
  • 网络tritiated;tritiate
  1. 氚化碘代甲烷的合成及其初步应用

    Synthesis of Tritiated Methyl Iodide and Its Initial Application

  2. 本文介绍了十一种氚化甾族化合物的氚核磁共振谱。

    Tritium NMR spectra of ⅱ tritiated steroids were determined by the authors .

  3. 喹宁环3位标记产品(Ⅲ)是先以喹宁环酮催化氚化制得[3(n)-~3H]喹宁环醇,然后再与二苯羟乙酸甲酯进行酯交换而得。

    3 - ( 3 ( n ) - ~ 3H ) quinuclidinyl benzilate was prepared by catalytic tritiation of quinuclidone , followed by ester exchange with methyl benzilate .

  4. 分子筛吸附柱和热金属镁床是手套箱气氛中氚化水(HTO)搜集和分解处理的一种有效手段。

    A 5A molecular sieve absorption column and a hot decomposing Mg bed are one of the effective means to collect and decompose HTO in glove box atmosphere .

  5. 23-HBA经23位氧化、硼氚化钠还原后制得3H-23-HBA,考察了标记物的纯度和稳定性,并在ICR小鼠、接种肝癌HepA肿瘤的小鼠体内研究其生物分布特征。

    3H-23-HBA was synthesized by oxidation with manganese and deoxidization with tritium-labelled sodium borohydride . The purity and stability of 3H-23-HBA were evaluated by HPLC and TLC , and the dynamic distribution in ICR mice and liver cancer HepA tumor-bearing mice were studied .

  6. 高温固态催化同位素交换法制备氚化氨基酸

    Preparation of Amino Acid With High-temperature Solid-state Catalytic Isotope Exchange Method

  7. 高比活度硼氚化钠的制备及其应用

    The Preparation of High Specific Activity Tritiated Sodium Borohydride and Its Application

  8. 氘/氚化锆热解吸动力学同位素效应

    Kinetic Isotope Effects of Desorption for Zirconium Deuteride and Tritide

  9. 锆钒氚化膜的~3He释放研究

    Study on ~ 3He Release From ZrV_2 Tritide Film

  10. 用聚合物浸渍氚化混凝土固化含氚废水

    Solidification of aqueous tritiated waste with polymer-impregnated tritiated concrete

  11. 氚化水蒸气硅胶取样方法研究

    Development of a Method for Sampling Tritiated Water Vapour in Air by Silicon

  12. 氚化水摄入量-尿氚浓度换算因子的估算

    Evaluation of intake conversion factor for tritiated water

  13. 本文介绍这种注氚化物装置。

    The paper presents the tritide injection equipment .

  14. 金属氚化物中氦行为的研究现状与发展趋势

    Development of Evolution of Helium in Metal Tritides

  15. 氚化示踪剂的辐射-诱导标记

    Radiation-induced labelling of tritiated tracers

  16. 本文研究了用硅胶取样空气中氚化水蒸气的简便方法。

    A simple method for sampling trilaled water vapour in air by silicon gel has been developed .

  17. 通过与文献比较,钛氚化反应的表观活化能明显高于钛氢化和钛氘化的表观活化能。

    The activation energy of titanium-tritium is obviously higher than that of titanium hydrogenation and deuteration from comparing with the reported data .

  18. 氚化物作为示踪剂是一种较理想的认识油层及其流体运动状态的标记物。

    Tritide can be used as a tracer and is an ideal marker of knowing the reservoir and the state of the fluid movement .

  19. 我们应用氚化胸腺嘧啶核苷研究了人的全血培养时影响淋巴细胞转化和同位素参入的一些基本因素。

    Several factors affecting the lymphocyte transformation and the incorporation of tritiated thymidine in phytohemagglutinin ( PHA ) stimulated whole blood culture were investigated .

  20. 本文对钛氢体系中氢的热力学和动力学同位素效应进行了系统研究,其中钛氚化反应的热力学和动力学性能以及氚化钛热解析的动力学性能等在国内外鲜有报道;

    Isotope effects of titanium-hydrogen system in thermodynamics and kinetics were studied . There is few report on thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of titanium tritide reaction up to now .

  21. 为探究金属氚化物老化效应的机理,利用一个装载氘氚老化了2140天的LaNi5床开展实验研究。

    In order to investigate the mechanism about the effects of tritium aging on metal hydride , experiments were performed on some aged LaNi 5 materials which had been loaded with DT and stored at room temperature for 2140 days .

  22. 在氚贮存装置的气体清洗系统中和K-600中子发生器的真空排放系统中,氚化水(蒸气)是用分子筛吸附的。

    Tritiated water in the gas cleaning system of a tritium storage facility and he exhausting system of a K-600 neutron generator is adsorbed on molecular sieves .

  23. 目前被动式氚取样器在国外取得了广泛的应用,它是基于气体分子扩散或渗透原理采集空气中氚化水蒸汽(HTO)样品的一种方法。

    Presently , passive HTO sampler s are being widely used abroad . It samples HTO in air based on the principle of gas molecular diffusion and permeation .

  24. 对氚钛膜中释放的杂质气体组分的研究结果表明,用玻璃真空系统制备的氚化钛样品被油污染比较严重。

    Analysis of impurity release from titanium tritide film shows that samples , prepared in a glass vacuum system would be polluted by oil .