
qīnɡ yǎnɡ huà bèi
  • Barium hydroxide;hydrate of barium
  1. 以电熔刚玉为骨料、氢氧化钡为粘结剂、铝粉为添加剂的型芯混合料在吹入CO2气体后即可实现硬化。

    The core sand mixture using alumina as refractory particle , barium hydroxide as binder , and aluminium power as additive can be hardened by CO_2 .

  2. 从焙烧毒重石生产氢氧化钡的矿渣中回收钡

    Recovery of barium from slag of producing barium hydroxide by calcined

  3. 偶氮胂Ⅲ分光光度法测定八水氢氧化钡中微量锶

    Determination of micro strontium in barium octahydrate by spectrophotometry with arsenazo ⅲ

  4. 八水氢氧化钡制取高纯碳酸钡的研究

    Study On Preparation High Purity Barium Carbonate By Barium Hydroxide

  5. 从氢氧化钡外排母液中提取碳酸钡、氯化钠的研究

    Study on extracting barium carbonate and sodium chloride from the pregnant liquor of barium hydroxide

  6. 氢氧化钡产品生产现状

    Present status of barium hydroxide production

  7. 利用铝酸钡对洗液进行除硫净化,比用氢氧化钡的净化成本低一半,是目前最经济合理的一种净化方法。

    The cost of using Barium aluminate desulphurizing is the half of that of using Barium hydroxid desulphurizing .

  8. 介绍八水氢氧化钡制取高纯碳酸钡的工艺、产品质量及用户使用结果。

    The process quality and using result of high purity barium carbonate prepared with barium hydroxide have been introduced .

  9. 以硫化钡为原料,在水溶液中与氧化铜反应,生成氢氧化钡。

    Abstract The barium hydroxide was produced by the reaction of raw material barium sulfide with the copper oxide in water .

  10. 本文介绍甜水净化处理的两种新方法:偏铝酸钠法和氢氧化钡法。

    This paper introduces two new methods for sweet water depuration in glycerin production the method of sodium aluminate and barium hydroxide .

  11. 以巯基乙酸和氢氧化钡等为原料合成了二(巯基乙酸)钡,试验选择了其优惠工艺条件。

    Barium bisthioglycolate was synthesised under optimum conditions from mercaptoacetic acide and barium hydroxide , and its physical and chemical properties were determined .

  12. 复分解法生产氢氧化钡过程中产生的硫、锌废渣有很高的回收利用价值。

    On the barium hydroxide production run by double decomposition method , produced sulphur and zinc waste residue is of great recovering value .

  13. 其中,掺量小于1.0%的氢氧化钡能改善混凝土的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能。

    Barium hydroxide whose content is less than 1.0 % replacement of cement by mass can suppress the sulfate attack damage for concrete .

  14. 本文着重研究了以氢氧化钡为成核剂和不同用量的无机相变材料六水氯化钙。

    The nucleator of barium hydroxide and its different content for the inorganic phase change material calcium chloride hexahydrate have been studied in this paper .

  15. 合成的氢氧化钡含量为95.1%,达到了工业合格品要求,且钡的单程转化率约为70%。

    The containing of the barium hydroxide is 95.1 % , it has attained to the industry request and the one-way transformation ratio of barium is about 70 % .

  16. 本文的研究对象为:①由氧化锌、锌酸钙、氧化锌和氢氧化钡混合物制备的锌负极②碳酸钾、氟化钾和氢氧化钾混合碱性电解液。

    The study objects of this paper included : ﹝ inc negative electrodes prepared by zinc oxide , calcium zincate , compound of zinc oxide and barium hydroxide ; ( 2 ) potassium carbonate , potassium fluoride and potassium hydroxide alkaline electrolyte .

  17. 系统地研究了各种固体碱催化剂催化柠檬醛与丙酮缩合制备假性紫罗兰酮的反应活性及选择性,用氢氧化钡或大孔强碱性阴离子交换树脂催化,产品收率高达95%。

    Various solid-base catalysts were used in the condensation of citral with acetone , and the reactive activity and selectivity were well examined . Using barium hydroxide or basic ion exchanger , the yield of the reaction was up to 95 % .

  18. 锌负极活性物质为氧化锌和氢氧化钡混合物时,氢氧化钡与溶于电解液中的二氧化碳复合成碳酸钡,氧化锌不能与氢氧化钡复合,很快溶于碱性电解液中。

    While cathodic active materials were prepared by the mixture of zinc oxide and barium hydroxide , barium hydroxide changed into barium carbonate by combining with carbon dioxide which was dissolved in electrolyte and zinc oxide could not combine with barium hydroxide and dissolved in electrolyte quickly .

  19. 结果表明:采用不锈钢阳极和阴离子膜可提高镀液稳定性,防止二价锰被氧化,加入氢氧化钡可消除因补充锌锰离子而积累的硫酸根离子。

    Results show that the adoption of stainless steel anode wrapped with anion membrane improves the bath stability and avoids the oxidation of manganous ions . Moreover , the addition of barium hydroxide can remove the excessive sulfate ions caused by the replenishment of zinc and manganous ions .