of n_2 increases with the increase or the average daily temperature differences in various localities .

  19. 1951~2002年中国平均最高、最低气温及日较差变化

    On Change in Mean Maximum Temperature , Minimum Temperature and Diurnal Range in China During 1951 & 2002

  20. 果园内日平均气温及日较差依次为23.5℃和5.6℃,相应比空旷地的低0.6℃和0.3℃;

    The daily average temperature and daily temperature difference were respectively 23.5 ℃ and 5.6 ℃ which were 0.6 ℃ and 0.3 ℃ respectively lower than those in the open area .

  21. 气象因子对产量的影响后期大于前期,特别是气温、日较差、降水量和日照时数;

    The yield decreases before and after the optimum seeding time ; the influence of meteorological conditions , especially precipitation and sunshine hours in the later season is heavier than that in the early season .

  22. 最高、最低气温和气温日较差的变化具有明显的季节差异。

    The change of daily maximum temperature , daily minimum temperature and daily temperature was obviously different in different seasons .

  23. 灌浆期间的日平均气温和气温日较差与粒重为线性关系,降雨量与粒重则呈二次曲线关系。

    There were linear function relationships of grain weight with daily mean temperature and daily range of temperature during filling period . The relationship of the amount of precipitation with the grain weight was quadratic curve function .

  24. 气候对脂肪含量的影响因子最重要的是1月最高气温、气温日较差、全年平均日照和8月最低气温;

    Of all the climatic elements influencing the grease content , what was the most important were the highest temperature in January , the temperature change in a day , the average hours of sunlight in a year and the lowest temperature in August .

  25. 江淮地区梅雨期最高、最低气温和气温日较差的区域特征明显,在空间上均可分为南区、北区和西区,各区域的长期趋势、突变特征和周期特征各不相同。

    The maximum temperature , minimum temperature and daily range of temperature have obviously region difference , and all of them can be compartmentalized into south area , north area , west area . The secular trend , catastrophe and periodicity character are dissimilar in 3 area .

  26. 隔热涂层用在太阳辐照密度越大、日最高气温越低、日较差越大的地区节能率越高,越有利于发挥其降低空调负荷及日累计能耗的功能;

    The function of the TICs is outstanding in the regions with intensive solar radiation , low outdoor daily maximum temperature and large diurnal temperature range ;

  27. 结果(1)大多数城市在SARS爆发前后,都出现气温、气压和气温日较差的大幅波动,风力微弱。

    Results ( 1 ) The amplitude of air temperature , air pressure and diurnal temperature difference were greater around SARS outbreaks in most of the cities .

  28. 关键气象因子有平均气温、日照时数、气温日较差和雨量。

    The key meteorological factors influencing the rice quality were daily mean temperature , sunshine duration , daily range of temperature and precipitation .

  29. 分析了兰州1932~2002年年平均气温、年平均最高和最低气温及年平均气温日较差的气候变化特征。

    The long-term variation characteristics of annual mean air temperature , annual mean maximum and minimum air temperature and mean daily range from 1932 to 2002 in Lanzhou are analyzed .

  30. 结果表明:(1)年最低气温呈明显上升趋势,而最高气温为下降趋势,因此气温日较差呈显著减小趋势。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) annually , mean minimum temperatures are significantly increasing , but the mean maximum temperatures are decreasing , therefore , the diurnal temperature range are obviously decreasing .