
qì ɡuǎn ruǎn huà
  • tracheomalacia
  1. 目的探讨甲状腺切除术中气管软化的诊断及对策。

    Objective To explore diagnosis and countermeasure of tracheomalacia in thyroidectomy .

  2. 结果气管软化患者术前均有呼吸困难病史。

    Results All patients had the history of breathing difficulty before tracheomalacia .

  3. 巨大甲状腺肿合并气管软化的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and management of tracheomalacia in patients with large goiter

  4. 甲状腺切除术中气管软化的判断及处理

    Judgement and Countermeasure of tracheomalacia in thyroidotomy

  5. 体层摄影诊断气管软化的价值

    Tomography in diagnosis of softening trachea

  6. 7条犬造成气管软化模型后,将支架置入软化部位。

    Altogether 7 stents were successfully implanted into the malacia part of the trachea of 7 mongrels .

  7. 结论手术一旦发现气管软化,可根据软化的程度选择治疗方案,首选气管悬吊术。

    Conclusion Once tracheomalacia occurs during operation , treatment plan can be chosen depending on tracheomalacia levels , trachea suspension is the first choice .

  8. 目的探讨气管支气管软化(TBM)对不同类型充血型先天性心脏病(CHD)患儿术后早期恢复的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of tracheobronchomalacia ( TBM ) on early recovery after surgical repair for different types of congestive congenital heart disease ( CHD ) .

  9. 25例反复或持续喘息患儿,纤支镜术显示炎症所致分泌物阻塞、狭窄14例,气管-支气管软化、狭窄9例,细小异物2例,经局部灌洗给药治疗,获得较满意效果。

    In 25 cases of recurrent and prolonged wheezing , 14 cases were found with stenosis and mucus clog , 9 cases with tracheobronchial softness , stenosis , 2 cases with tiny foreign body . Optimal effect was acquired after bronchoalveolar lavage and administration of drug .

  10. 炎症反应,气管或支气管狭窄,气管或支气管软化在先天性心脏病患儿中较为常见。

    Bronchofiberoscopically , inflammation , tracheobronchial stenosis and tracheobronchial malacia are common in children with congenital heart disease .

  11. 甲状腺切除术后气管悬吊是治疗巨大甲状腺肿合并气管软化的有效方法。

    Subtotal thyroidectomy with tracheal suspension is the treatment of choice for tracheomalacia complicating large goiter .

  12. 目的观察置入气管支架对复发性多软骨炎重度气管软化的疗效及不良反应。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic and adverse effects of metallic intratracheal stent placement in relapsing polychondritis with severe tracheobronchial malacia .

  13. 结论气管支架对复发性多软骨炎重度气管软化,有良好的缓解症状,改善生活质量的作用。

    Conclusions Metallic intratracheal stent placement can really relieve symptoms and improve the life quality in patients with tracheobronchial malacia caused by relapsing polychondritis .

  14. 结论气管支架对良恶性肿瘤引起的气管受压性狭窄,气管软化引起的气管狭窄,有良好的缓解症状,改善生活质量的作用。

    Conclusions Tracheal stents can relieve symptoms and improve the life quality in patients with tracheal stenosis caused by malignant tumors or tracheal malacia .

  15. 结论动态CT是在呼吸状态下研究气管的形态和径线的理想工具,在中国人中,若呼气末时气管横断面面积较吸气末时减少50%以上时,可考虑有气管软化。

    Conclusion The dynamic CT is ideally suited for the study of tracheal dimensions and shape during respiration maneuvers . Among the Chinese , if the cross sectional area of trachea decrease by more than 50 % from inspiration to expiration , diagnosis of tracheomalacia can be established .